Beasts of Beyond
I CAN NEVER TAKE BACK WHAT I'VE SAID 乂 drinking - Printable Version

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I CAN NEVER TAKE BACK WHAT I'VE SAID 乂 drinking - merlin - 02-16-2023

The Gods were cruel, they always were and always would be, except that this time, they had taken the man she loved from her. She couldn't find it in herself to forgive them, hell, to feel anything. Upon returning to Tanglewood's territory from that damned meeting, sporting new injuries and bruises she was sure to feel in the morning, she did her best to avoid the others, wanting to avoid rubbing salt into the wound. She couldn't feel a thing as she walked, or so she was convinced. She knew she needed to go to the Coalition, as Ambassador of Tanglewood (were they really the group at fault for the fight?) and as someone who loved their fallen Kingpin.

Finally able to break free from the throng of bodies, twisting away from any who tried to reach out to her, the dark lioness trod towards the one building she wanted to be in. The tavern. The one place she could get a drink without feeling a bad mother to Diesie, her adopted son who had finally joined her side not so long ago. Dragging heavy paws towards the tavern, the lioness pushed the door open, conscious of the closeness of others, twisting away from touch as if it would burn her. Walking up to the counter, the exhausted and injured woman would sit and slap down a few coins, taking the mug of ale pushed in her direction and lifting it to her muzzle, taking in the bitter taste.

Setting down the tankard with a loud thud! she would raise her paw to wipe away the foam bowing her whiskers. Licking her lips as she stared down at it, feeling estranged from the world and the lives around her. She swore she could still see Romulus falling every second she closed her eyes and it terrified her. Sinking into a slumped position, she couldn't help the tears that overwhelmed her. She had been so utterly useless to help him, to help the man she loved, and he had died before her, where she couldn't do anything. How she hated it. [/td][/tr][/table]
[color=#A87F8A]( 乂 ) SINGING THIS WILL BE MY VICTORY | @ teef
@ teef

Re: I CAN NEVER TAKE BACK WHAT I'VE SAID 乂 drinking - Raymond - 02-16-2023

Raymond had joined after the battle. He had no clue what occurred, but by the conversation he had when joining, he could tell that The Typhoon and Tanglewood had tension. It left him in a rough spot. What could he do about his father if he was seen as an enemy? So far, he wasn't quite sure. That was something for him to contemplate. In the meantime though, there were other things to do. He had to tidy up his home, gather some furniture, and then go back into his reclusive state. Even so, he was starting to grow hungry. The animal who escorted him showed him a tavern in the territory that had a stash of prepared food, along with drinks to indulge into. While he had no interest in alcoholic beverages, as he had never experimented, he found his stomach drifting towards the sweet smells of the tavern in no time.

He pushed through the double doors of the tavern expecting a crowd, but only found a lonely soul at the counter slumped over and in tears. Raymond paused. His ears pinned back. The cold panther found himself considering leaving, but instead, he moved forward. He couldn't help but resonate with the pain she was displaying, despite his façade of ignorance. That resulted in him pulling up next to her. A paw attempted to lightly land on her shoulder and pull her in, letting her head rest on his chest.

Whether or not he was successful in his movement, he craned his head to the side (and, if successful, it would lean against hers). Before he spoke, he considered his options. An introduction seemed ingenuine. A 'sorry' seemed ignorant. So, instead, he went with something else. "I am here for you, darling," came his soothing tone. "Do you want to talk about what's got feeling you so... this?" His other paw raised and gestured up and down towards her.

Re: I CAN NEVER TAKE BACK WHAT I'VE SAID 乂 drinking - GAWAIN - 02-17-2023

we must away, ere break of day
"Her boyfriend died." came the growl from the knight. It was a seething, angered noise driven by the feeling of betrayal he felt. He halted by the chair next to her, unusually sober. Gawain tilted his head expectingly, not trying to challenge either of them.

/low muse