Beasts of Beyond
Far away from all the trouble // Nightmare - Printable Version

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Far away from all the trouble // Nightmare - Seven - 02-11-2023

As patients and couch-crashers lay sleeping or trying to sleep within the medic's home, said medic had buried her face in her own paws in her sleep, tail lashing and claws pulling in old blankets. Moonlight cast into the room from the window, painting her face a milky light. Her expression was that of pain, memories awoken as deep-rooted nightmares.

Soon the muttering had began, drifting out of her half-closed door into the house itself. Gentle whispers of pleads and begs, shoulders spasming as she let out soft cries. And soon enough, her body slumped to one side. As she continued to beg into the air, she shook her head violently, throwing herself further to the edge of the bed. With each shake, she got closer and closer, until...

THUD! Her shoulder collided with the wooden floor, the pain of the impact waking her up with a startled gasp. Dark. Why was it so dark? Who turned off the lights!? The tigress panicked, feeling out with massive paws. And she tried to stand up, only to stumble and fall down again as pain shot down her shoulder. A dull throb of pain rolled from the small gashes on her underside, and she huffed. It was so... so, dark.

// Seven woke up from a nightmare and fell off her bed,,, if you want your character to be in one of the spare rooms bc she's tending to their wounds or allowing them stay, they'd be able to hear her struggling.

[ speech ] | [ Bengal Tiger ] | [ appearance ]

Re: Far away from all the trouble // Nightmare - Raymond - 02-13-2023

After Raymond's arrival, he had no place to stay. Not many homes were available in Tanglewood, especially after the tropical storm. In return, Seven had offered him a room and to clean the blood of his pelt. The panther was thankful for somewhere to call a temporary home, especially after learning his father was close by. Even so, there were some things he found frustrating. For example, in the night, the sounds of the medic's rustling and mumbling kept him awake, reminding him of the many nights alone with his siblings. Tonight, sadly, was no different. The pleading and begging of the healer caused him to sway between states of consciousness, but eventually, he fell asleep. Not for long though.

A thud echoed out from the other room. Green eyes shot open. Being sent into a spiral, the panther's claws dug into the soft blankets he was provided and he shot to a standing position. His heart started to pound as he wildly looked around the room, almost as if he expected his father to barge in once again. Traumatized by the noise and the thunderous roar of another in his past, the young stood his ground. Eyes wide and alert, he listened for any signs of anyone. Something. Anything. Nothing came though.

It took a few moments, but Raymond eventually caught up to real time. There was no threat. Only his past pulling his tail. With a hefty sigh and a shake of his head, he made his way out the door. Another loud thud caused him to shrink in his spot, but he continued this time, determined to find the source of the noise. Eventually, the source came into view.

Feline eyes found the silhouette of the other among the dark, highlighted by the moon's glow through the window. "Seven," the young man stated clearly, making himself known. Raymond strutted forward and ended up at their side. His head craned inquisitively. "Are you alright?" He did not offer to push the other up onto their feet and instead loomed above them with a watchful gaze, wondering what could have happened.

Re: Far away from all the trouble // Nightmare - Seven - 02-14-2023

The voice made her freeze up, blind gaze moving to face who she had heard as the outline slowly came into shape. A big cat. For a second, she didn't recognize Raymond's form as someone from tanglewood, but someone completely different. Her entire body shrank back, firmly planting herself with her back to the bed. "I..." She whispered, a fearful expression on her face. Was she still in a nightmare?

With a few breaths, she started to relax, reasoning out that it wouldn't be who she imagined, he was dead. That was, in fact, Raymond. The new member. Pulling herself together, Seven sighed. "I'll be okay. I'm sorry, did I wake you?" She rumbled, completely ignoring what had happened to her.

[ speech ] | [ Bengal Tiger ] | [ appearance ]

Re: Far away from all the trouble // Nightmare - Raymond - 02-15-2023

That fear. He'd seen it before. As Seven stared up at him with fearful eyes, Raymond's heart begin to pound. The expression she showed matched Vikas' own. The stance threw him into his past once again, undeniably causing him to freeze. His claws slowly unsheathed from their sockets and dug into the flooring below his paws. The panther was conflicted. In the moment, he felt powerful. Perhaps even revered. At the same time, he felt saddened. Maybe angry. The moments before he killed his father rushed through his head, pushing him to relive the moments on the spot.

Seven's loss for words could not snap him out of his own head. The trauma he faced was a constant factor in his daily life. Sometimes he wondered if what he considered his greatest mistake was his best feat, leaving him to stand tall in front of Seven. His cold expression loomed over her. He remained unmoving, lurking above with contemplative thoughts. The only thing he could do was pin his ears back and narrow his gaze down at Seven.

Raymond continued to freeze until heavy breaths and a calmer tone met his ears. The larger cat's stiff breaths grew, becoming deep and slow. "I heard a thud and got up," he rattled off. "Next time I'll sleep in." Especially if he was going to react so harshly.

With a sigh, he sat down. His tail slyly curled around his front paw. The other paw raised off the floor and up to his head. With unsheathed claws, he scratched at his forehead. "While I'm awake, are you sure you do not have anything to talk about?" the panther questioned. By now, Raymond was wide awake. They might as well chat. With her fearful expression and his reaction, perhaps it was time to discuss what caused both of their harsh responses.