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A little nectar for the soul || Sorbet kids adopts || HP litter - Printable Version

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A little nectar for the soul || Sorbet kids adopts || HP litter - Casphian - 02-05-2023

[shadow=black,right]Ube Sorbet Floki[/shadow] xx [shadow=black,right]NPC[/shadow]
Sorbet is the Quartermaster of The Typhoon. He is a Maine Coon ice cream cat. His form takes the shape of a Maine Coon but his fur is all made out of ice cream. He currently resides in the Typhoon and has made a home for himself there along with his brother Sherbet. Along with this Sorbet is a newly turned vampire!

Sorbet Ref Please note that his fur does drip like ice cream it is just not drawn that way here!
NPC is another ice cream cat that Sorbet used to have relations with back long before he moved to The Typhoon.

[shadow=black,right]STORY[/shadow] TW/CW: mentions of death and abuse

Long before Sorbet had joined the Typhoon he used to roam the lands by himself. He would soon meet the father of the litter and the two would fall in love but things quickly turned sour for the couple. The father would become very abusive and manipulative with Sorbet. Sorbet ends up falling pregnant with the litter and around when they are 4 months he tries to kill the kits so they would not have to live with the father. He had assumed that it had worked and fled in the night where he would soon find himself in the Typhoon. But he had not been successful in his attempt. You can come up with how your child survived from here.

[shadow=black,right]PLOT(S)[/shadow] |
- The main plot I have right now is that Sorbet finds out about the kits and will react badly to seeing them. If you would like feel free to dm me on here or through discord and we can plot something out between them if you would like.

- Sorbet will not be fatherly towards the kit and will actively try to avoid them but I am open to him eventually growing fond of the kit and working towards mending their relationship. If you would like this please dm me.
- They will be ice cream cats but do not have to resemble a Maine Coon like Sorbet does. Along with this please feel free to base them off of whatever ice cream you would like, Sorbet is based off of Ube Sorbet

- All kits will start off at the age of 1 year old
- You will need to have the cuisine pelt item for the kit but if needed I can provide one for you
- The kits are allowed to have whatever powers you want but I do ask that their main body is an ice cream cat like Sorbet
- If you are unable to continue rping with the character please let me know, if you are inactive with them after 3 weeks I will adopt out the slot
- They do not have to carry the Floki last name! But they are more than welcome to if you would like
- I do ask for plot purposes that they start off in the Typhoon but after a month or so feel free to move them to wherevere!
genesis nova— non-binary — Typhoon — Finnick
hjordis — female — typhoon — cobra
raymond — male — tanglewood — orion
dorothy — female — typhoon — dio
raichi — male — group — wifewoof

Re: A little nectar for the soul || Sorbet kids adopts || HP litter - Casphian - 02-05-2023

Reserved for my character

Re: A little nectar for the soul || Sorbet kids adopts || HP litter - Cobra - 02-05-2023

◦━ hjordis
◦━ no future names // no past names
◦━ no nicknames + no aliases or titles

◦━ 02/6/2022 + birthplace unknown
◦━ physically 1 year // mentally 1 year // spiritually 1 year

◦━ female // female // she/her/it
◦━ bisexual // biromantic
◦━ 1/2 of shipname

◦━ the typhoon
◦━ stonemasons
◦━ member
◦━ fifty fifty on loyalty

◦━ voiceclaim is momoka nishizawa
◦━ faceclaim is momoka nishizawa
she was born a monster to a monster. a three headed baby that was no ones favorite. she grew up on the edge of her family as she was beaten and tormented by vikas. until the river. she remembered the game and then nothing. she remembered darkness and then nothing else was there.

she was the last to wake from this nightmare and was met by her father. she felt sorrow and anger at this. she grew up with her siblings wishing she never woke up. she watched her siblings change and she herself changed. her mind breaking from the abuse and pressure. she wandered until she was in the typhoon and was forced to face her fears. her mother.

she is self taught, with a little help from strangers met on her travel.

◦━ [url=http://"HERE"]thread one[/url] - quick description here
◦━ thread two - quick description here
◦━ thread three - quick description here

deep down, she regrets waking up.
a skilled stonemason, she can build anything. she is very diligent.

each head has its own personality. she fears her mother. she is not very great at handling confrontation.

type [the ...]
jungian, villain, archetypes. [the JUNGIAN] [the VILLAIN] [% caregiver, % intellectual, % spiritual]
◦━ traits - vanilla head;; kind, loyal, airheaded at times
strawberry head;; snarky, sharp tongued, clever
chocolate head;; calm, cold, distant

she likes to build things. she hates confrontations.

she really wants to understand why she is still here.
PARENTS & GUARDIAN FIGURES - not a fan of them
◦━ sorbet (distant) alive
◦━ vikas (distant) alive
◦━ no guardians
◦━ no foster parents

SIBLINGS - they are okay
◦━ younger siblings
◦━ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)
◦━ older siblings
◦━ raymond + male + alive + close[ish] (tanglewood)
◦━ dorothy + cisfemale + alive + close[ish] (typhoon)

◦━ name + gender + life status + closeness
◦━ name + gender + life status + closeness

◦━ past mentor? - none
◦━ current mentor? - none
◦━ past apprentices? - name, name, name
◦━ current apprentices? - name, name, name

◦━ past partners? - name (reason for separation? + type of partnership)
◦━ current partners - name (type of partnership)
◦━ crushes - name (status + group)

FRIENDS & ENEMIES - unknown feelings as she has never had any
◦━ name - closeness
◦━ name - closeness

◦━ name - closeness - reason for animosity
◦━ name - closeness - reason for animosity
◦━ species - feline
◦━ race or breed - icecream cat

◦━ height + weight - 10 in + 7.9 lbs
◦━ general build/description of musculature - thin and small

◦━ hair or pelt color + length - white, brown, pink + long
◦━ eye color - hazel
◦━ accessories - none
◦━ scars - littered with small cuts on her flanks
◦━ tattoos or marks - tricolored

◦━ powers - answer (proficiency)
◦━ bodies - icecream cat
◦━ health of bodies - 100% (icecream cat)
template credit @ teef

Re: A little nectar for the soul || Sorbet kids adopts || HP litter - Orion - 02-05-2023


Re: A little nectar for the soul || Sorbet kids adopts || HP litter - SirDio - 02-05-2023

Name: Dorothy Floki
Gender: Afab, Cisfemale
Age: 1 year 5 months
General Description: A slim feline with bushy white fur with splotches of cherry red tabby coloration. Her markings appear to swirl and drip sometimes. There are pink undertones in her white fur. Her eyes are always heavy-lidded, with low lashes with deep grey irises. She seems to always look sad.
Personality: Due to the trauma of having Sorbet try to kill her and her siblings, and the abuse she took on from her father, Dorothy is an emotionally unavailable woman. She's very guarded with her thoughts and feelings, and most things, insults, compliments, or otherwise, go right over her head. Dorothy comes across as extremely apathetic, and speaks in a monotonous tone. She cannot find it in her to hate Sorbet, but also can't find it in her to forgive him for his crime.

Re: A little nectar for the soul || Sorbet kids adopts || HP litter - Orion - 02-05-2023

This form is a work in progress.

name — Raymond
nicknames — Ray
origin — "From the Germanic name Raginmund, composed of the elements regin "advice, counsel, decision" and munt "protection". The Normans introduced this name to England in the form Reimund. It was borne by several medieval (mostly Spanish) saints, including Saint Raymond Nonnatus, the patron of midwives and expectant mothers, and Saint Raymond of Peñafort, the patron of canonists." Courtesy of BehindTheName
roleplayed by — Orion

current rank — Member of Tanglewood
past ranks — N/A

current alliance — Tanglewood
past alliances — Unrevealed


sex / gender— CIS Male, he/him
age — One year
bodies —
Panther (main): The panther Raymond resides in is representative of their past: dark and dastardly. Black spots cascade down their body, eventually leading into sharp tiger stripes on top of a greyscale gradient throughout their body as a whole. Their body also inherits the piercing green eyes that their birth body beholds, along with the pointed facial features of their predecessor.
Feline (birth): Similarly to his panther body, the color scheme remains black and dark greys. Raymond has a smoke-patterned pelt with eye-catching green eyes. Their fur, significantly from their Maine Coon breed, is long and brushed back with careful consideration to emphasize their average-sized appearance and highlight their muscular frame. With sharp facial features, it's visibly notable to point out their deep cheekbones and chiseled jawline, along with their puffed out tomcat cheeks that make them look visibly older.

Due to former abuse, Raymond has a variety of scarring on their body. This includes burn marks, significant fur loss, and healed wounds.

possessions — Raymond has no possessions that are revealed to the audience.
powers —
Shapeshifting: Gained as a small child, Raymond learned how to master their shapeshifting. After exploring many forms that fit their mentality, they eventually decided on one that satisfied their need to feel above others in height and power.
illnesses — Undiagnosed
handicaps — N/A

accent — After being abandoned as a child and left to fend for themselves, he picked up a slight mixture of an English and American accent from his fellow Tanglewood members.
languages — English, Latin
voice volume — His voice is often bold, but not loud unless overly emotional or passionate. 
common phrases — In order to seem genuine or condescending to enemies, Raymond has picked up the habit of using pet names for others. More often than not, he will refer to others as 'darling' or 'dear' instead of their name.


mbti personality type — ENTP-T
moral alignment — Chaotic Neutral

strengths —
— An intelligent, understanding listener who is open to new offers and ideas that come across his path, even with a cost. Dealing and making promises with Raymond are honestly kept, though may involve negotiating from time to time based on circumstances. Otherwise, he keeps his word.
— Though he is open to new thoughts, he is also open to other offers up on the table. Raymond comes across as an open negotiator and is willing to betray if the other side has a higher price to pay up. Sometimes, though, there can be an exception. It'd be dangerous to trust him.
— Raymond can often be patient when meeting their goals in life. They are willing to do anything to achieve what they want, whether it be waiting or a display of strength.
likes —

weaknesses —
— Getting on his good side is reluctant to happen. Years of trust issues contribute to this factor. To get close, you will have to show him through positive means for him. Power in specific is something that easily persuades him from his introverted personality.
— He does not enjoy being called a coward, nor anything relating to such.
— While he tries to be nothing like his family, he is the spitting image of his father. Raymond just hasn't realized such. To him, he is a higher authority.
— Can get too overwhelmed in destructive habits if under high stress
— Short tempered
dislikes —

quirks —
hobbies —
beliefs / religion — Although Raymond holds no strict religion, they have an interest in what lies above and below.
goals — To be noticed by their peers and be held up by them, ascending to the top.


family name — Floki (renounced)
parents — Sorbet Floki x Vikas
siblings — TBN
other direct family — TBN

sexuality — Pansexual, questioning/secret outside of heterosexual norm
martial status — Single
spouse — N/A

best friends — N/A
trusted individuals — Sorbet (~)
rivals — Vikas (deceased), Sorbet (~)
mentor — Himself.
apprentice — N/A


One would say that they were an 'accident'.' Something that should have never came to light. Yet here they were for the world to see. The children of Sorbet Floki and Vikas were one with the world, whether they liked it or not. With their siblings, Raymond grew up in an abusive environment. While Sorbet favored Raymond, Vikas focused their attention on Raymond and abused them heavily for months. Whether it was a sickening slash to the side for disagreement or a calculated burn to the paw for simply existing, Vikas tormented him like no other. To Raymond, there was no escape. No hope for solace... except within Sorbet.

The two bonded in the silent moments when Vikas wasn't repeatedly calling Raymond a 'coward.' They formed a proper bond, one Raymond cherished. They were the light at the end of the tunnel for Raymond and someone they could trust. With that in mind, he leaned into the hope of leaving their home for the better very soon.

That hope did not last long. The trust he put into his other father subsided after four months. Sorbet betrayed him. After Vikas rage lashed out at the kids once more, Sorbet broke down. On a dark night when Vikas was not present, their father coaxed them to the riverside. One by one, they lined up near the water's edge and looked down into it. It was a 'fishing game,' he said. Just peek closely into the water and... splash! One by one, the children's faces were plunged into icey cold waters, only to fall unconscious moments later. Raymond watched in confusion as he awaited his turn, confusion and a dark feeling settling in. As the last contestant of the game, he pleaded. A coward, as always, is what Vikas would say. Even so, something wasn't right. Through screams of desperation, Sorbet's paw pressed down onto the back of Raymond's head and pushed their face into the water. As they hollered and cried, water started to flow into their system. Eventually, everything went black.

In a sputter of water and stomach contents, Raymond gained consciousness. Wide eyes stared at the face of Vikas and then around, looking at each sibling waking up in succession. So many questions were being asked. 'What happened?' Vikas didn't know. 'Where's dad?' Vikas didn't know. All that he knew was that they were alive and well, something that would keep him under his paw for much longer.

The upcoming months led him to grow resentful. Why had his father left? Why did he try to kill him? What about his siblings? Without someone to protect them, their father grew ruthless. Raymond broke under the pressure. The previous emotions he shown had started to fade. Instead, a façade formed. One of coldness and ignorance. His father could no longer get a reaction out of him without pressing further to his breaking point, only to solidify his walls once more.

As they grew mentally, so did his power against his father. Unable to be pushed, they developed the ability to shift themselves mentally to please him and prod at him to do what he wanted. That frustrated Vikas to no end. A cold personality with a sickeningly sweet smirk to please the worst of the worst was bound to cause a problem.

Thankfully for Raymond, they did not only change mentally, but physically. With a fortitude built up, they developed the power of shapeshifting. At first, it was small changes. Little scars disappearing, tufts of hair shifting with emotion, and then irises changing color during emotional moments. Raymond only noticed after Vikas pointed out his eyes turned crimson during a large fight, only to mock him for breaking his front once again to appear as they coward he truly was.

Upon realizing this, the feline went to hone this power in secret. It provided a light at the end of the tunnel for him. Something he could use to escape. Something he could use to conquer his father, no matter which one. In time, he formed a physical being that broadcasted a perception of strength: A panther. Dark, muscular, and bold. It was something to be envied by others. Perhaps even fearful of.

Ultimately, in one last show of his disdain for his father, Raymond approached Vikas as a domestic feline. Per usual, it started off with Vikas mentally degrading him and eventually moving to physical strikes. Except, this time, the child turned on them. As they went to strike his face, Raymond's smokey stature shifted into a overlooking big cat and stepped away. With eyes turning red, the panther stared down at his father with a cold glare. Their parental figure just started to laugh, cackling away at their show. 'You think that'll scare me, Raymond?' Vikas taunted, among another things.

Months of anger and fear bubbled up inside their veins and they darted forward. Claws latched onto Vikas' shoulders and pushed them down onto the fear, causing his father to yelp. Wide eyes stared up at Raymond in surprise, but their smug smile remained. With a paw slowly travelling to their nap, another turned down to the neck of his father. Claws tapped on Vikas' throat. A fury of apologies, pleads, and compliments started to lash out of their silver tongue. The approval he desired and the love he admired had finally came and Raymond was eating it up.

Pleasured by the show and satisfied in his endeavor, his claws pulled out of Vikas' back and his paws moved away. Before Raymond knew it, Vikas was back. With a shake of their body and a cocky tilt of their head towards his siblings, he offered a confident remark. 'I knew the coward wouldn't do it.'

Claws shot from their sheaths and back out onto his father's throat in a fit of rage. They pulled... and pulled... and pulled... until flesh and innards came with them. Blood jetted from his father's neck, covering Raymond. Moments later, crimson-covered paws pulled back and let the bleeding carcass fall to the floor with a hard thud. Gushing red liquid pooled at his feet as he stood in shock, staring down at the results of his actions.

Only moments later did he remember the audience before him. Crimson eyes faded to back to green, revealing his shame to his siblings. He let his jaw hang open. No words could be exchanged in the moment. Choked up and confused by his own impulses, the panther turned. Just like Sorbet had, he ran.

Fearful of the consequences of his actions, he decided to go elsewhere. Fueled by the fire, he decided to seek out Sorbet and reconnect. Perhaps for closure, perhaps for revenge. He was not quite sure, but all he wanted was someone to see him. All he desired was love... and, yet, he had never been given it.

In search of Sorbet, the larger feline triumphantly marched through the mainland. Eventually, covered in the blood and guts of their father, they found Tanglewood.

To be continued...

Re: A little nectar for the soul || Sorbet kids adopts || HP litter - Casphian - 02-06-2023

Posting before I forget but I have lowered the age down to a year old! Makes it easier to keep track of the age akskkdkf

Re: A little nectar for the soul || Sorbet kids adopts || HP litter - Orion - 02-06-2023

Sounds good! Very excited. I think I'm done with my form for the night.

Re: A little nectar for the soul || Sorbet kids adopts || HP litter - Casphian - 02-06-2023

All three are accepted!

Re: A little nectar for the soul || Sorbet kids adopts || HP litter - Raymond - 02-07-2023

Following on subaccount!
Posted an introduction.