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can you see me ;; joiner - Printable Version

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can you see me ;; joiner - Night of No Stars - 02-07-2023

pale blood of the pitt
"god of peace"
penned by cobra
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #025249; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
    the huge male was ambling at best, slowly lumbering at worst, towards the boarder of a strange land. the panda was tired of wandering alone and heard rumors of the pitt. a place where he could help many find peace. peace was his only goal in life, really. the brute was the god of it, after all. the brute stopped a few feet away from the boarder and sits.

a soft yawn escaping him as he waited for a patrol to find him. he could use a snack and a nap. all this wandering was tiresome. oh well, he knew he would be found soon and he was placed on the none trespassing side of their boarder. so, he would likely not be seen as an issue.

or he hoped so.


code by teef

Re: can you see me ;; joiner - AEGON - 02-16-2023

Another day, another patrol. Aegon was starting to get sick of the routine, but he kept at it every day, hoping of something new to come forth. Eventually, something always did. Someone or something came with time. Today, thankfully, kept him on his toes. As the horseman surveyed the sandy border, the lion paws dragged loosely on the ground until his light yellow optics caught on a stranger. They appeared to be waiting. Perhaps a joiner? An advisor? An enemy? Maybe spirit? He couldn't quite tell. Maybe it would be something exciting.

The desire for the unexpected drove him forward. Trudging forward, he eventually stopped. The lion looked the other up and down with an expectant gaze, but found no word to come from them. Instead, Aegon made the first move. "I expect you're here for a reason," he drawled. "So say it." Or, just as he liked it, let him pick it apart slowly. Let him chase the answer for infinity... Even so, that wouldn't happen. Mortals only had so much time. It was precious. With that in mind, he expected nothing more than a straightforward answer. He still had wishes though.

Re: can you see me ;; joiner - Night of No Stars - 02-17-2023

the god of peace let his eyes flick over the first person that came. taking in their words and not seeming to worried about much of anything. though, after a moment, he decided to answer. "i am indeed here for a reason, though that is my personal mission." he paused before offering more. "i came to join."

he had to be careful. some may reject his reason for joining. not many wanted to find their inner peace. "my name is baldur. pleasure meeting you." the panda offered with a soft hum. clearly friendly despite his secrets.

actions | "speech" | attacking
but i would die for you in secret

Re: can you see me ;; joiner - AEGON - 02-24-2023

A mystery. An enigma, even. Aegon enjoyed a puzzle. If the god of peace was not to tell him why he was here, then he would find out with time. It kept him on his paws. With a subtle smirk appearing upon an once cold expression, he nodded. "So be it," the lion offered back. The horseman would find out the panda's many reasons for being here, whether they liked it or not. Thankfully, unlike the rest of The Pitt, Aegon was fine with their short answer. He would play the long con.

Fortunately for his curiosity though, they were here to join. As someone of a higher ranking than most, he held the sway to allow another to join and, luckily for the panda, he would permit their entrance. "I see no issue with that," came his answer. Aegon wanted to know more. He would persist till the end of time as he had always done before. Sometimes, though, stories came to an end. Hopefully, this would continue on till it's delightful end to where he'd play a part. At the thought, he merely let his subtle smirk grow.

Often dull, the lion seemed pleased today. He enjoyed new faces, after all. "Baldur," he repeated back. "Aegon." A paw raised to his chest, clearly indicating that he was referring to his own name. His answers were often short per usual, but he felt obligated to continue. "It is also my pleasure."

For a moment, he looked behind him. The Pitt's cascading jungle was out on the horizon, beckoning them to grow closer. "Shall we?" he said, gesturing towards the greenery. It was too hot for them to mingle on the border.

Re: can you see me ;; joiner - Night of No Stars - 02-24-2023

The God of peace smiled at the stranger. He did not know that he smiled at the horseman of  death. Smiling in the face of death would likely be what he did when time claimed him. After all, he was not one to feel fear when it came to things like this. A mortal body may die but he would just find himself reborn again. He always did, and always would, return to the living.

The large beast would dip his head as a name was offered back to him in turn. He was part of a puzzle for the horseman, who was in turn part of his mission. Perhaps the two would learn a bit about each other some day. The duo would outlive most as it was. He was welcome here and they had time to figure each other out.

The offer to leave the sun for greenery was welcomed. "i would say so. Before the heat melts us both." the joke was friendly as he stood fully and lumbered forward. Watching the other to see where he should go.

actions | "speech" | attacking
but i would die for you in secret