Beasts of Beyond
put a stopper on death // medical care for the typhoon vs tanglewoods fight - Printable Version

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put a stopper on death // medical care for the typhoon vs tanglewoods fight - ROSEMARY - 02-05-2023

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
// takes place after the typhoon vs tanglewoods fight for the island, but before the monthly meeting. if your character is injured please give an ooc list of their injuries. (:

Next to the bottles of dehydrated herbs within the Typhoon’s temple, Rosemary leaned her forehead against the wall. The moans and whimpers of injured crewmates from the beds—and temporary beds of blankets!—overwhelmed her ears. But it was her worry for Alexandre that made her paws shake.

Damned fools, pirates and swamprats alike, Rosemary thought as she lifted her head.

With a flick of her tail, she summoned a floating glob of tea water to her face. She opened her maw and took a bite out of caffeinated beverage; she imagined it was the heart of the Tanglewoods’ bastard leader. Her four eyes blinked asynchronously as she hurriedly finished the tea.

The ocelot’s tail flicked faster as the caffeine surged in her veins. With that energy came a fresh wave of energy—hatred for those who hurt her crewmates, fear for Alexandre, frustration for Alexandre risking himself in battle when his absence caused delay of care. Gods, she hoped he returned soon; she loved her nephew, but, more practically, she couldn’t deal with the pressure of being the head of the medical team.

Floating two inches off the ground, Rosemary drifted down the hallway and rubbed antiseptic on her front paws. She had already put a stopper on the worst bleeds and most life-threatening conditions, but now she needed to do the rounds and properly fix up everyone who hadn’t been at death’s door.

peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: put a stopper on death // medical care for the typhoon vs tanglewoods fight - Cobra - 02-07-2023

calypso colada
crewmate of the typhoon
penned by cobra
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    the woman had not been there at the fight and she was regretful. alas, she was better suited to defense. so, why not stay here and protect the home? there were kids and boots could not keep them in a safe place alone. so, the woman had stayed. now that they were back, the gorgon was concerned. moving herself along until she was standing nearby as rosemary moved. eyes on the woman before clearing her throat.

doing rounds? care if i join you? i can help fetch anything you may need. she offered with a calm voice. wondering if the other would take her offer of help.


code by teef

Re: put a stopper on death // medical care for the typhoon vs tanglewoods fight - ROSEMARY - 02-09-2023

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Rosemary’s right ear swiveled to Medusa a second before the ocelot’s head turned. For a second, the ocelot was worried this meant more chaos, but the woman was offering calmness and a bit of assistance.

“Your help would be wonderful. With Alexandre gone, the wounded—and I really haven’t been actively healing anyone when I was introverting all that time—it’s definitely overwhelming.”
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: put a stopper on death // medical care for the typhoon vs tanglewoods fight - SHERBET - 02-28-2023

NEW TAB: sherbet ♤ male ♡ feline ◇ tags ♧ typhoon captain
The Captain of the Typhoon, his scruff oozing blood, his claws sore and broken, his spirit crushed, meekly approached. His heart in pain as he once again went over the entire thing in his head for the thousandth time. He allowed this to happen, he lost his shit in the worst possible moment, he could hardly remember anything between from seeing Tanglewood boats and seeing Aesior's gored face. His panic at seeing Alexandre was missing, presumably captured by Tangle while the fight was happening. He could hardly keep his hackles down as he remembered not being able to find Juniper, and hoped she had made it onto the ship home, hoped to any god that she wasn't also captured.

His claws still stuck out from stress. He had just been getting the hang of the whole leader thing, and he did this. He knew, he knew, he knew. He didn't want their to be war, but look what he caused anyway they found it first, they already claimed it first, they built on it first, it's the Typhoon's island!.

"...I'm sorry..." Sherbet choked out as he sat, and murmured his injuries to Rosemary.

(Injuries: Sherbet has a torn scruff, a few claws are broken, various scratches across his body, and he is mentally very not okay)

Re: put a stopper on death // medical care for the typhoon vs tanglewoods fight - Cobra - 02-28-2023

The new mother had not gone with the rest. Simply because he had kits to watch. His lover had gone, but he was sure it would be fine. Until the war broke out and now Sherbet was hurt. So, the male came over after. Not for care, but to offer his support. Attempting to press softly to the other without causing harm. Eyes soft and filled with understanding. "Hush now. None of this was your fault, love." He murmurs. He blamed Aesior and he always would.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? i set fire to the rain

Re: put a stopper on death // medical care for the typhoon vs tanglewoods fight - ROSEMARY - 03-04-2023

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Rosemary hovered over the ground, weaving around the sickbeds and their loved ones until she found Sherbet and Boots. Fortunately, their captain’s wounds weren’t anything terribly serious. However, she appreciated both his and his mate’s patience while she tended to the more urgent cases. Rosemary tried to smile in greeting, but the sage achieved little more than an upward twitch of her mouth.

“No change since triage, right? Torn scruff, various scratches, and broken claws, right?” She spoke aloud for reassuring them as much as reminding herself. “If there’s been any new pain or symptoms, let me know now.”

As she talked, the sage telekinetically pulled the surgical sewing kit from her satchel. With her paws, she disinfected the torn scruff and the scratches along his body. She would’ve given him anesthetics like poppy seeds or alcohol, but… with Sherbet’s mental state, she couldn’t completely disregard the possibility he had other injuries and wasn’t aware of them. If she knocked him out with meds while he had internal bleeding, she’d never forgive herself.

“This’ll take just a tick, I promise,” she said. Before she finished her sentence, she already began telekinetically stitching up his torn scruff.

“Calypso, if you could fetch more bandages and a metal tin painted gold-–means it’s the goldenrod ointment—while I stitch him up, that would be fantastic.”
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: put a stopper on death // medical care for the typhoon vs tanglewoods fight - Cobra - 03-05-2023

Orders given, she would turn on her heel and stroll away from her companion. Paws guiding her to the storage to collect bandages. Noting their location and noting the color mentioned. It would be good to know. So, she grabbed the gold tin. Turning to carry both back swiftly. Stopping to offer them to Rosemary silently watching. Learning.

actions | "speech" | attacking
i wanna heal, i wanna feel