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They had fucking tons of new members this week, and beyond that, not all of the ones from last week had gotten their shards from the Starpool yet. So, Bastille took it upon himself to yell for any new comers to come with him and lead them out to the Starpool, where he stood now to explain Starry's traditions. "New members are expected to find a meteorite shard from the Starpool when they join. We will take them and craft your pendant and beads for you. If you're a Fireball, you'll receive these as you go through and complete your training. If you're an Observer, we'll get your pendant back to you in a few days." A pause, before he jerked his head towards the waters. "So... have fun, or something."

[ [member=913]white[/member] [member=876]august basil[/member] [member=465]wren basil[/member] [member=929]ICHORUS[/member] [member=948]geddy[/member] [member=226]xion.[/member] [member=911]Dale Cooper.[/member] [member=950]JOEL ★[/member] [member=853]GORDON CIPHER.[/member] @BLAKE @NEFERPITOU @V. NOVIS [member=836]Cutebunny50[/member] ]

Re: SUNGLASSES & ADVIL | OPEN + NEW MEMBERS - galexiux - 06-03-2018

  We were required to carry.... rocks... on our head? Around our neck? Ohhh I could feel mine throbbing in pain just at the thought. Great. Not only do I have to carry a giant box on my head, i also have to carry a space rock? Why?? I groan, my speakers crying out with sounds of rain and thunder. I shook my head gently to clear my thoughts.

  I raised a paw. Mister, 'Steille? Is it required? I understood it was like. A tradition and all that but like... I nervously rubbed at the back of my neck, nervously fiddling with the wires sewn into my skin like a soft toy's thread. You can imagine how heavy my head already is. I don't think I can add anything on... I expressed my thoughts. Maybe I can do an alternative route?



Bastille squinted slightly at that name, but decided not to question it. He didn't really care what people called him, frankly, and besides -- more important concerns. He gave a slight shake of his head, remembered that White didn't seem to see as they did or at least in the same way, and said, "Uh, yes and no. Yes, you need to get a shard so we can make you a pendant. No, you don't have to wear it all the time. You can just keep it in your room or some shit instead of adding the... weight. Or whatever." A pause, as he added, "People seem to be pretty evenly split on wearing or not."

Re: SUNGLASSES & ADVIL | OPEN + NEW MEMBERS - charrie graveyard - 06-04-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]Hobbling over, the wolf gave Bastille a strange look for a brief second. A... meteorite shard? From the Starpool? Wasn't that the lake he had crashed into? Whoops... if he had known that lake was important, he probably wouldn't have fallen in there- but then again, it had saved his life... ah well, it didn't seem like anyone minded. "A meteorite shard, huh? Alright, seems easy enough... maybe..." Joel said, gazing off to the side as his words trailed off. It made him wonder what his pendant would look like at the end when it was all finished. It was interesting tradition, that was for sure, and although he himself wasn't a fan of jewelry, maybe he would make an exception this time and wear it.

Re: SUNGLASSES & ADVIL | OPEN + NEW MEMBERS - august basil - 06-04-2018

now this, this was something that august actually found slightly interesting. from the hoops dangling from his ears, you could probably tell that he wasn't opposed to wearing jewellery. a pendant would be cool, unless it turned out to be some sort of shit design or something. did he have to design it himself? but like bastille had already explained to white, the pendant was completely optional to wear, just as long as you had one. yeah, this was okay. "i got that." he commented from where he'd been standing, fiery eyes focused on the starpool. this seemed pretty easy, all you had to do was find a shard of meteorite. was there something more to it? august didn't doubt that, honestly. he wondered how the designs of the pendant were decided on; was it random, or was there something more in there? maybe he'd just hand the shard off to someone and let them do the designing. he could possibly just smash it if it was so horrible he couldn't even bear to have it in his possession.

Re: SUNGLASSES & ADVIL | OPEN + NEW MEMBERS - bubblegum - 06-04-2018

geddy — male — the ascendants
he had joined here to find a new home, not to be apart of some big ass cult. so, when he heard about the pendants, he felt skeptical. but, he had already made the effort of meeting all these new faces and seeing around the territory. plus, they weren't required to wear it, so he supposed it was fine. whatever. he'd just throw it away if he didn't really like it. he wondered why it was required in the first place if they didn't have to wear it, but he supposed it must be some historical shit that he just didn't really know about, nor care about too much. it was like him and his pants, kind of.

finding and carrying a meteorite shard didn't sound super hard - especially if they were all looking for 'em. surely there must be some close together. "oy, noted, mister." he assumed this guy must be the leader or some shit. he'd work on getting to know the guy better later, probably. he didn't wanna be cooped up with a bunch of strangers after all - especially if he was gonna have to be takin' orders from them or whatever. the iguana stood sort of near joel, since that was the only fellow out of the bunch right now that he seemed to recognize. he still had a lot of introducing to do.

Re: SUNGLASSES & ADVIL | OPEN + NEW MEMBERS - galexiux - 06-04-2018

  I whined, taking a few heavy steps towards the star pool's surface. Water... It had to be water. Why couldn't they just plunge me directly into a volcano or something? They... wern't that far down. I could probably reach them with no trouble but... I place one paw into the water. My organics were fine with the liquid. It was... my shoulders up that I was worried about. I took a deep breath, and exhaled. I could do this. I signed up for this, anyways. I don't have a choice.

  My other paw was submerged into the liquid below. How could anyone do this? Even normal people would drown underwater. I preferred having my paws on the ground. I inhaled, my breathing slowly increasing. I sweated, taking another step forward. The water was up to my knees at this point. All it took was one trip for me to go spiraling into darkness. I might or might not wake back up. I took another step. I could almost reach a stone. The water was licking at my shoulders. My breathing hitched, raising my neck up, exposing the wires threaded into my skin. I gently grazed the stones, leaning forward an inch. I can do this... I can do this...

  AHHH I CAN'T DO THIS! My feet backpedaled back up the bank. I skidded back a few feet and tumbled onto my back. I fell with a mighty thud, the sound of electronics and metal being clanked around. I groaned, reaching an aching hand to rub at my screen.

I can't do it...

It had to be water...


Re: SUNGLASSES & ADVIL | OPEN + NEW MEMBERS - Margaery - 06-04-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Normally, she would never attend something like this. It wasn't because she despised newcomers or anything of that sort - quite the opposite actually - but rather, because she and Bastilleprisoner were on... strange terms. And by strange, she wholeheartedly meant that he hated her. That knowledge on its own had succeeded in gnawing at her day and night, causing that familiar stone of guilt to once more settle upon her fragile shoulders. She was always messing up. She was always proving to everyone that she was just as awful as she thought. She wasn't meant to be a mot-

The sound of sudden distress stirred Margaery from her thoughts and forced her to return to reality and specifically, White. Fetching a shard would have to be hard when you were linked to a television of sorts, their panic was more than justifiable. [color=#b14767]"Hey, hey," She began quietly, soothingly, [color=#b14767]"Would you like me to help you? I'll grab as many shards as I can and then you can pick." Her own pendent gleamed around her neck, the fleur-de-lis symbol half hidden by the rose and her mother's ring. [color=#b14767]"Margaery, if you've forgotten," She added quickly, a smile blooming upon her face. She was trying to resemble the being she had been before this nasty pregnancy and the ordeal with Bast... trying not to succumb to total beastliness in the wake of all of her issues. [color=#b14767]"Let me know when you're ready."


Oh, Gordon remembered hearing about this tradition. New members had to go to the Starpool to find a meteorite shard, and since she was going to be an Observer, it would be taken to be crafted. Though Gordon didn't expect to be joined by so many people. She made her way over when Bastille requested her, and stopped beside Margaery. She blinked at White's reaction, wide-eyed in worry for the weird looking feline. "Are-are you okay?" She mewed towards White, frowning. She would wait before asking Margaery for help as well, since she was worried about the water herself. Being such a small cat, wouldn't she drown? What if she tripped? She couldn't swim very well, so of course having to find a shard inside the pool was scary.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━


He shrugged at Joel's comment, and supplied, "Uh, yeah. There are other stones and shit in there, but the meteorite shards are pretty common, since this pool was created by one, y'know? It shouldn't take you too long to fish one out." He gave August a nod, since it didn't really seem like he needed anything else from Bast, and then White was shrieking and he was jerking slightly in alarm. He glanced over his shoulder, realized belated that White probably had an issue with the water, or at least a fear of it, what with that damn TV stuck on their head. "Ah, shit, White--" he started, taking a step forward, but he stopped short when Margaery made an appearance.

There was no outward reaction to her presence, no flicker of... anything, really. He simply glanced between the two of them, and added, "Yeah, White, you don't need to go into the pool. It's fine. Shit, you should have said something." It hadn't occurred to him, frankly, though it should have. Fuck. He scowled slightly, glancing to Gordon as she arrived with a distracted nod. "Right, so, if anyone else has a problem or something with water, just... let me know. No need to give yourselves panic attacks or anything, fuck."

[ also finna sneak the new babs in here [member=973]OAKPAW S.[/member] [member=986]billiam cipher[/member] [member=981]pixel.[/member] ]