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kill the lights now baby ;; setting up agrimony - Printable Version

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kill the lights now baby ;; setting up agrimony - Gerald - 02-07-2023

oh how he savored the taste of her blood still. the way she squirmed and the sad little why. he almost desired it. would she live? would she die? he couldn't care less. oh, but he desired to see the fear in her eyes again. to see her cower from him when he passed her. he wanted to see her alive and scared. maybe even hurt her again. it was a sick pleasure for him.

the cold hearted brute had escaped detection and was toting a wing to a spot. a spot where that killer horse lived. he knew agrimony had got his punishment and was acting right now. what a pity. they could have made a hell of a killer duo. alas, it was not to be. as soon as he was sure no one was about, he left the wing and some blood where the male slept.

his new cat body would take the fall for this attack and gerald would escape scot free. at least until that fox woke up. if she did. he might have to finish the job. make it look like an accident. oh that would be fun. with his trap set, he was gone again.

//so, he did this in the dead of the night and left before being seen. he is setting up agrimony for plot reasons. part 3 will be soon <3


[/td][/tr][/table]template by orion

Re: kill the lights now baby ;; setting up agrimony - Brutei Tsune - 02-09-2023

Finding a scent trail after the predicament, the ice wyvern followed it swiftly. They weaved around trees and rocks before they had finally come across the wing.

Brutei snarled, picking up Agrimony's scent. Did he not learn? Punching a nearby tree, the demon roared. "Agrimony! Show yourself!" Ice formed along their neck and their eyes went from red to a light blue.


Re: kill the lights now baby ;; setting up agrimony - Agrimony - 02-09-2023

he was called and he was surprised. only inferno called him and never like this. so, he came from where he had been drinking from a shallow puddle. stopping when he spotted the wing. one from zuri and his heart sank. he froze and looked to brutei with clear confusion in his eyes.

there was no way anyone would believe him. he just knew that he would go down for her attack, but for once he was innocent. he stood silently watching brutei.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? its the moment to live and the moment to die

Re: kill the lights now baby ;; setting up agrimony - Brutei Tsune - 02-09-2023

As the feline in question came into view, the wyvern descended upon him, pinning him with a piercingly cold talon. their fox-like face twisted in a snarl. "You're very good at hiding emotions. You can't hide from me." ice coated their neck, shards crawling up toward their face.

"Where were you when Zuriela was attacked." Brutei snapped, keeping a steady pressure on his chest.

//permission to powerplay Agrimony granted by Cobra


Re: kill the lights now baby ;; setting up agrimony - Agrimony - 02-09-2023

the male was pinned without much of a fight. a grunt leaving him as he gazed up at brutei and then closed his eyes. "i was gone. i went to get a gift for inferno." he answered without fighting. it would not end well if he tried. he was much to small as a feline. he comes home from a date, gets water, and then this. he opened his eyes to gaze up at the larger beast.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? its the moment to live and the moment to die

Re: kill the lights now baby ;; setting up agrimony - SKÁDI ANGELICA TSUNE - 02-09-2023

"Let the monsters all run wild"

ic text: hot on the heels of her mother was skádi. the long-limbed female had a scowl on her face as she analysed the situation. agrimony seemed too calm, too emotionless, too clean. everything seemed staged, a little bit too well. a snort from her maw. she wasn't one to jump to conclusions and her gaze flickered briefly to her mother who had the culprit pinned by the neck. "how do we know you're telling the truth, agrimony? how do you know when zurelia was attacked? is there anyone that can vouch for your whereabouts?" her voice was firm. not really accusing, yet there was a hardened edge to it.

tags - penned by windowmemer
template by orion

Re: kill the lights now baby ;; setting up agrimony - Agrimony - 02-11-2023

the feline looked to the new voice. eyes locked on skadi as he took in her words. "because inferno has the necklace. she has it and that should prove it. i don't know when she was attacked, but i know i haven't been near her in days." he replied in turn. he knew they would likely never believe him. he just had to hope her attacker was found before it was to late.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? its the moment to live and the moment to die

Re: kill the lights now baby ;; setting up agrimony - Romulus - 02-13-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
Following after Brutei, Romulus found himself face to face with Agrimony in no time. Brutei had already pinned them down, leaving the kingpin to do more than talk. Paws treaded the area and a stern gaze looked around. A growl started to form at the back of the throat as he grew closer to Zuriela's scent. The child did not deserve to suffer, yet she was missing something vital to her... and there it was. The wing itself.

The stench of salt wafted up into his nostrils as he stared down at her remains, letting himself look at the blood that had pooled below. The iridescent butterfly wing had been tainted. Ripped away from it's rightful owner and a child. He could feel the knowledge of the situation being thrown out the window as anger surged inside his mind, uncharacteristic of the logician. To damn a child to unconsciousness and take away what made her special was unforgiveable, especially in the Coalition of the Condemned's peace time and under Romulus' reign. The kingpin would not have it.

Periwinkle eyes could not stand the wing's wicked sight for long before turning to face the others for a moment. Wicked eyes faltered between them before turning away. Instead, he focused down on Agrimony's chiseled features. The lion rounded down on the other with teeth bared and ears pinned back in a display of his despair and anger. He snarled in their face. "Tell me," came his vicious whisper, voice wavering as he spoke. "Where is Inferno now then?" Inferno was not the best source of info to Romulus. She was just like her adoptive mother. Untrustworthy and vicious. For all Romulus knew, they could be covering one another. He appreciated his niece, but she was not his favorite animal and had a track record for leaning into madness.

As Brutei held Agrimony down, a paw raised up to the other's eye and wavered a claw over it, channeling Stryker's passion and Ninazu's ferocity. "Answer me." Romulus the rational would not go without it.

Re: kill the lights now baby ;; setting up agrimony - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 02-13-2023

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

where was she now indeed? the female had been sleeping but woke as she heard the commotion - agrimony's hut was quite close to hers, indeed. she stormed into his house, fury set ablaze in her optics. the necklace he had gifted her was indeed, dangling between the fur on her neck, proof that he had been with her last night indeed, down by the beach. if anyone would go to the beach they would probably still see the remains of some of the food, if the seagulls hadn't taken it by now.

she wasn't sure who to be more angry with, romulus and everyone else, or agrimony. when was zurelia mutilated? she was sure that agrimony wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose, let alone pull something as big as that. to think that he'd be so gentle when interacting with her and then turn around and do this? what did zurelia ever do to agrimony, or anyone, for that matter, to cause this?

the memory past few days swirled in her brain. it couldn't have been him, she was with him almost all the time. had only been alone this evening because she felt ill. who would have a hatred hard enough to do something like this, and possibly frame her partner? upon seeing her uncle's murderous glare she faltered, words dying at her lips as soon as they got there. the dots clicked -!sleep with one eye open - and her optics widened. she knew how deep their hatred for each other was, but for him to do this? what a sick bastard.

but she had to speak out. romulus had poised a question, and she was here, present. "i'm here, romulus." her usually bubbly and cheerful voice was muted in its happiness, turning cold. "i have been sleeping." lacking was the part of her brain that told her it was unacceptable to tell jokes in times like these, and the sentence that followed sounded unusually hollow coming from her maw. "where else would i be? i need my beauty sleep, and it is midnight, after all." she hovered by the door, unsure whether or not to go in. no shot she'd be able to overpower the brute nor was she going to try, so she lingered there, a presence.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: kill the lights now baby ;; setting up agrimony - Agrimony - 02-13-2023

the male was about to answer rom, when she came. inferno arrived and he lost his composure. he was no longer calm and collected. no. he felt anger bubble in his chest as he glared up at those accusing him. "if you recall, i only hurt someone not of our group. i also behaved after my punishment. i stay in the boarders, don't go to monthly gatherings. nothing." he was lashing his tail as he hissed the next words.

"and i would never hurt zuriela. i only fight those that can fight back. i don't pick one sided fights!" he was starting to lose it. he hated this. not for himself, but for inferno. she had to see him pinned like this. see him trapped like a rat and helpless. he was angry about it.

it took a moment, but he finally collected himself. calming down slightly and stopping the tail lashing. "besides.. you would have to be a heartless monster to attack a child."

actions | "speech" | attacking
? its the moment to live and the moment to die