Beasts of Beyond
Fallin' into your ocean eyes 『 Joining 』 - Printable Version

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Fallin' into your ocean eyes 『 Joining 』 - Lucedon - 02-18-2023

[Image: darling-in-the-franxx-zero-two-pfp-3.jpg]

Everything, from her very birth to this day, not a single experience she had was unique. She'd heard of the many tales all those explorers had. She wanted to become one of them. Little did younger Lucedon know the struggles of those days, the things she'd have to face. And soon enough she gave up. She wasnt meant to be unique and special.

She'd heard of the things that people told. Belonging to somewhere. The words felt odd yet familiar even in thought, not even said aloud for those around her to hear. Not that she had much to do around her. So when she had heard of a group living here. It sounded like somewhere that suited her.

Maybe somewhere she could go for once.

Without hesitation she would walk over and sit by the border. She'd seen other animals around here before. Nice wings and horns, nice and pretty looks that they'd have. But she was simple, very simple. And she was completely fine that way, she wouldnt trade her life for anything. Even if her life did totally suck.

Glassy amber eyes flicker as her eyes turn, her pawsteps getting slightly louder to anyone possibly nearby as she nears to where she supposes is their border. If they have one. Though her tail curls up in a neat manner, over her paws. With her ears perked for signs of any life nearby. Maybe she'd see something new

OOC: Lucedon is a future Tanglewood member so I would like this joining to be successful!

[glow=COLOR2,2,300]The world was never nice[/glow] — Seashell inspo

Re: Fallin' into your ocean eyes 『 Joining 』 - Casphian - 02-18-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Today was not the best day for the Hellhound. Yet another nightmare plagued their dreams last night and left him waking up at the ass crack of Dawn. But he was honestly used to it at this point but that didn’t make him any less cranky afterwords.

He was traversing through the territory, trying to keep away from unwanted company but life just loved to fuck with him. The scent of an unwanted visitor drifted across his path, gaze narrowing slightly. He did not feel like dealing with creatures today.

But he stilled turned towards the direction of the scent, seeming to glide across as he walked. Silent steps carried him into a bush where he would peak through and take notice of the smaller form of a feline. He let out a low growl as he finally pushed his way through, head lifting a bit as he stepped out of the bush. “Who are you and what do you want?” He snapped, tone leaving no room for silly antics. His gaze glared at the other through the holes of the skull atop his head. “This is Tanglewood’s territory that you’re currently sitting on,” he decided to say last minute. Hi early he could’ve been nicer but since when had he ever been on to be nice. 

Re: Fallin' into your ocean eyes 『 Joining 』 - Raymond - 02-19-2023

Raymond was new to Tanglewood. He had no clue about their traditions, nor anything about border etiquette. In fact, when the sound of an unfamiliar voice came to his ears, he momentarily paused. What to do... What to do... After making a few internal decisions, the panther let out a sigh. He might as well approach. Life had troubled him enough with enemies. If this was to be another, then so be it. Even so, he dearly hoped this was another face he could become accustomed to. Perhaps an advisor? A friend? Whatever they may be, Raymond was cautious.

As he approached, the sound of another reached his ears. Green optics narrowed onto two silhouettes in the distance, one being Solsken and the other as an unfamiliar animal. Solsken, though skeptical, had been willing to let Raymond stay in Tanglewood. If this was a joiner, perhaps they would offer the same offer. After all, there seemed to be enough room in the town for another member with all the houses he surveyed previously. Even so, the panther remained on his toes as he settled down next to the other Tanglewood member. He couldn't help feeling cautious.

With the other's words snapping, Raymond's head turned towards Solsken. His gaze looked the other up and down, noting their outright hostility. A frown donned his maw. Why so sudden? He wondered internally further, only to push the thought aside. The large feline kept his mouth shut and instead turned to face the other. "What Corrupted Flower meant-" His paw moved outwards, gesturing towards the other. "-is what's your name and how can we assist you?" That seemed a lot nicer, right?

Now that the other was introduced, the dark cat offered a dip of his own head. "The name is Raymond," he introduced. "You're on Tanglewood's territory... Sort of." Moving away from Solsken, his paw offered a subtle flick towards the tree's that were scented. She clearly had not crossed them. Lucedon was already already better than him in that aspect, as he had barged right through them on his first appearance in Tanglewood.

Re: Fallin' into your ocean eyes 『 Joining 』 - Lucedon - 02-19-2023

[Image: anime-zero-two.gif]

Well at least it started out decent. The creature had snapped at her as if she was an enemy, and to be honest she had no idea if she had crossed their territory or not so she just shuffled a bit backwards. Especially when another came, this time saying the same words. Just a bit calmer.

"Well Im sorry-" she started off. Though the fact that she had even been found was at least somewhat of an accomplishment, surely. "My name's Lucedon" she dipped her head politely, to who she thought was Corrupted Flower - as the panther who had introduced himself as Raymond acknowledged the other with that name - before saying what she wanted.

The only way to get what she wanted was to be polite. And she had to form proper sentences. Not to just.. get the point across - even if thats what she felt like doing - instead she needed to use sentences that would have a real affect on the two members of their group.

"I wanted to join er-" she paused trying to recall the name that they had reffered their territory to. "Tanglewood, thats the group's name, right?" she tried forcing a smile onto her face, while her claws sheathed and unsheathed, showing slight stress.

"I can hunt and fight. I can... do stuff. You wouldn't have a problem with that... right?" if they did she'd have to go find somewhere else where she'd be accepted, because even with how much she wanted to join this group, she had no guarantee it would work, and why bother one place if she'd be more welcome in another place.

[glow=COLOR2,2,300]The world was never nice[/glow] — Seashell inspo

Re: Fallin' into your ocean eyes 『 Joining 』 - Raymond - 02-19-2023

There was no need to apologize in Raymond's mind. Even so, he let it slide. Instead, he focused on their name. Lucedon... Lucedon, Lucedon, Lucedon. The panther was sure to remember the female's name after a few internal repetitions. "Pleasure to meet you, Lucedon," he reiterated back. He was trying to pronounce her name correctly out loud before continuing to listen. To him, it appeared to be correct. To her, who knows. Raymond seemed confident in his answer, indicated by the subtle smile curling across his pronounced jowls.

Whether or not he was correct, he moved to a different route. "I suppose I can call you Luce?" The nickname would be an easier way to remember her and keep things lighthearted. In an attempt to question her response, he craned his head. He allowed his gaze to watch her reaction carefully, measuring whether it was acceptable or not.

Thankfully, their questions were soon to be answered. She was here to join. Raymond's tense muscles loosened in response. With an affirmative nod, he replied. "Yes, Tanglewood," he reiterated. "I can not exactly speak of the group well, but if I can enjoy it after a few days, I'm sure you could too." The panther enjoyed his new private home and how he could sleuth along the swamp, finding acquaintances along the way. So far, they proved useful too. They were going to lead them to his father in The Typhoon, hopefully.

His gaze shifted to Corrupted Flower, otherwise privately known as Solsken. The other seemed more confident in their ability to handle the situation. After all, Raymond was unsure if he could invite their newest guest to join. "I do not see any harm in it," Raymond merely commented. He had no knowledge of any other group's scents, but she did not present to be an enemy at first glace.

Re: Fallin' into your ocean eyes 『 Joining 』 - Casphian - 02-19-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken’s head turned towards Raymond when the panther made an appearance. An annoyed huff slipped past his nostrils, attention turning back to the female at hand. The Hellhound chose not to speak at the time, instead watching the body language the other gave off.

The Hellhound drifted closer to Lucedon, circling around the smaller female with a low growl rumbling in his chest. He didn’t trust her and even though she couldn’t scent the Typhoon on her that didn’t mean she hadn’t washed it off. ”How do we known we can trust you hm?” he asked lowly, a growl to his words.

He sneered and headed back towards Raymond’s side, head lowered to the ground with the fur on his neck standing up. ”How can we be sure you’re not just a spy from the Typhoon, here to wreck even more havoc?” he snapped, head turning back to look at Lucedon.

Re: Fallin' into your ocean eyes 『 Joining 』 - Seven - 02-19-2023

The blind, blue tigress was next to appear, a glare being sent to Solsken as he spoke. "At ease, Corrupted Flower." she rumbled, tail flicking. He had more reason than most not to trust her, but Seven was the highest rank between the three.

"Where do you come from, dear?" she asked, redirecting her blind gaze on Lucedon's outline. "And, are you injured at all?" she craned her neck to see the outline a bit better -- if there was any red tint on the white outline, she had no issue helping her.

[ speech ] | [ Bengal Tiger ] | [ appearance ]

Re: Fallin' into your ocean eyes 『 Joining 』 - Lucedon - 02-19-2023

[Image: 98fa8862e1c02a4880b731ee1da3c441.jpg]

The nickname suggestion takes her by surprise. Luce? She cant say that she adores the nickname, but at the same time she doesnt hate it either so she nods. "I dont mind"

He also must have been a new joiner if he said that he liked being here even if he had come here just a few days ago. Maybe he could show her around someday. But first she had to get in, then she could think about those things afterwards. One step at a time. Easy does it.

As a genuine and small grin starts to slip onto her face, the other decides to blow it all up. It was a smart and reasonable question and she gets why it was asked. In an organized group you had to always make sure everything would stay in perfect order and that everyone stayed loyal.

A spy from the Typhoon? A typhoon? She was a feline. Did she look like she had somehow appeared out of a storm, though after thinking the same thing twice her common sense kicked in. The typhoon was probably another group in this vast world.

"Im assuming the Typhoon is another place, right?" she asked, the confusion that had clouded her eyes slightly starting to fade. "I could prove my loyalty. Just give me a chance. If you would like to interrogate me on what I know or would like me to do some sort of test I could do it" she mewed.

At the same time she didn't want to push it onto the two of them. Maybe if she gave them a more... calmer and carefree approach like she usually did would be better. "Though if you really don't want me here I wouldn't mind leaving either" she says quickly.

Before she starts to uncurl her tail a tigress had appeared, almost making her jump. She had almost jumped twice, large cats made the fur up her spine rise. Though a grateful look spread across her face in an instant when they asked Corrupted Flower to just chill out a bit.

"I dont come from anywhere" she dips her head respectfully. "Im a traveler, got sick of travelling I guess" she explained simply. There wasn't much to say about it except her adventures, though she was sure that wasnt what she was asked to tell.

"I greatly thank you for your concern, but im not hurt anywhere, just looking for somewhere to stay" A warm look spread across her face. She liked both Raymond and the tiger. Corrupted Flower just seemed a bit... harsh to say the least

[glow=COLOR2,2,300]The world was never nice[/glow] — Seashell inspo

Re: Fallin' into your ocean eyes 『 Joining 』 - Casphian - 02-19-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken huffed when Seven appeared but alas he kept quiet for now. The Hellhound knew better than to mess with Seven, or well he respected her enough not to argue. Solsken turned his gaze back to Lucedon, lips curling back in a silent snarl. His pupil less gaze taking in her form on last time before looking away.  “Take care not to cross me or the group, if I found out that you have I won’t be as kind as I have been today,” he mused. His tail flicked and ears pinned back as he began to leave. Maybe Liqueor was around, the lumbering giant always made him feel better. Or maybe he could find his father. With that the Hellhound stepped back into the trees, his tail being that last thing seen as he disappeared into the thicket.

//out unless stopped!