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[Monthly News : February] Soul of Something Simple - Printable Version

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[Monthly News : February] Soul of Something Simple - Olalla - 02-22-2023

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla's body lumbered through the plaza, saliva thick and heavy against his mouth as it threatened to spill over his lips; droplets of spit escaping as he walked. The air was hot as it entered the beast's nose in a rushing way, as if he couldn't take a deep enough breath to satisfy his lungs. However black and slick with sickness as they may be.

The beast cleared his throat, hoarse with mucus but nonetheless present. He let out his announcing bellow although now it was strained as all hell and whistly to those who looked for it. It hurt his throat to produce such a resounding, yet pinched sound and Olalla wondered just how long he was going to be sick for. He had things to do, god damn it!

"Right, listen up!" Olalla had no interest in using fancy vocabulary today; no interest in playing mind games with words that had more than three syllables, as fun as it was. "Our first item of business. The Aviary is finished, as per our last meeting, we're working on running clean water into the dome to fertilize and rejuvenate the soil that's in it so that we might be able to plant some trees and shrubs in it." And there he went, using big words. His throat already hurt and he just wanted to go back to his nice, warm, comfy bed.

A thick, long line of spit fell from his lip and hit the sandy boards of the raised platform. "There have been many Bloodings recently. Congratulations to those who have come back to the Pitt alive. We come into this world through pain, and we will die through pain. One less agony in the world is a world better made." Olalla cleared his throat lightly before itching his face with a paw. "I am proud to call you Pittians. Each and every one of you." Sickened yellow eyes fluttered from face to face within the crowd, landing on Kold just a little while longer than the rest.

"I'm sure you all have noticed, a few faces are missing from our crowd. It is not unusual for the jungle to take life of which it has sustained." He paused, searching for the right words as not to alarm the group. "However. Seeing as our neighboring groups are not seeing eye to eye, it might do us some good to check in with them. Specifically check in the camps to see if our missing faces are there." Olalla cleared his face of flies, jaw clenching in a sore attempt of a squeeze.

The flies were irritating and only seemed to be gathering in the thousands as his sickness drew on. They bit and they buzzed and the fought upon his face; a war upon a vessel that didn't want to be it. Parasitic, if nothing else. "Secondly. The Welcome Centre is finalized and ready for use. Mr. Snuggles, I'm putting you in charge of documenting everyone and everything that walks in and out of that door." The beast looked at the small hamster, then to Kold with her criticizing gaze. "You'll be in direct contact with Kold with written - can you write? You can write, right? Whatever, you'll learn."

"Moving on-" he said briskly, eyes now staring down the silky pelted feline. Aegon. "Aegon, from the moment I stepped foot into the Pitt you've been nothing but elusive and quick-witted. You have brains, brains that I could use on the borders of the Pitt. I want you as the new Councilman of Imports and Exports. Jormungand, I was a fool to put you within this rank." His brows shifted slightly downward. "Do not make me regret my decision, Aegon. I'm trusting you."

Olalla blinked away the wretched flies that squabbled over the sweat that threatened to fall from his head. "Jor that now leaves you rankless. And though I hate doing it, it must be done. Bai Shi, I'm removing you from the Counsel. Your head is not where it needs to be right now. Jormungand, you are now Councilman of Arms." He paused. That left Relations and Agriculture open. Who better to fill the role of Relations than a charming face and a demanding voice.

"NightofNoStars. You've shown an interesting grow of character and I applaud you for it. You will be my new Councilman of Relations. I trust you will not disappoint me." The beast raised his brows as he notioned toward the dark pelted feline. "You will be in direct contact with ambassadors if they show they're faces upon our borders as well as co-operator of the Welcome Centre with Kold. Play nice."

He took a new stance now, body rigid and arched as if it were slithering under its own skin as he cleared his throat. Olalla looked at the crowd now with brows furrowed. "Lastly, Bai Shi, Chernabog, Vioptoises, as the biggest members of our group, I will need your help with constructing the forge and the aqueducts. We will need a few volunteers to explore the caverns toward the edge of the canyon to mine for iron or trade for iron at the docks." The beast nodded his head in self-assurance, he prayed to whatever gods dwelled in the wretched red river that there was iron veins within the caves. "Hell if you have to steal nails and sheets out of villages then so be it."

With his main points out of the way, Olalla swayed his body a bit more openly with a raised brow. "Before I slink away to the Eruidite's surgical table," the beast chuckled in a joking manner, although who knows at this point. "Does anyone have any questions or concerns or points of interest? I'd be happy to hear from everyone here. "

Re: [Monthly News : February] Soul of Something Simple - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 02-23-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

an ear flicked as jormungand studied the weakened state of the animal, and jor cast a glance at his daughter as olalla's gaze lingered on her a bit too long. he had no qualms, but maybe someone should check on the ardent. there were flies buzzing around his head, and that was no good thing for any animal living or dead.

at his.. demotion? jormungand frowned. to simply have aegon slide into the place of councilman of imports and exports irked the panther a little, but to be fair jormungand hadn't quite grasped the role properly. then, bai shi was demoted, and booted off the council, which caused his optics to widen slightly as he turned to seek the larger animal. when found, he'd give the other a solemn nod before olalla announced him as the one to replace bai shi's ranking. councilman of arms.  he dipped his head, accepting the title. he wasn't one to argue with the word of the ardent, plus, he liked battle, so the panther was sure he'd settle into his role just fine.

olalla then asked if there was anyone who would like to say something before he left, and jormungand stood up. "olalla, as you have mentioned, during the monthly meeting there has been more than a little bit of chaos that has happened, started between tanglewood and the typhoon. i have tried seeing to that all our members have left, but i would not mind heading into, ah, the typhoon, to have a look and see if any of our missing members are dwelling there." he offered. he didn't know who the pittian ambassadors really were, nor if they were still around, but he felt he should at least establish some kind of place on the council with his new rank. best to check on the health and wellbeing of the other groups before planning a counterattack of his own, no?

Re: [Monthly News : February] Soul of Something Simple - Night of No Stars - 02-23-2023

The call brought the smaller being over and then, well, he heard the announcements. Ears twitching as he was tasked with keeping a list of everyone coming and going from the center. The question made him chuckled and he nodded. "yes, i can. I will get to work as soon as possible." Her replied as he tapped his little staff on the earth beside him. He could handle a staff so a pen was nothing. He learned that long ago. Though his writing was normally in blood.

actions | "speech" | attacking
i'm not afraid of fading

Re: [Monthly News : February] Soul of Something Simple - Night of No Stars - 02-23-2023

the call brought the dark lion forward on silent paws. Meetings and news. He hardly cared for such things. Yet, as he heard his name as a councilman or relations, he let his ears perk. He hardly expected this and he rather liked it. He could tell Sakura and impress them more.

His eyes glinted with pride and he shook his mane out. Head held high and tail swishing. "I wont let you down. I will start by getting our ambassadorsin order, and go from there." he did not recall who they were, but he was going to find out. He would make some baskets or something for them to take and visit the alleys. Maybe even the lesser groups.

Perhaps it would be a good endeavor.

actions | "speech" | attacking
sometimes i sleep all day

Re: [Monthly News : February] Soul of Something Simple - Night of No Stars - 02-23-2023

Now, vio could care less about meetings and rules. He only stayed and did that blooding thing to be with chernabog.  So, he came in time to hear his help was needed. But so was hers and that other dragon bai shi. Blinking, he nods in silence. Watching the others and waiting for chern to arrive.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? and i am the devil that you forgot

Re: [Monthly News : February] Soul of Something Simple - AEGON - 02-24-2023

Upon arriving, Aegon held interest in seeing the activities that would proceed. The Pitt had to have something going on, right? Thankfully, upon settling down and listening, it appeared that there were a few things going on. With rounded ears perked as he sat down, he listened to Olalla rattle off a few things. An aviary, bloodings, and more. He had yet to see the aviary for himself, but was pleased to hear that it was finally complete. Perhaps, if possible, he could gain a companion. For outlawing slavery, The Pitt had a lot to do with keeping 'pets' though... Aegon though the contradiction was quite hilarious.

As the lion continued to listen to the rest, he could only offer a yawn. Rank changes... Boring. Wait? His name was called. Aegon's attention zoned back in to listen. Jormungand was demoted, rightfully, from their position and thrown aside. Instead, he was the new master of imports and exports. Little did they know, the horseman enjoyed keeping trinkets of his adventures. It was the one thing he was sentimental of, despite the memories. Pleased by this, he could offer a low dip of his head towards the leader and a reassuring reply. "You will not regret your decision," he rumbled.

As for the rest, he merely listened with the intent of picking out things for him to do in his new rank. The forge and the aqueducts seemed to be of interest, along with mining for goods along the edge's caverns. He hummed at the thought of offering, but instead went a different route. "If I may, I'll be using the Ashen City to set up trading," he offered. "I'm going to need a few bodies."