Beasts of Beyond
Think of all the horrors // anger/breakdown - Printable Version

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Think of all the horrors // anger/breakdown - Scyllios - 02-14-2023

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── Vis hut, situated close to the beach for easier access and Octavio, had been quiet for a while. And as the sun reached noon, that silence had been broken by the sound of anger and pottery. "Fuck!" vis voice, rarely ever heard, rang out as they flung a pot out the doorway, sending it skidding across the sand.

It was all so stupid. The entire conflict was stupid. They left The Coalition because of what had happened because of the extended influence they had. Maybe it was vis trauma, or vis pacifism. It was a distinct hate for unnecessary violence. Scyllios thrashed vis tail into a table, sending it down in a crash.

Re: Think of all the horrors // anger/breakdown - Cobra - 02-18-2023

tthe sounds of scy brought the beast up from his watery home. fin breaking the surface of the water before the rest of him followed. octavio pulled himself free of the ocean and once again made his way across sands. the sickening slap of tentacles on the grainy substance all one could here as he moved swiftly towards scy's home.

octavio didn't bother knocking. vey needed him and he was going to be there. the door was pushed open and his head poked in. those black orbs searching for vem inside. scy okay? he hoped vey would hear his thoughts as he moved further inside the hut.

the beast would attempt to wrap a few, perhaps four, of his tentacles about scy in a comforting embrace.  always talk to octavio. octavio always listen. he offered the thought as he stayed there. he ignored broken pottery and the toppled table.

all there was to him was scy.ext

actions | "speech" | attacking
whatcha gonna do when there's blood in the water

Re: Think of all the horrors // anger/breakdown - Scyllios - 02-20-2023

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── Scyllios gasped as vey heard movement, looking to the door just in time to see Octavio barge in. "Scyllios is not okay." They strained, tail lashing and breaking another pot. And as the tentacles wrapped around vem, vey took in a deep breath. "Vey are stressed because idiots don't know when to quit." Through gritted teeth vey spoke, pearly eyes glaring outside the door. "Fools, greedy for everything."

Re: Think of all the horrors // anger/breakdown - Cobra - 02-21-2023

puzzled, the beast would pull scy closer to him and rumble softly. mind racing with things to say, but unable to speak in a way that mattered. though, despite that fact, he had to try. octavio understand. greed makes stupid. greed cause pain. he thought as he tried to find a way to show that he understood. then, the hybrid let go and moved a few feet backwards. tentacles pulling him a bout before he carried on.

scy not like that. scy should not be upset. they may make bad choice. scy not bad like them. he tried to be sooth the troubled scy.

actions | "speech" | attacking
whatcha gonna do when there's blood in the water