Beasts of Beyond
Well I'm a lot like you『 Raymond 』 - Printable Version

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Well I'm a lot like you『 Raymond 』 - Lucedon - 02-21-2023

[Image: sSspxtOx60pP_large.jpg]

She recognizes that panther from a distance, he had been one of the tanglewoodians to greet her when she had just joined. Or well at least offered and convinced to join...

She slowly walks up to him. Maybe she can make a new friend. Maybe he wants to hear some of her adventures and the places she's discovered as well as the things she's accomplished. It's all worth a try in the end since there's no way she can mess up that badly.

She walks up to him carelessly, as her tail bushes up a bit, she's awkwardly smaller than the panther as a feline is just... smaller. "Hey. Name's Raymond, right? I saw you before" she started off boldly, showing no signs of the slight fear of being rejected an opportunity to speak.

"What are you doing today?" she asks. What can the panther be doing thats interesting today? Perhaps he's planning on going on his own adventure, now thats something she definitely has experience with. She'd probably give the best advice on that.

Or maybe he's just chilling today. Even though that's probably the most boring thing on her imaginary to-do list she can deal with it if its to make a new friend. Crossed fingers it doesnt get that boring though. She cant even imagine what she would do.

-- [member=23694]Raymond[/member]
[glow=COLOR2,2,300]The world was never nice[/glow] — Character Plotter

Re: Well I'm a lot like you『 Raymond 』 - Raymond - 02-21-2023

Raymond had been in his home for quite awhile now, tidying up the area and arranging some of the furniture he found in the junkyard. That said, it was time for a break. With a sigh, he let himself press against the door and pushed. The wooden door opened with a shrill creak. Then the panther stepped out. He took a deep breath. In. Out. The aromas of the swamp filled his nose. The stench of the area was not pleasant, but it was homely enough to bring some pleasure, at least.

Large, youthful paws led themselves down the patio steps and onto the soft gross of Tanglewood's land. His green gaze looked out at the horizon for a moment, contemplating what to do next. Thankfully, an answer arrived right on time. In the distance, a silhouette appeared. They were a familiar face, but not someone he had become acquainted with just yet, despite the nickname Raymond gave them. Perhaps, he thought, he should say hello.

She beat him to the punch though. As the smaller feline approached, he lowered his head and offered a polite dip of it. "Raymond, yes," he answered. "You're Lucedon..." The usually cold feline tilted his head to the side, observing the other. "Luce, if that's okay." That sounded a lot better to him, at least. It rolled off the tongue easier, but he could not quite remember if she agreed to the name or not. It was better to inquire.

A hum left the panther. What was he doing? Quite literally, at the moment, nothing. "Talking to you, I suppose," he slyly answered. A cheeky smile curled upon his maw for a moment, only to fade away moments later back into his usual cold expression. "I suppose you don't have anything better to do if you're talking to me." Self-deprecating, indeed.

Rather than standing still and chatting awkwardly, the panther gestured to the ground with a paw and offered a seat. Thankfully, he followed his own advice and followed in suit. Wrapping his tail around his paws, he sat tall, but continued to look down at her in interest. "Tell me about yourself," he prodded gently. "You have to come from somewhere." She was traveler, but everyone had an origin or a story, didn't they?

Re: Well I'm a lot like you『 Raymond 』 - Lucedon - 02-21-2023

[Image: zero-two-smile.gif]

A smile spilled onto her face quickly when the tom suggested the nickname that he had given her earlier. "Yeah Yeah, I dont mind" she grinned.

It was sort of straightforward. What was he doing... before that then? The answer felt like it was being used to cover something up that he didnt want to tell her. But he wouldnt do that. She was positive. A hundred percent sure.

She made an amused snort as the tip of her tail flicked. "Well, you got that right" she didnt have much to be doing. Especially with the fact that she knew practically no one that she'd seen from her previous encounter.

The question slightly takes her by surprise. Tell him about herself? What does he want to know specific? As her jaws part to ask the question he answers it, as if reading her mind. "I used to live in a barn far away from here, thats for sure" she answered.

"All the creatures there looked so... odd. So I thought, 'what about out there?' as I had used to be scared of leaving the barn. Then I left, and it was totally worth it" she said. "You should try it someday, even if its just for a single night out. You get to feel free" she said, just a drop of wistfulness in her voice.

"Are you planning on going somewhere?" she asked, her head tilting upwards to meet eye contact. "Something big?" a glimmer of mischief sparkled in her eyes while her tone was slightly aimed as a playful tease

[glow=COLOR2,2,300]The world was never nice[/glow] — Character Plotter