Beasts of Beyond
you know you want to ;; the attacker revealed - Printable Version

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you know you want to ;; the attacker revealed - Gerald - 02-15-2023

it was all a sick game for him. he heard the voices behind him. the anger as they gang up on agrimony. it was gold and he loved it. he loved and wanted to see more of it. yet, he was still coated in that girls blood. oh, what was her name again? eh, he could not care less about her name. he wanted no part in her story. well, he did but with everyone swirling about to protect her, he had little chance of finishing her off now. it was a shame.

oh well. sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. he swiftly, but quietly moved away to the river to clean his bloody fur. he was trying to stay one step ahead of the game. yet, he was sure they would all find out one day. find out that he was the one that did such damage to the thane. then again, he did not care if they did.

the cold waters washing over his paws as he stopped. eyes gazing down into the water before he slowly began sinking into the chilly river . letting the water clean him, he forgot to pay attention to the world around him. he washed until he was clean and then stood up. looking at the bloody water at his paws as the current pulled blood down river. maybe no one would notice it?


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//you can beat him up and capture him
just no maim or kill as orion and i have planned his punishment :>

Re: you know you want to ;; the attacker revealed - Brutei Tsune - 02-15-2023

The blood. The scent. Brutei's maternal rage. It all fed into what was about to happen. Slinking through the forest floor, ice frosting the leaves as they stalked. A little downriver of Gerald, the ice demon stared at the blood in the water and silently snarled.

Now in a full sprint, it didn't take long for the wyvern to see Gerald. Reaching forward with their talons, they tried to pluck him out of the water. "So it wasn't Agrimony! What a surprise." Brutei snarled, a mean grin on their face.


Re: you know you want to ;; the attacker revealed - Romulus - 02-15-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
Something felt wrong. He doubted Agrimony's innocence in general, but his alibi lined up. Inferno remained honest about the necklace and their tracks were clearly imprinted freshly into the ground. That meant some animal was still out there. Romulus, seeing things clearer now, followed Brutei as they tracked the scent of their newest suspect. As they grew closer, the lion could smell that familiar scent again. The salt, the blood came back to his mind. Images of Zuriela's unconscious, bloody body came back into view and fueled his anger. Usually, he was calm and concise, but today, something changed in him. A child was down.

As they walked the river's edge, a diluted red hue started to travel down the water. Periwinkle hues followed it's path. His gaze looked up, locking on a large silhouette in the distance. Gerald. The lion did not blink or make a decision, only shot forward. Brutei had already darted in front of him, attempting to pluck them out of the water, but Romulus had a different plan in mind.

Outstretched paws attempted to push Agrimony back into the water. With his right paw trying to grab onto the other's shoulder, his left attempted to grab the the other's skin on the back of their head and plunge their head into the water. Romulus had no intent of drowning the other, only intimidating information out of them. If he was successful, he tried to force the other's head back out of the water, still holding them by his claws.

Between heavy breaths, Romulus let out a hiss. "ANSWER ME CAREFULLY," came his simple demand. He did not care that he was close to the other's ear. He wanted answers and he wanted them NOW.  "Did YOU hurt Zuriela?"

Re: you know you want to ;; the attacker revealed - Gerald - 02-16-2023

gerald was ready to leave the waters and heard the sound of others. the realization that he was in danger made him turn in time to see the two coming for him. he would leap back to avoid the claws of brutei, but romulus hit him hard and he was under the water a moment. he thrashed about until he was pulled back up and he coughed.

eyes filled with anger as the realization hit him hard. he almost got away with it, but the river betrayed him. the tom heard the words of both members and snorted. brutei seemed surprised that it had not been agrimony. the tom let his eyes flick over the wyvern before speaking back to the duo. it is funny how little you trusted your own group mate.

his voice was taunting. sure, the domestic was much smaller than the duo, but he was no coward. the loud voice of romulus did not scare him, but amused him. the fox girl lived? i must be slipping up then. he retorts with a simple snort. he knew he was caught. there was no way he wasn't.


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