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apprehensive return ; bringing rom’s body back - Printable Version

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apprehensive return ; bringing rom’s body back - APOSTLE - 02-15-2023

[Image: b8HzBLA.png]
Teleporting always took a lot out of him.
Teleporting with your dying brother laying somewhere out in the open waiting like a meal for carrion? Twice as stressful. He’d never forgotten a location to teleport back to before, though for some reason he couldn’t help but think he was going to forget where he’d stashed his dying brother.

Diego hadn’t returned to the isle for a very, very long time. It seemed eons, though in truth he hadn’t actually been alive as long as that, as much as it would seem like it.

The walls of the Guru’s Sanctuary were both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time; it had been a long time, like he’d mentioned already, since he’d come here.

He wasn’t here to stay, though. The Coalition wasn’t for him, as much as he might mingle to watch his brother’s health recover, slowly. Inevitably, Diego was a lone wolf; figuratively, of course. Groups were not for him.

The red lion was attempting to be careful as he ransacked the sanctuary for any herbs he recognised and thought could help, but well, he was indeed… ransacking the sanctuary. He’d apologise later. Maybe.

At last, he found what he was looking for; chervil. Actually, was chervil used to stop infections or for wounds that were already infected? Oh, he wasn’t sure… It would have to do. Any second now someone was going to hear the commotion and come looking… Or, you know, he’d return to a dead brother. Whichever happened first.

Thankfully, Rom wasn’t far. Close enough for Diego to sneak through the village (hopefully) unseen with the things he’d acquired. In fairness, he was only just outside of the village himself. Quite obviously, Die couldn’t figure out whether or not he wanted someone to catch him. If they did, he’d probably be dead before Rom recovered, which meant Rom himself wouldn’t kill him… Always a plus. But if he did he’d be dead and, well, that’s not always great, is it?

The younger of the two set to work leaning over his brother’s limp body, coating the wounds he could see in a thick, green, disgusting looking poultice that… Might help? Hopefully? Die wasn’t an expert, okay, and it had been a while since he’d seen injuries of this caliber, give him a break.

Once his wounds were bound tight enough he finally sat down, looking over the both familiar and unfamiliar face of the older brother. He pursed his lips and shook his head, sighing heavily.

“Trust you to go and get yourself all fucked up.” He grumbled, rolling his eyes. He eyed the somewhat shoddy looking bandage around Rom’s neck apprehensively; “Look, if that thing is strangling you I’m sorry, but like, I couldn’t even tell if you had an injury there cus your mane is so thick- no, I’m not jealous, so don’t say anything like that-“
roleplayed by sykes

Re: apprehensive return ; bringing rom’s body back - Agrimony - 02-16-2023

the smell was what brought the woman from her place. it was a smell she knew far to well from her life as a loner. the woman hated the smell of blood and death. she hated how it felt to lose a friend or a loved one. she knew what it was like far to well for anyone her age. so, her paws carried her towards the stranger and romulus.

freezing in place a moment, she looked to the stranger and frowned. they were helping him. alas, she felt little hope that it would help. her eyes fell upon the body and she felt her heart racing. blood roaring in her ears as she moved forward slowly. she hated just coming into the guru's space. she hated the herb smell that filled the air.

most of all she hated the feeling of death lurking she always got here. today it seemed death may finally have come. "i hope he makes it.. the group will be lost without him." it was blunt and honset. it was all she could offer.

actions | "speech" | attacking
you're the closest to heaven that i'll ever be

Re: apprehensive return ; bringing rom’s body back - Plexus - 02-17-2023

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Plexus Kingsford is many things. Plexus is a male, Plexus is unable to romantically love, Plexus is a healer, Plexus is a treasured friend, Plexus is a murderer. No, wait, back up, that was-!. Plexus doesn't give up on his friend, his leader. He doesn't give up on anyone in his den who needs help. He refuses to let anyone else die on his watch.

Plexus refuses to let Romulus Malus die on his watch.

Quickly bustling to his den (it still took too long, he was so far, what if his leader was dead, what if his dear friend was dead, what if, what if), his vocal cords still shot why won't they heal? so he had go make his words count. The door busted open long after he heard Romulus was brought here, shaming creeping in his throat as he knew he shouldn't have wandered off to take care of the greenhouse during the monthly meeting.

The Guru threw his basic medkit at Diego, not even looking to question the other lion. His gaze solely on Romulus, and his internal horror at the bite mark on his neck. Green eyes sharpening, noting a loose bandage and something that chervil. His voice gruff and crackly, snapped, "Medkit on floor, use towel, water, wash the wound, press on it so it'll bleed less. Already soaking through chervil put on and bandage. Good that there's already a bandage to help clot."

Pivoting, he sprinted to his stores, the large cat shifted through all his stores to find 'where is it, where is it, where - Ah ha!' Marigold, the little label on it read. Shoving it into his messenger bag he grabbed on the way to the stores, he also grabbed a jar of flour, a pot to heat water, and several strips of cloth big enough to place over the lion's mortal wound.

Snapping at the lack of motion, Plexus began setting up the small firepit in the Guru den just for making these small things. Taking his shaking claws, Plexus efficiently began shredding the marigold into smaller pieces. Satisfied with the herb, the male set up a small wok with water, impatiently waiting for it to lightly boil. His green eyes hard as ice as he gazed out to the other two by the Kingpin, stiffly approaching and helped part the massive lion's mane to examine the wound in better detail. His heart skipping several beats as he cursed, the bite looked half cauterized, which meant he'd need to make more of the marigold poultice, and possible make burn ointment in case it caused issues later on or started swelling as most horrible burns did. He'd have to let it breath so often, and make sure it stayed clean. Pressing a spare towel against the wound, "Please. Hold this here till done." Pausing for just a half second, he added, "Sorry for being so curt, worried." He had a dry remark about chervil being better for stomache aches and already infected wounds, but the words stuck to his tongue as he worked.

The words tasted like glass and acid as he spoke, his voice straining as he quickly put out the smoldering firepit. The water was hot enough to moisten the shredded marigold and add the dry powder to it. Quickly mixing it, he gingerly approached with a warm cloth covered in the marigold poultice and gently wrapped it around the torn jugular. His heart still racing despite the wound being better wrapped, and more preventative herbs on it (and cleaned).

Securing the bandage wraps around the cloth to press directly onto the wound, he turned to the female and lion in his den. The words cracking and broken, but sheer resolve could be heard through the words, for no doubt Plexus Kingsford would rather die than let the Kingpin die, a smouldering warning in his 4 words he spoke.

"Romulus Malus will live."

(permission to powerplay interactions with Romulus!)

Re: apprehensive return ; bringing rom’s body back - Byriath - 02-18-2023

Byriath didn't dare step into the crowd, guilt washed over him -- staying behind due to mental conditions and this is what happens. His leader, his brother, lay dying while others worked to save his life. The Xenosmilus, face downcast in somber, stood away, watching silently. He admired Plexus' ability to work, and he'd have to thank Diego for bringing the Kingpin back. But for now, there was nothing to say, nothing to do. It had been the first time in all his immortal life that he felt useless.

No. Byriath, quiet and guilt-struck, approached and stood nearby, a shadow, a mountain over them. "What the hell happened?" He whispered, voice cracking from lack of use. As he fell silent yet again, he looked to Plexus, and tried to mentally tell him, 'Good Job, Plexus.' It was, by far, the least he could do. He didn't want Romulus to die -- obviously no one wanted that, but he didn't feel ready to step in as a peaceful leader, especially after this. Whoever did this would pay.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: apprehensive return ; bringing rom’s body back - Casphian - 02-18-2023

Saturn Nightshade
Wanderer of CoTC
penned by Finnick
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #3D82AB; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
I used to hear a simple song
that was until you came along- ꧂
    Saturn didn't go to the meeting, instead staying behind so they could watch over the kids and help keep an eye on the rest who stayed in the coalition. Yet now they were beginning to regret that decision. The winged snow leopard drifted after their husband, unseeing orbs staring straight ahead as their paws drew them along the path. The first thing they noticed as the pair drew closer was the stench of blood and so much of it as well. Their breath caught in their throat when the familiar scent of Romulus came sneaking past the smell of blood, causing the feline to stop in their tracks.

Ears would flatten against their head, eyes flicking side to side as they tried to process all the information that was being thrown at them. God this was one of the few times they were glad that they weren't able to see in this form. Had Saturn of seen the lifeless body of Rom just laying on the ground in front of them. Honestly they weren't sure how they would react to it.

Finally the scent of Plexus and Byriath wafted over them, calming their nerves ever so slightly. Saturn wasn't quite sure what they should say or they should even say anything in the first place. They didn't quite want to leave but at the same time they weren't sure if there was much for them to do without getting in the way.

꧁ - Now in its place is something new
I hear it when I look at you
code by teef

Re: apprehensive return ; bringing rom’s body back - APOSTLE - 02-19-2023

[Image: b8HzBLA.png]
Di hadn’t been expecting for those of the Coalition to find them so fast. He supposed he was likely quite loud and that’s how they had found them, but still… Well, he couldn’t complain. These were all unfamiliar faces at this point, creatures he didn’t recognise by any means; they could have been here around the time he had been, but Di had always been the antisocial sort. He didn’t get out much.

Plexus appeared to be much more equipped to deal with this situation than he did, and he obediently stepped back to let the Guru work. He shifted from heavy paw to heavy paw, anxiety racing through his veins; the only thing he could do was watch, and that didn’t sit right with him.

The first woman, Diego didn’t know her name… Her words didn’t sit right with Di, and his fangs bared minutely at the notion that his brother may not survive his wounds, but he reigned in his temper. Now was not the time to be resembling his father.

Instead, he turned to Byriath. His question didn’t register for a moment or two, but when it did he sighed, shaking his great head. “I don’t know entirely.” He rumbled, dipping his head apologetically. “I was at the monthly meeting, watching; I’m a wanderer myself, I don’t align with any group… it seemed as good a time as any to get to know them, right? Well.” He coughed, shaking his head; the Xenosmilus hadn’t asked for his life story, he had asked what happened to Romulus. “I couldn’t tell you who attacked first, but Rom- erm, he was attacked by a wolf. A big grey wolf, that’s all I could see. If it sets your hearts a-rest at all, I know him, the wolf, to be dead… For all intents and purposes.”
roleplayed by sykes

Re: apprehensive return ; bringing rom’s body back - Plexus - 02-25-2023

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
The male wobbled as he collapsed near the Kingpin's limp body, the words Byriath spoke gently in his head knocking around until all he could do was feel his muscles shake, his tears fall, and wonder if it really was a good job when he didn't know if Romulus was going to awaken.

Maybe he was right.

Re: apprehensive return ; bringing rom’s body back - natasha - 02-26-2023

Natasha hung back, staring at a pebble she rubbed between her fingers. She knew she'd vomit if she looked at Romulus and his state. Especially since she'd glimpsed the beginning of the fight. Was his opponent that strong? Or had she underestimated the kingpin's strength? Either way, this wasn't going to be an easy next few weeks for Romulus or the Coalition.

"It was that wolf who came in saying he was the leader of... the Covenant? I'd never heard of them before the meeting, but that's who the wolf said he was before the fighting broke out." She chewed on her tongue before adding, "Maybe you did see him die, but... with how common the ability to defy death is, that doesn't put me at ease."

macaque - she/her - wears red elk cloak
template by orion