Beasts of Beyond
I'LL PLAY GOD, TODAY // Zuriela - Printable Version

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I'LL PLAY GOD, TODAY // Zuriela - SirDio - 02-08-2023

How long had he been travelling? He really couldn't tell. He knew it was getting colder as he walked on, mere skin and bones now. Boy could feel the knuckles in his paws, surely that wasn't a good sign. Hollow eyes stared on as he continued, staggering and swaying for a moment before he halted to steady himself.

None of it was right. She wasn't right. She wasn't his mother, she was a monster. A monster! She killed his true parents and lied about it! The resentment had built up and hardened like a rock in his heart, his tiny, little, barely beating heart. He had to find Icarus. He could trust his uncle.

So he kept on, twin tails following behind him as he heard rustling just beyond the border. He didn't know which group belonged here, but whoever was beyond the border was injured; he could pick up the smell of blood faintly. Swallowing his fear, he stepped past, a gentle, soft, "Hello?" leaving him.

[member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Coalitioners


Re: I'LL PLAY GOD, TODAY // Zuriela - Agrimony - 02-13-2023

the girl had been awake a few days and just wanted to get out. bandaged up and still a bit weak. yet, she was not going to let that stop her from going out. she was wary. cautious steps and ears perked. she had brought snacks with her. mainly some cook rabbits for just in case she needed it. she was planning on spending the day hidden away until her plans got turned upside down.

the girl heard the soft hello and her ears perked up sharply. head turning and heart thundering in her chest. she would take a sharp breath and then call out herself. "hello?" she was nervous and her soft tone reached out. the girl forced herself to limp towards the voice and there she spotted him.

a feline that looked half dead. her tone changed as she moved faster. wincing in pain until she was closer to him. "oh my.. are you okay? can i get you anything?" her soft voice was offering and her eyes seemed to swirl with concern and fear. she didn't want anything to happen to the guy.

stranger or not, she was no monster. and from the looks of it, he wasn't ether.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? but my dreams, they aren't as empty