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Hey world, It's an Arcane fan - Printable Version

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Hey world, It's an Arcane fan - Jinx - 02-17-2023

Hey! I love watching Arcane and ive probably watched it twice already! I'm new to this site, but definitely not new to roleplaying in general. It would be nice to get some people to roleplay with! I'm also a bit confused by the way coding works on this site! I know HTML and CSS but when I type up code or wrap it in a [DOHTML] tag as I would on other forum sites i have visited before. I'm not sure if there is a different tag for it, but if someone could let me know how people deocrate the fancyposts that would help a lot

Re: Hey world, It's an Arcane fan - teef - 02-17-2023

[align=center][div style="margin: auto; max-width: 210px; height: auto; text-align: justify; text-size: 16pt; font-family: times new roman; color: COLOURHERE;"]Hi there! Glad to see you around! I can't say I've ever personally watched Arcane but it sounds like an interesting show on the name alone!

I've played a bit with codes but the best way to describe our code is that it's a hybrid mash between CSS and HTML! Ours work under [ div style ] tags, id you want I could shoot over my code storage if you wanted to try picking them apart to learn! I'm not the best at teaching how to code but I can try lol

If you're looking for roleplay partners I can offer my characters ^^ I have so many Hahaha. Do you have a Diwcord by chance? Or would feel comfortable joining the site's Discord? We might be able to answer coding questions faster there and you'll have better chances of finding some new roleplay partners!

Re: Hey world, It's an Arcane fan - Orion - 02-17-2023

Welcome, welcome! <3 Name's Orion, admin of the site, and it's a pleasure to meet you.

There's also a nice guide to template coding here, but Teef explained it pretty well also. If you ever need help, I'm more than welcome to answer any questions you have here or on Discord.

Re: Hey world, It's an Arcane fan - Jinx - 02-17-2023

Ah okay thanks that helps a lot! Also before I get started roleplaying [and join the discord] I was wondering where notifications or alerts go? Is there an automatic system that automatically alerts members when a person replies to a topic they've replied to? Because Im just that sort of person who might go into a million roleplays, and then If I dont have alerts to keep me updated on when a response hits I might completely lose track! Ive tried looking through the guides and nothing i've found so far answers this specific question. Until then I'll keep looking!

Re: Hey world, It's an Arcane fan - Orion - 02-17-2023

Oh, I'll definitely have to add this question to one of the guides! [Edit: updated to include this here!]

So... To find when someone replies, you go to the top right corner of the website and click 'recent unread topics.' Topics will be updated and pop up whenever someone replies there. You can also use 'updated topics' in the top right near your icon or 'posts' on your profile to see a cohesive list of topics you've participated in.