Beasts of Beyond
I'LL BE THE SHADOW CREEPING ⚘ February Meeting - Printable Version

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I'LL BE THE SHADOW CREEPING ⚘ February Meeting - aesior - 02-05-2023

The sounds of battle still rung in his ears, the stench of blood and pain lingered in his nose, and his head throbbed with agony. The Luminary's paws were heavy and sore, claws aching as if they carried his body weight. Docking the ships had been some kind of exercise, one he could barely remember for the splitting pain in his head and carrying back injured groupmates to camp. He knew better than to leave them on the ships, he knew better than some the agony of being left behind to fend for one's self on death's door. He knew and he still hated the God of Life for that, as ancient as it was but he still held that grudge from another lifetime. Breath misting his muzzle as he stood there for a good moment, nearly swaying on his paws as he gulped in the familiar dank air of the swamps, stomach churning for the pain consuming him. Shit.

Staggering forward after his brief break, he headed for the center of town while attempting to carry Alexandre with him, hoping to lay the Typhooner down on the ground when they made it to the middle of the town. Chuffing for a moment as the Luminary struggled, sitting down heavily and keeping a paw near Alexandre, the other likely to injured to try and escape. Some dark part of his mind whispered What if we broke their wing? and he nearly recoiled from the domestic vampire with a curl of his lips. "Tanglewood. Gather up.", he didn't bother with roaring, already seeing the curious faces approaching. Taking a deep breath, the Luminary quieted the urge to hurl, squeezing his good eye shut before re-opening it when everyone who was coming had gathered, "Welcome to our newest members and welcome back to those who wandered, please seek me out if you need any help getting adjusted or one of the other senior members of Tanglewood. As for those of you who know, we had- urp.", he paused for a moment as everything swam before his vision and he panted, short of breath.

After a few moments more, he would swallow roughly, "We got ships from the Typhoon and with this one's words, we were made aware of an island within our jurisdiction," moving his paw towards Alex. "Very few of you would know this, as quiet as we have been, but Tanglewood has suffered a large blow to our territory. The storms destroyed a lot of our land and following exploration attempts, it has been discovered that our farm has been destroyed. The fields in which we grow crops are underwater and by the time that spring comes, I doubt that they will be able to support plant life, at least for the year depending on if we get a dry year or a wet one. You must wonder what the island has to do with this, but I plan to use the island as a place to plant our crops for the time being. The process of rebuilding the area around the farm will be carried out come proper spring, when the ground isn't frozen. We still need to eat after all, but we may have to scrounge around for a bit, what with our radiated prey and all. I will be holding classes on fishing in the next few weeks."

now that was a memory and a half. "Everyone who got hurt in the fight, please check in with Seven or anyone else who has medical training. I can look you over as well if you need it. There are no promotions or demotions as of now. I would love to see you all around a bit more, thank you. If someone would be so kind as to suggest some tasks for the rest of us, that would be wonderful. As for this fellow here, they will be imprisoned. They tried to sneak onboard one of our ships during the fight and picked a brawl with our dear Seven. They will be imprisoned and held for an undisclosed amount of time, at the least until we know the Typhoon will not invade our island. For those of you wishing to help settle the island, please approach me after the meeting. Thank you. Meeting dismissed." he rumbled as he got to his paws and nodded to some NPCs, "Be careful with them, they are injured. I'll tend to their injuries momentarily unless someone else beats me to it. Put them into the bunkers with food and water." he spoke before turning away from the populace to seek out some less bright area for his screaming head.

[ speech ] | [ american lion ] | [ appearance ]

Re: I'LL BE THE SHADOW CREEPING ⚘ February Meeting - tanglewoodian - 02-06-2023

//no fancy for my many creatures i will be posting lol

diesie came over on nervous hooved feet. eyes on aesior as he spoke. not sure what to think or how to feel.

dion was amused at best as he eyes the stranger they took. heart thundering in his chest as he fought the urge to kill this stranger. he was not in any position to do anything of the sort.

lanyu was shocked by the sudden realization of what all this meant as she stood near the back. that was a capture, right? it was not good news at all.

mustacciuoli was new to the group and did not understand what this was all about. he did know that he was going to an island to help plant crops. well, he would have a drink on the beach, not plant, but hey. they didn't need to know that.

venomousimpulse watched her mother from the back and tilted her head. eyes calm as she took all this in. this was new to her. a different side of mother. how things changed.

vintara was still not sure. settled in near dion and watching silently.

zalyina, in all her glory, stood there in silence. eyeing the scene with calm eyes.

Re: I'LL BE THE SHADOW CREEPING ⚘ February Meeting - Kiara Kokytos - 02-06-2023

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

screw typhoon. screw alexandere. she'd rip xyr wings to shreds if anyone would allow it. take them for herself, mount them to her wall. she shook her short fur and padded up to aesior. "i'll help out on the islands. are we allowed free reign on this bastard?" her lip curled in contempt and the reaper huffed.

Re: I'LL BE THE SHADOW CREEPING ⚘ February Meeting - Seven - 02-06-2023

Seven was listening, and was going to direct people to her home before Kiara spoke up. Her teeth were revealed in a heated snarl. "You will not touch xem. Enough damage has been done." part of her wanted Kiara to challenge her, some sick wanting to put someone in the dirt.

[ speech ] | [ Bengal Tiger ] | [ appearance ]

Re: I'LL BE THE SHADOW CREEPING ⚘ February Meeting - Kiara Kokytos - 02-06-2023

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

she lifted a shoulder, barely glancing at seven. she had no qualms with alex save xyr were her enemy, but xe had done nothing to her to she wouldn't do anything. she wasn't a natural hateful person by heart, no that was her brother. instead turned away and began moving towards her home. "i'll listen for your call, aesior."

Re: I'LL BE THE SHADOW CREEPING ⚘ February Meeting - Casphian - 02-06-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken followed after other group members as they lead the way towards the meeting. The Hellhound settled down towards the back and let out a soft sigh as he waited for Aesior to speak. His gaze drifted over Alexandre, a small smirk dancing on his lips. It was entertaining to see xem here, all bruised up and their prisoner.

He was not fond of the feline, that much was obvious but he wasn’t about to bring harm to xem any further. His attention drifted away from Alex and towards Aesi, watching as he sought out a shady spot. Solsken pushed himself up to his paws and made his way after, ignoring the words spoken between Seven and Kiara. “You seem unwell,” he hummed softly to Aesior once he was close enough. “You should get some rest,” 

Re: I'LL BE THE SHADOW CREEPING ⚘ February Meeting - Seven - 02-10-2023

Watching Kiara's outline with a furied expression, the reagent dug her claws into the sodden earth. With a few deep breaths, seven redirected her attention to anyone still remaining at the meeting. "I will be hosting a small class at my house -- preparing herbs for my storage, and preparing for crops on the island. You're all welcome to join."

Slowly standing up, she pushed past the crowd and started toward her house.

[ speech ] | [ Bengal Tiger ] | [ appearance ]