Beasts of Beyond
SO HEARTLESS // Gator + Injuries - Printable Version

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SO HEARTLESS // Gator + Injuries - SirDio - 02-21-2023

The hybrid snorted as he walked, fatty body swaying with each step and his massive paws sinking into mud with each heavy motion. The wounds on his neck were very minimal, mostly because of the fat layer and partly due to the thick fur around his neck. The island conflict was dull in his mind, much like many things as he grew.

A low rumble had stopped him in his tracks, and he didn't have enough time to react before a gator had erupted from a nearby pond and bit down on his left forepaw. He grunted, lifting his paw up before it started to roll, wrenching his wrist and dislocating the paw, making him roar. Using his other paw, he slapped at the gator, forcing it to release him and hiss in agony.

Unable to form words out of adrenaline, pain, and anger, Liqueor simply roared at the alligator, snorting like an angry elk as it slowly retreated. After a moment, he started to limp away, growling to himself as he looked at his wrist.

Re: SO HEARTLESS // Gator + Injuries - tanglewoodian - 02-21-2023

dion was not one to care to much about what happened to others. he did, however, hate feral alligators. the rumbling drew him over and he spotted the attack. eyes burning with rage, the hybrid bellowed and crashed forward. by the time he was near the other hybrid, the gator was retreating into the distance. he snapped his jaw a few times.

then, the hybrid turned his head to the male beside him. watching them limp away and deciding to follow after. silent as he lumbered along beside the injured member. "do you want a ride?" the wolf/bear beast was not to big for the alligator/turtle to help. after all, he was stronger than he looked.

actions | "speech" | attacking
if i told you what i was

Re: SO HEARTLESS // Gator + Injuries - Casphian - 02-21-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken was not prepared to deal with an injured Liqueor today. Or honestly any day of the week. Yet here he was, traversing through the swamp and just minding his own business when he heard the familiar roar of Liqueor. The Hellhound rushed forwards, not caring for whatever might be in his path and just trampling over everything. His Liqueor was in trouble and he had to get there quickly. Finally he skidded to a stop, noticing that the feral alligator was retreating back to wherever it come from. His heart pounding in his chest he turned towards Liqueor, ears flattened to the side with the fur on his neck raised. "Liqueor what the fuck?!"