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love in the fast lane ;; devildog - Printable Version

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love in the fast lane ;; devildog - Night of No Stars - 02-08-2023

she was tired of staying still. she missed boy and had no idea what happened to the little guy. she hoped he was alright, but her efforts to find him turned up little to nothing. so, today she was simly out of the camp and limping along. maybe she would go to the river? that place was as good as any to start another fruitless search.

so, off she set at a slow pace. a creature of shadows and seduction. sticking out in the bright sunlight. she was not trying to sneak or hide herself. what did she have to fear? a lion ripped her leg off and she escaped alive. she adjusted. she pushed forward and thrived. she was not a weak woman and she would never be.

her thoughts were cut short as her front paws touched the waters edge. eyes flicking across the water before she turned to move along the edge. she almost walked into the waters while distracted. it would have been interesting to say the least. tail swishing behind her, the woman stopped from time to time. scenting the air for boy's scent.

nothing, but she figured that much. though, on her fifth stop she could smell something. a scent she did not know. a scent that made her move slightly faster towards it. spotting the creature before her, she stopped sharply. a twig snapping under paw, but she was not scared.

she refused to be.

actions | "speech" | attacking
break down, only alone i will cry out loud

Re: love in the fast lane ;; devildog - DEVILDOG - 02-08-2023

The beast was far from home. That much was certain. But he didn't know how far, shielded by his blindness and hunger to the world around. His white paws dug into the sands as he stumbled along, eyeless face moving around and sniffing at the air.

The river soothed him, lulled him along as he caught whatever he could fit into his mouth. Rats, mice, the occasional feral feline.

A twig snapping made him halt, ears angling toward the sound as his head followed. With a snort, he moved his body to face the stranger he couldn't see. The spikes lodged into his neck jostled slightly as he shook his fur. "Who's there?" he barked, tail swaying behind him.

Re: love in the fast lane ;; devildog - Night of No Stars - 02-15-2023

the woman finally spotted the stranger and.. they were blind? the realization made her faulter a bit as she was unsure if her powers would let her talk to him or not. would he be receptive to her voice entering his mind? the concern washed over her and she had to shake it off. trying to stay confident in this situation.

"that would be me." her telepathic voice of honey and seduction pried at the mind of the other. seeking permision to enter his mind so he could hear her. "i am always dead of the pitt. may i ask who you are?" was that going to get through to him? she could only hope so.

actions | "telepathy" | attacking
break down, only alone i will cry out loud

Re: love in the fast lane ;; devildog - DEVILDOG - 02-21-2023

A small gasp left the wolf's throat at the sound within his head, trying to discern if he heard her speak or if she had just projected her voice into his rattled head. Though the voice was muffled for a moment, he picked up her name and group.

"Uh- DevilDog of Tanglewood. I guess I'm a long way from home." he chuckled nervously, ears flicking around. He was never too sure that he and Always were actually alone -- hell, could've been setting him up for an ambush.

Re: love in the fast lane ;; devildog - Night of No Stars - 02-21-2023

the small gasp made her flinch a bit as she had not meant to startle them. her ears perked as he finally answered her and she felt a purr leave her. "a good distance, but the pitt considers tanglewood an ally. so, you are not in any danger here." she mused back before letting her tail swish behind her.

"then again, i guess i am not much of a threat to anything as is." a hint of bitterness in her telepathic voice. "perhaps i can walk you home. i need to get out for a while anyways." the fact of the matter was, she had to escape her own thoughts.

they were eating her alive on the inside. "if you want, anyways."

actions | "telepathy" | attacking
break down, only alone i will cry out loud

Re: love in the fast lane ;; devildog - DEVILDOG - 03-02-2023

Her voice became more clear as he calmed down, a nervous smile forming on his maw. "There's always a threat for the blind man. But I'll take your word, Always." he shook out his fur again.

"Oh, I'd love some company -- and some guidance, if you don't mind."  She sounded nice, trustworthy. Maybe it was his gullible and vulnerable nature that dictated that.

Re: love in the fast lane ;; devildog - Night of No Stars - 03-02-2023

The woman smiled as he spoke back to her. She understood the feeling and offered a soft laugh. Thought is was almost silent in sound. "There is no threat in a three legfed mute, that i promise." She offered this back to him before moving closer. She could not leave him lost out here. Many others had died by getting lost and they could see.

"Of course. I couldnt leave anyone out here like that. May i rest my tail on your shoulder? It would make it easier to guide the safe path." She offered with a tilt of her head. She knew he could not see her head tilt.

actions | "telepathy" | attacking
break down, only alone i will cry out loud