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occupational hazards }} aesior - Printable Version

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occupational hazards }} aesior - Alexandre - 02-02-2023

— alexandre f.m.r

The cold, wet conditions of the bunkers kept Alexandre shivering. Scared, even. A sick reminder of what Sojourn had forced xem to do all those years ago. As the smell of rotting flesh wafted over his nose, the feline could not help xyr from letting their mouth drool. Since then, the fear of becoming what xyr mother hated had faded, yet Sojourn predicted it correctly. The monster had come out to play. In time, Alexandre succumbed to the status and allowed xemself to embrace every dirty part. The blood, the gore, the guts. Whatever it may be. The thought of chaos underneath xer thumb caused xem to be pleasured.

Even now, as they sat in the dark, their vampiric beast salivated and craved the smell that came from afar. Hunger pangs had started to set in since their capture and, this time, Alexandre would not allow xemself to grow hungry ever again. In the spirit of that, the feline's sensitive awareness attempted to lead them forward. Leaning forward, paws reached outwards at the stone beneath xer feet. Every crack and crevice xe avoided. With a clear path in mind, xe took a few steps now and then. Then again. And again.

With pain shooting up their broken leg, xe found xemself growing tired, but kept going. Eventually, to no avail, the beat up feline reached the entrance of the bunker's cell. Soft paws extended forward. Claws fiddled with the freezing metal in front of xem, trying to find a lock.

While Alexandre had no definite plans of escaping yet, xe still wanted a meal and to negotiate some terms with Tanglewood's leader.


Re: occupational hazards }} aesior - aesior - 03-04-2023

Luckily for the creature of the Typhoon, Tanglewood's own Luminary wouldn't leave xem waiting for too long. The lion approached the bunker with very few goals to mind, majorly to inquire the pirate about xyr methods behind trying to get on the ship with Seven, and to address xyr broken leg. He trusted his Shadow Reaper but he thought it would be better that he attended to Alexandre personally, lest there be more of an accident that today had already brought them. His own steps were awkward, heavy with pain that he could not hide and didn't bother with, the scent of blood hanging thickly around the wounded Luminary.

There was too much to do, he couldn't rest. He needed to make sure the group's affairs were all in order.

Somewhere on the walk down to the bunkers, the Luminary's torch began to gutter and his head began to pound. The pain only increased as he walked, hearing his heartbeat in his ears for the longest time before a sickeningly sweet whisper crawled into his ears, "You are weak, Aesior. You are correct to worry about your group and those you have chosen to help you protect them. You are the weakest link there. You couldn't protect your children or Aristotle. Nor were you able to keep Corrupttimelines from leaving the group and you behind. I can help you become strong. You just need to listen to me, and you just need to make a deal with this foul creature you've ordered locked up.", whispered the voice in his ears as sparks grew into life along his pelt once more. Huffing around his torch, he groaned, "Shut up. Just shut up. I am more than capable to lead these people." he hissed out as he stepped forward, treated only to cackling laughter fading from his ears.

A low growl escaped the beast as he moved, coming before Alexandre's cell within no time, cold silver eyes staring down at the smaller feline with a grimace, "What are you doing.", the Luminary spoke, thankful for the quickly done poultice covering his missing eye. Licking his lips after slotting the torch into the wall, shrugging off his satchel with a huff, "Move back unless you'd rather I don't set your leg and attend your other wounds, Alexandre."

[ speech ] | [ american lion ] | [ appearance ]

Re: occupational hazards }} aesior - Alexandre - 03-25-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
The subtle complaints of another and the footsteps of a being came to Alexandre's ears in no time. Rather than addressing Aesior's dialogue to themselves, the feline's head turned upwards when Aesior's silhouette presented itself in the darkness. In response, a smirk rose on xer mouth. Dark paws slowly slide down from the metal xe fiddled with. Claws tapped lightly on the cold steel as they went down, signaling xer interest in in the luminary's current state. The leader did not look too pleasant, but they looked good enough for Alexandre... especially when xe needed to negotiate.

Sharp facial features poked through the bars. For a moment, xe let the smirk settle and xe sported pursed lips, debating whether or not to agree. Deciding upon what was beneficial in xer favor, Alexandre pulled away from the bars with a purr. "So be it," xe agreed. "Do not ever say I disobeyed you." Pristine, white teeth flashed in a taunt.

The injured cat pushed xemself away from the edge of the cell and into the middle, limping weakly along the way. "As my mother would say, 'mi casa es su casa,'" xe commented nonchalantly. Xer paw flicked upwards, gesturing for the other to unlock the cell and come in. "Come in, darling. I believe you're not just here to talk, are you?" Alexandre was or has leverage, didn't xe? The Typhoon was an enemy. They would not just let xem rot, would they? The vampiric being inferred not.

Whether the other came to their aid, the feline leaned in. "What are you here for, Aesior?" Surely it was not to let xem out.

Re: occupational hazards }} aesior - aesior - 05-02-2023

The state of the other injured being was just as annoying as it was gratifying. Normally, he wouldn't wish harm upon anyone, not those he had seen as allies until recently. Cracking his neck with a chuff of breath, feeling tiny fires light into being along his pelt and shaking himself as if in effort to knock them out, to shed the burning cinders. There was no such luck, sadly. The fire wasn't something that he controlled, it had a mind of it's own, or it was controlled by some other entity. He didn't want to think about that.

Fixing the vampire with a stern one-eyed gaze, as much as the disorientating pain could allow for, an unwilling laugh bubbling up, "Disobeyed me? You have little choice, darling", he growled as he withdrew keys from his satchel and set about unlocking the cell, pushing the door open with an already aching shoulder. Staring down at the other, "Not just here for talk? I suppose you're right about that, I need to fix your injured ass up.", he issued a low growl to xem, licking his scarred and aching jaw. Reaching forward with sheathed claws, paw turning as he meant to attempt to cup xer chin in his paw, done in an attempt to get a better look at xer face, "You've seen better days, my dear. Much better days. Regretting deciding to attack our ship and Seven, yet?", humming as he moved to sit beside xem and drew linen bandages from his satchel as well as a container of salve. Setting his paws on the ground, he focused his attention on the flagstones below and let his eye fall to half-lid, calling upon the earth. Feeling it buck under his paws he hummed in appreciation as two young saplings burst up at his beckoning. Appraising them visually he waited for a moment, considering before bending his head and biting down on their stems, pulling his head and biting with impressive force until they snapped and tore away.

Setting them down and licking the plant juice from his fur, "Try not to move too much, Alexandre.", the Luminary growled as he picked up one of the newly grown sticks and brought it to xer broken limb, attempting to press down gently after attempting to straighten the offending leg, setting the sticks to the limb and wrapping the bandages around it, rumbling as he worked. "I do question your methods in telling us about the island. Prideful boasting?", lifting an eyebrow as he glanced to xem. He tried to ignore the haunting whispers of the voice from earlier tumbling around his head and ears, eye growing dark as his breath struggled in his lungs for the pain he was experiencing. Looking away, ears flattening slowly, "It wasn't a good move to make. I do thank you for the information though, as much as it was a boon to us, it was a curse to you and yours. I hope it's enough of a lesson.", he grumbled as he shifted through his herbs and containers, pulling them out to dress any other wounds the vampire bore. The guilt for the battle, after the bloodlust had worn off, and after the anger had simmered down, was overwhelming. He couldn't let his unfortunate captive suffer, not with good conscience.

"You're weak, Aesior. This one is a threat, and yet you feel guilt? How did something like you ever become the Grim of the new Death? You're a pitiful fool."
"Shut. Up. Call me whatever the hell you want, just leave me the fuck alone." he hissed under his breath in answer to the voice that only he alone could hear, a stinging pain in his head causing him to recoil some. Blinking profusely as his eye stung with a jabbing agony, the lion's silver iris was soon replaced by an electric light blue staring down at Alexandre. "Oh darling. Aren't you the cutest thing? I would almost feel too sad to let you go. I surely hope you didn't think that I would let you go free so easily? Sorry to dash your hopes, babe~."

[ speech ] | [ american lion ] | [ appearance ]