Beasts of Beyond
A song can be sung :: Setting up - Printable Version

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A song can be sung :: Setting up - Night of No Stars - 02-23-2023

The tiny form of Mr. Snuggles walked into the new center. Dragging Livingdead along with paper and pens. The male had he set him up a little area near the door. His paper and pen set up and a small pillow for his own comfort. After a bit, Livingdead leaves. Her name in the books for visiting to help him.

He enjoys helping and this was something other than doing some disections. The man offered a soft hum as he wrote the names of a few visiting npcs and their reasons. Most just curious. The hamster simply offered a nod and carried on each time.

actions | "speech" | attacking
i'm not afraid of fading

Re: A song can be sung :: Setting up - AEGON - 02-24-2023

The welcoming center brought in new faces, something Aegon admired and wished to explore. With Mr. Snuggles in charge of it, there was surely to be some intriguing activities too. At least he hoped. With that in mind, the lion padded on over to the welcoming center and waited for his turn to enter. He lightly pushed through the entrance in due time, poking his head around in search of someone to conspire with. His pastel gaze jumped between a few animals conversing, others standing by themselves, but ultimately settled on the smaller being at the front.

Aegon slyly pushed through the crowd and landed near the front of the crowd before the hamster. Before speaking, he offered a respective dip of his head. "It appears things are bustling in here," he lamely offered. There were plenty of new faces for him to prod at and observe in due time, but, for now, he stuck with familiarity and offered a gesture of respect to the hamster's newfound position. "Congratulations, little one." The name was not meant to be rude. In fact, it was supposed to be humble and admiring.

Re: A song can be sung :: Setting up - Night of No Stars - 02-25-2023

The smaller being looked up at Aegon after a moment. Noting him as a visitor to the center before offering a wave with a tiny paw. The male was happy to hear the words spoken. The fact he was trusted with this was enough to make him excited as was. A bit of praise was an added blessing. The necrohamster offered a soft chuckle.  "These are just the ones curious about things going on. Wait till i start holding events." He was already planning a meet and greet. Maybe even a few game nights.

"Thank yiu. It feels great knowing that Olalla trusts me." He adds with a soft smile pulling the corners of his maw.

actions | "speech" | attacking
i'm not afraid of fading