Beasts of Beyond
jolly sailor bold ;; joiner - Printable Version

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jolly sailor bold ;; joiner - Cobra - 02-03-2023

crewmate of the typhoon
penned by cobra
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the waters were disturbed by a rather large figure. fur slicked against their body as they moved through the waters. the merdog moved slowly through the waves. tail swishing as they propelled through the ocean. leaping and dancing through the waves like a dolphin.

slowling until they were stopped just off the shore. moving up onto the coral nearby to eye the land. the beast wondered who lived there and simply watched for any signs of life. it was when the land showed some life that they slipped into the water. swimming steadily to the shoreline and up onto the sands.

wondering if the strangers would see them there.


code by teef

Re: jolly sailor bold ;; joiner - ROSEMARY - 03-07-2023

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Rosemary walked along the shore, enjoying the warmth of the sand against her toe pads. She had her face to the ocean breeze and, as she slowly blinked the morning crust out of her four eyes, she spotted the merdog emerge from the sea. The ocelot's eyes narrowed warily; joiners and visitors usually knew to use the railroad tracks to announce their presence instead of barging in. But if xe was aquatic, well... xe probably had very different ideas on what territory borders meant.

"What's your name and business in the Typhoon?" Rosemary asked.
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: jolly sailor bold ;; joiner - Cobra - 03-11-2023

And spotted the merdog was. Nimbus let their head tilt as they smiled a lopsided smile. The words spoken were confusing and the hybrid paused to think. "Typhoon? Is that what this land is called? It is lovely. Perhaps i can stay?" It was clear the hybrid had no idea of the rules of boarders.

In their home, the ocean, boarders were different. Frankly, boarders did not exist in the sea. Sure their land parent had boarders, but mother was who raised them so, they grew up with ocean rules. Move, hunt, and survive. What more was there?

actions | "speech" | attacking
♒︎ i've become so numb, i can't feel you there