Beasts of Beyond
Wonders of the world 『 LUCEDON STORAGE 』 - Printable Version

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Wonders of the world 『 LUCEDON STORAGE 』 - Lucedon - 02-20-2023

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[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: gray; margin-top: -16px;"]LUCEDON !
full name. Lucedon Cypraea
nicknames. Luce

sex. AFAB
gender. She/Her - Female

physical age. 3 Years
mental age. 2 Years
spiritual age. nah

group. Pioneer/None -> Tanglewood
rank. Loner -> Member
titles. n/a

species. Domestic feline
appearance. Short haired domestic feline. Dilute calico with shiny blue eyes. Her ears are always sharp and perked upwards, they can twist at an odd angle both left and right at will. Her fur is short yet very soft and fluffy as she always likes to fluff it up like a pillow every day in the morning and before sleep to maintain that texture and appearance. She is not a clean freak and will jump in mud but clean it right after.
modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. n/a

discovered powers. n/a
mastered powers. n/a
future powers. n/a

deep inside.
personality type. ESTP Enneagram 8w7
positive traits. Smart. Energetic. Persevere.
negative traits. Talkative. Jaded at times. Jumpy.
personality description. Lucedon is very energetic and smart. She likes to think outside the box just because she can rather than actually have a real goal to do so. As a former pioneer she has gained lots of perseverance and is able to push on and do things and not quit very easily as travelling in weather conditions that aren't that much of the best come way more than just time to time. She is very talkative and also very jumpy when seeing creatures larger than her, also making her an easy target to prank or scare. She can easily get fed up with something after having or doing something for quite a while (hence the reason she joined Tanglewood after being sick of travelling)

mental disorders. n/a
emotional disorders. n/a
quirks. n/a

goals/dreams. Getting someone to admire her
fears. Being thrown under the bus

- Originally a travelling pioneer
- Currently in Tanglewood but has no idea about all the tension

generation. n/a
parents. n/a
siblings. n/a

romantic orientation. Bisexual
sexual orientation. Bisexual
crushes. n/a
love interests. n/a

romantic partner. n/a
children. n/a
best friend. n/a
mentor. n/a
apprentice. n/a
enemies. n/a

Human by Rag'n'bone Man
New Rules by Dua Lipa
One Day by Imagine Dragons

[this biography is not 100% complete!]

Re: Wonders of the world 『 LUCEDON STORAGE 』 - Lucedon - 02-22-2023

last updated: 02/22/2023

Welcome to Lucedon's heart chart! Lucedon is confident and makes friends easily as well as being very introverted! Now lets just dive into her heart chart right away!


[div style="text-align: left; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 20px; color: white; letter-spacing: 1.5px;"]CHARACTER
" lyrics
lyrics "
"Your character's in-person spoken opinion here!"

Your character's internal thoughts here!
