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ceremonial robes || PELT GIVING - Printable Version

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ceremonial robes || PELT GIVING - Romulus - 02-02-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
Pelts were an important part to the Coalition of the Condemned. As the winter started to brew and brush past, so did the cold weather. To prep for the cold, pelts were distributed throughout the year as they came and in the middle of the season itself. With new members coming in, Romulus figured it was about that time. With Byriath in tow, the two sorted through what pelts they had and then divvied up responsibilities to go hunting for what was missing. Needless to say, their hunts were successful. Both arrived with a plentiful pack of pelts to dish out to the freezing wanderers.

Arriving on the middle island with a wagon trailing behind him and a rope in his mouth, Romulus brought what he had in front of the contraband shanty. Settled, the lion moved on over to the wagon. Careful claws picked at the edges of the pelts like a book and flapped through them, a gust of air blowing back in his face as a result. It sufficed. With a satisfied huff, it was time to work.

Paws picked up each pelt by their edge and slid them down onto the ground. Afterwards, the kingpin laid them out carefully by category. Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! From the smallest of common prey to the largest of enemy predators, there appeared to be many choices to pick from. Romulus, for himself, was unsure of what to do with yet. Instead, after they were all organized, he merely stared at the piles blankly. Maybe later he would decide later. Considering Romulus inherited his father's gifted tiger pelt from his mother, he felt it was unnecessary to pick first.

Hoping Byriath would join soon, the lion looked out upon the bustling camp and let out a call. "Come over for a pelt, if you would," he offered. "It's quite cold." With a shiver, he considered reevaluating his choice. Maybe he did need a pelt to keep warm...


Re: ceremonial robes || PELT GIVING - Agrimony - 02-03-2023

//not using fancy's as i will post all my cotc members in this single post \\

agrimony hung back from the call. staying at the very back of the group as he looked at the pelts. not knowing how rom would react to him being there currently.

the softer footfalls of the ever graceful and elegant bellaluna brought her up to the kingpin. stopping a respectful ditance away, she would dip her head and watch silently.

neonlove came up next with zuriela. snuggling into her pelt to stay warm in the chilly air. the duo settled in together to watch the next few events.

nesraa heard the call and wandered over. her father was not there, nor was her mother. so, the cub settled in as she waited for her family to arrive.

silentstep moved up next and settled in. waspsting landing upon her shoulder. the coyote grunted and glanced at the smaller being but soon watched the gathered once more.

Re: ceremonial robes || PELT GIVING - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 02-03-2023

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

the weather didn't bother her, it was just another force of nature. she trotted up to the already gathering crowd, nudging agrimony in the side with a purr from an upturned smile. pushing past him softly and padding up to her uncle she nodded her head. "this would be really useful, romulus! how long did it take for you two to hunt all this?"

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: ceremonial robes || PELT GIVING - natasha - 02-03-2023

As promised, Natasha showed up with her sewing kit stashed in a little backpack. It jostled side to side as she walked on all fours, so she was happy to sling it off and place it on the ground. She huffed, less to catch her breath and more to collect herself. She was still a fresh face, and the pelt giving was an important tradition that she wouldn’t dare mess up.

However, she couldn’t stop her amber eyes from widening in slight surprise. There were so many pelts—well tended as they were, still raw materials—and so many wanderers. She rubbed her palms together and bit her lip. She told herself it was quite impossible for everyone here to want a pelt, and, even if they did, they could hardly expect her to tailor the garments for them all in a single day.

macaque - she/her - wears red elk cloak
template by orion

Re: ceremonial robes || PELT GIVING - Byriath - 02-13-2023

"Took us a little while." The Xenosmilus chided, grinning as he finally made his way to the gathered group. His own body was decored in the flimsy pelt of a snake-cat he had hunted long ago, and it had started to really wear out. And as he dragged the sorted pile that he had made, there was obvious strain in his face. Old age was starting to show, very subtly. But he didn't let that stop him as he set the pelts alongside what Romulus had gathered.

Sitting down next to Nesraa, he ran a purple-ish tongue over his dark paws, cleaning himself from the work of preparing the animal skins. 
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