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how is it done now ;; blooding - Printable Version

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how is it done now ;; blooding - Night of No Stars - 02-09-2023


the dragon was in love and had been so busy wooing said love, that he never bothered. so, why not go for it now. he won her heart and he was eager to show his worth to her and the rest of them. so, he left early after saying his goodbye to chern. letting her know what he was up to and that he would be back. come hell or high water. he was not leaving her behind.

he made his way into the desert. he hated the hot sands and the lack of water. he hated being out here. it reminded him of the old days. of desperately crawling onto land to find food when the waters became scarcely populated. the time of dragons turning on their own kind and on other species of dragon. he remembered his own fight and victory. his dormant state as hunger and the fight took his last ounce of strength.

he was not pleased as the days dragged on in this desert. he would wander, finding water sparse and food more so. eventually he found a meal. a clearly lost elephant. he attacked without a second thought. barely avoiding those tusks until he was able to wrap himself like a snake about it. choking the life out of the thing before digging in. cleaning the bones.

he would take the skull, some ribs, and the tusk. balancing them on his back before making his way home. moving slowly towards his rive and cherns nest. once there, he would drop his prize and wait for olalla and chern. mainly chern.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? and i am the devil that you forgot

Re: how is it done now ;; blooding - AEGON - 02-16-2023

Aegon had never experienced a blooding, nor did he have any interest to. His superiority kept him above mere mortals and he did not need a rank to dedicate himself above them. Even so, it meant something to many. He wasn't exactly sure why the animals held onto titles between tight clutches. Death himself could not fathom it. As a man of many names and titles himself, perhaps he could not rationalize it. In fact, when he heard the news of another being coming into town with their capture, the lion could only stare as the dragon dragged in their prey.

And yet, he approached. The large catch of the other intrigued him. The skull, the tusks, and the ribs. They were all remnants of a soul who once lived among them. Now they were within the horseman's realm. Aegon's gaze traveled up to the dragon. He offered no change in his dull expression, but the dilated irises of his narrowed in satisfaction. If he was anyone else, he'd smirk and congratulate them. Instead, he remained silent before dipping his head low in respect.

The lion sat down before the nest, wrapping his tail around his paws. "Are you pleased with the life you took?" he asked curiously.

Re: how is it done now ;; blooding - Night of No Stars - 02-17-2023

vio had never met aegon, if he was honest. yet, the creature before him caught his attention with his actions. he was different from the many he did meet. the respect in the dip of his head was returned with a dip of his own. it was not every day vio showed a smaller being respect, but something about aegon called for it.

the question that followed though. that caught him off guard and he let his head raise. "pleased is not the word." he hummed softly before carrying on. "pleasure in killing is not something i feel. i do what i must to survive or progress in life. this beasts death was a means to an end."

though he felt no pleasure in killing anything, he felt no remorse ether.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? and i am the devil that you forgot

Re: how is it done now ;; blooding - AEGON - 02-24-2023

As the larger being reigned over him, Aegon listened carefully with interest. Vio held his attention. The other responded with consideration and a hum, catching his curiosity. Pleased, no. Pleasure, not at all. Survival, indeed. The lion could agree with their sentiment and nodded along with their words. Mortals and their desire to thrive kept his interest peaked, after all. Unlike the horseman, they had an expiration date. One, sometimes, he knew of. He could only imagine what mortality felt like which is why he was so intrigued by it and it's intricacies. 

The lion looked between the bones and the other, only to settle on Vio after a few moments. "A means to an end," he merely repeated back with a similar hum. "That, I suppose, is a fair trade." At least he thought so. It meant another life came into his realm while another on mortal Earth thrived.

He moved slightly closer. A paw cascaded up to the skull's edge and rubbed along it's narrow snout. It was a beautiful specimen. Aegon could only imagine what was going to be done with it's remains, causing him to look back up at the other with a narrowed gaze. "What are your plans from here?" he questioned.

Re: how is it done now ;; blooding - Night of No Stars - 02-25-2023

The smaller beast was someone the dragon found interesting now. He seemed to understand more than he let on. This was something Vio looked for in allies. Wisdom was more powerful than brute force. The eyes of the dragon scanned the feline a moment. Watching them as if they held the very secrets of life itself. Perhaps the horseman did hold such secrets. Not that Vio would be able to pry the secrets from him.

After a moment more, he spoke in turn. "I do not think it is fair. The creature dies for me, but gains nothing in turn. It just shows cruelty of life and is something i have grown to accept and respect." he admits with a casual tone of voice. Tail swishing the earth. Moving dirt, leaves, sticks, and rocks with ease. The male would speak again.

"Yet, it shows the beauty of death. How the soul is freed and the body gifts life through its own death. Its a thing of beauty and cruelty." He admits before noting the question asked of him. His eyes fall to the bones and he blinks. He had not thought of such a thing. He would offer a hum. Head turning back to Aegon as he finally answered.

"perhaps a start to armor or a weapon. What would you suggest?" He inquired in turn.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? and i am the devil that you forgot