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find your own way ;; cooking lunch - Printable Version

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find your own way ;; cooking lunch - Night of No Stars - 02-09-2023

kindness was something she grew up with and had always had in her soul. she grew up being kind to everyone, enemy or ally. she couldn't hurt others, unless they hurt her first, of course. kindness does not mean weakness if you are willing to back yourself up. she was not a push over, despite her niceness. yet, she was even kind to exiled members.

it got her looked down on, and she knew it. like that vale character was still one she would likely be nice to if she met them. she was not able to hate someone that did nothing to her. she was sad to see how many others turned their backs on vale. it was almost sickening to her. alas, she had no right to say anything. she was not important enough to bother trying.


she was worthless to this place she called home. she was no fighter or killer. she could not have children, so that was out the window. she was only good for one thing. cleaning was her use. she watched others do things she could never even dream of. patrols defending boarders. dragons flying over head with massive kills.

she wished to be like them. she always wanted to be powerful. yet, she was cursed to be this useless beast. so, she would do what little she could. offer her help where she could. she was not good for much of anything else. that was just her lot in life.

her fur pricked with unease as she stood. moving from her home and into the hot sun. eyes gazing about her for anyone or thing. she needed something to do. something to get her mind off of herself once more. after a moment, she turned back into her house.

"if anyone is hungry, i'll be making lunch!"

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you wanted it to be picture perfect

Re: find your own way ;; cooking lunch - AEGON - 02-16-2023

Aegon held no disdain for those who were kind. Even the kind were worthy of his attention. They could be spontaneous, unexpected, and surprising. He found himself paying attention to them the most, especially since they could do more with their actions than violence. After all, they were the ones who could admire a man like him without thinking of the power and dastardly deeds that proceeded him.

Even so, their worth ended there. When it came to life, they were always the ones to die young or for a cause. He found it almost, in a sick sense, beautiful. For what it's worth, they spent their limited time doing what was best. The horseman admired that. Perhaps the other Pittians did not agree with him. That was okay though. Eventually, they were all to fall. One only did it with more courage than the other.

At the call of she, he could only think of these things. She was planning to prepare a meal for many that she did not know. Aegon, pleased at the idea of a hearty meal and watching what could come of the event, headed over to her. Upon arriving, he offered a dip of his head. The lion was not a many of many words, but offered something as food for thought. "Well, I don't see anything prepared yet. Perhaps I could offer a hand?" he volunteered. "I have years of experience on my paws." Name a recipe and he could most likely make it. Even so, he travelled for a reason and that was to find new things. Perhaps she could provide something new?

His gaze peered into her home. He could not see any ingredients yet, but Aegon assumed she had something. Perhaps not as mighty as an elephant's chest, but something delectable. Rather than dwelling on it, he turned his head back to her and let it crane to the side, awaiting more information.

Re: find your own way ;; cooking lunch - Night of No Stars - 02-17-2023

the woman smiles softly to herself and turns her head to aegon. "any help is welcomed. i'll get the ingrediants out for use to start." she motions for him to follow her as she slips back inside to start collecting things. she would go to a small wooden chest and pop the lid open. pulling out some fresh roast beef and setting it on a bone plate next to her.

the next was some ghee and salt. some pepper following after. she would ignore the garlic, as she did not want anyone to get sick. an onion, some red wine, and a jar of broth. it was fresh made and beef flavored. a single bay leaf. she would pause to think of what else she needed. after a moment she grabs some fresh mini sub rolls and cheese.

closing the lid, she would move all the items to her counter and shift slightly. "i was thinking french onion soup and roast beef subs. they mesh well and are safe for everyone." she turned to see what he thought or if her knew how to cook this.

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you wanted it to be picture perfect