Beasts of Beyond
I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU // FEBRUARY MEETING (2/22/23) - Printable Version

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[td]Konnt ihr mich fühlen? (Wir fühlen dich)
After the traveling, Josiah was relieved to see the familiar markings for The Covenant's territory. The lykoi felt so small, now. So weak compared to his beastly wolf body. He could smell the blood, the scorched fur still. And he could smell the hurried scent of his group as they most definitely fled into the homes they loved. Sylvester was in charge until he returned, and returned the mighty Fauls did. Just not as big as before.

Entering the hold, he spotted the silver fox almost immediately, surrounded by Covenant members, demanding their next moves. He could see the panic in the boy's face and sympathy set in, reminded of his own youth. And he saw Morana, beautiful, deadly Morana, conversing with a canine in the far off corner. The Sentinel noted the bandages on his body, though no severe injuries, and headed for his abode.

He felt so much taller, even though his size was a hinderance, as he stood upon the balcony. And his voice, booming and ever so recognizable, roared over the crowd. "Covenant! Gather before your Sentinel!" Shocked whispers, Sylvester and Morana both looking from where they were with mild shock in their eyes. And the Sentinel smiled, watching the crowd grow bigger and bigger.  [/td][/tr][/table]
( ☆ ) Ich versteh euch nothing | @ YOURNAMEHERE
@ teef

Re: I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU // FEBRUARY MEETING (2/22/23) - Casphian - 02-22-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
Come along with me
And the butterflies and bees!
-- Polar/Tiger hybrid. Covenant.
Mishka had been sat off to the side, watching Sylvester try his best to control the crowd. She wanted to offer some type of support and help but alas the bear was unable to do anything. She wasn’t sure where to start with helping or what she could even do. But it wouldn’t be long before a familiar voice rung out and called for a meeting. Her gaze drifted over towards Josiah, taking in his new body and huffing slightly at the fact he even had it. Mishka drifted over to the gathering crowd. Sitting down amongst the rest of the creatures.

Freyja wouldn’t be too far behind the rest. They hadn’t been gathered with the others but had quickly caught the familiar scent. They weren’t sure if it was just a trick of their imagination or not so they had followed after the scent. They would find themselves behind the gathering crowd, shocked gaze staring up at Josiah.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- We can wander through the forest
And do so as we please !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy


[td]Konnt ihr mich fühlen? (Wir fühlen dich)
"Ladies, Gentlemen, those who do not subscribe to gender binaries," He started, shooting a glance to Freyja before looking back over the group, "Yes, It is I, Josiah Fauls." He let the whispers run before he started again. "As many might have seen, my wolf body had been... barbequed? Scorched, perhaps? I hardly remember, to be honest. But! I want to know what happened after I died. After that, I'll tell you all what the plan is." He scanned his eyes over the crowd, then flung a paw out toward Sylvester. "Sylvie! Why don't you tell the class."

Silence fell upon the crowd, all eyes turned to Sylvester. Josiah watched his shocked face become calm. Impressive. "After Romulus killed you, another group had arrived. They fought everyone they could find. I managed to get everyone out before one of our own was taken. I couldn't catch the name of the group, but the leader seemed to be a giant black lion." He stopped, and nodded to Josiah. He nodded back, then addressed the group as a whole.

"Alright! Well, we should keep an eye out for this new group, eh? Alongside that, Romulus' little Coalition has proven worthy of our attention. We will be neutral... for now. As for the other groups, I don't know them, and I don't care to know them." He grinned, "Feel free to attack their members as you see fit. Just don't make yourselves known just yet. One last thing, I'm looking for a Centurion, as well as new Council members. Prove yourself, and you may find yourself a little higher on the food chain."

"Unless anyone else has anything to add, this meeting is dismissed." The tom sat down, and let people do as they pleased.  [/td][/tr][/table]
( ☆ ) Ich versteh euch nothing | @ YOURNAMEHERE
@ teef