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She is the brightest star of all / open, joining - Printable Version

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She is the brightest star of all / open, joining - CELINE ENDBRINGER - 02-16-2023

her body felt weightless, mostly because of the sleep. Part of it was the dream. The white, crystal-lined cave. What looked to be an altar, the lining of bodies she could not recognize. And it was the same dream every time. When she walked up to the altar she'd wake up.

This time was no different -- her glassy eyes opened to find a hellish landscape around her, the air heavy with ash and soot, the ground dark and coarse against her soft paw pads.

Whispering hushed mumbles, she pushed herself to her paws, wings folding in uncomfortably to her sides. Celine looked around. At the ashy sky and the volcano in the distance. And her eyes traveled from there to the ocean. She was a long way from home.
'cause those bad things always have been coming for me

Re: She is the brightest star of all / open, joining - Valerius - 02-16-2023

The volcanic island kept joiners away from the group easily. In fact, they were unwelcome. Valerius had kept the tradition of the past leaders and denied any newcomers from becoming 'one of them' until they completed a task. Even so, he felt that it still wasn't the same. They could not be raised as warriors, willing and able. Instead, they had to learn in their later days how to be one. That dedication was different. Not only that, but would they be as loyal as the others? The large Vizier was doubtful.

Despite those thoughts, the leader had a duty to fulfill. When grey optics spotted the other lion on the rocky shore, his gaze narrowed. Giant paws led him to the stranger. They stopped before them only moments later and stood firm in their place with claws unsheathed in the process. His tail lashed in an devious manner. The hostility he showed came with a reason. There were no friends, only foes among them. If this was an advisor from other clan, they did not know that their group had no allies. If this was a joiner, they were subjecting themselves to hell.

Before the other could get a word in of explanation, the lion craned their head. He spoke out with purpose. "Speak your name and business before I get bored," he grumbled. "You're hostile land."

Re: She is the brightest star of all / open, joining - CELINE ENDBRINGER - 02-18-2023

The tigon heard Val, giving him only a flick of her ear and an amused smirk. The threat was definitely there, and she couldn't remember anything beyond waking up on the island, but it gave off a familiar vibe. A wing twitched. "I am a long way from home. Celine Endbringer." her voice was low, though there was no aggression in her tone. And with her back still turned, she sat down. Behind her confident look, memories lay scratched and cracked.

Painfully slowly she turned her head, facing Valerius. "I think I can handle 'hostile'."

// Low muse bleuh
'cause those bad things always have been coming for me

Re: She is the brightest star of all / open, joining - Valerius - 02-24-2023

A long way from home, surely. Valerius did not often get visitors. In fact, he despised it. The lion had no interest in entertaining any outsiders. He would not offer his name, nor any acknowledgement. Just a simple grunt. He only grunted in response to her name, showing his uncaring attitude. This 'Celine' meant nothing to him. She could probably tell by his disinterested expression though.

She could handle 'hostile,' eh? Valerius doubted the tigon could. Displeased by her lack of an answer, he tried repeating himself. "I said, state your business," he bluntly replied back. Unsheathed claws tapped impatiently at the ground, awaiting her answer before they were ever commanded upwards. "Or you will be minding hostile." Unlike her own tone, it was aggressive and deep enough to rumble out in a slight snarl. Valerius was not going to tolerate an outsider with a confident attitude.