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MY HEART IS ON FIRE ;; ELVIRA - Printable Version

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MY HEART IS ON FIRE ;; ELVIRA - Elvira - 01-31-2023

❝ love bites, but so do i ❞


Name: Elvira Rose Wolfsbane
  — Nicknames/Aliases: Bleeding Rose [Julius only]

Gender: Female
  — Sex: Female
  — Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 3 years [physically] 90 years [spiritually/mentally]
  — Birth Date: 1/30/1933
  — Creation Date: 1/28/23

Rank: Lady of the Noctis Imperium
  — Former Allegiances: None

Titles: Fragile Imposter, Woman of Mystery, Monster
  — Former Titles: Delicate Flower

Romantic and Sexual Orientation: Heteroromantic Bisexual
  — Status: Married to Julius Wolfsbane
  — Previous Relationships: None
  — Crushes: None
  — Monogamous/Polygamous: Monogamous to a deadly fault

Known Languages: English, Romanian



Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Mental Health: 50/100

Positive Traits: Clever. Fearless. Calculated.
Neutral Traits: Deceitful. Jealous. Self Confident.
Negative Traits: Cold. Merciless. Cruel. Deadly. Harsh. Sadistic. Masochistic.

Disorders: Sadistic Personality Disorder
  — Quirks/Habits: Painting her nails with blood.
  — Addictions: Julius. Blood. Pain.

Likes: Likes to kill or harm.

Dislikes: Hates when others flirt with her husband.

Strengths: Sneaking
  — Talents: Murder. Dancing. Writing.

Weaknesses: Julius
  — Phobias: Thanatophobia

Fears: Losing Julius

Aspirations: To please her husband in any way she can.

Description: Elvira is a mystery to some and a monster to others. A clever woman that plays the long con with almost ease. She seems shy, fragile, and weak. This is all part of her clever desguise to keep others from suspecting her of the very crimes she often commits. Though, a few know the truth, she still uses her clever mind to toy with others and trick her way out of danger. This woman has no true fears, at least ones that stop her from fighting or other things. While she does fear losing Julius, she hides it as best she can. Often fighting alone or leaping into anothers fray. She always calculates her actions with care. She knows her limits and she does not fear pushing them.

She is always lying to strangers or leading others on. It is how she gets her meals or her kills. She is deceitful with an almost ease. It is second nature to trick others. She is violently jealous of what is hers and will act ferally if she feels it is threatened. This is worse around Julius. She worked hard for his love, and she will kill to keep it. She is very confident in who she is. She knows what she can and can't so. Acting on such things without much concern.

Now, this leads to the truth in the woman's very heart. A cold, merciless and cruel killer with a taste for blood. she is deadly in nature and rather enjoys killing others. She is harsh in action and word when she needs to be. Not caring for others feelings on the matter. Most call her sadistic, and they are right. She enjoys the suffering of others. Torture is not off her table in any way. Though, on the other hand, she is a masochistic woman. She loves pain and it often makes her giggle like crazy.

Elvira is truly a two faced monster.


Reference(s): wip

Species: Golden Jackal
  — Breed: Jackal

Physical Health: 95/100

Build: Small. Slender. Delicate. Fragile
  — Height: 14in
  — Weight: 18lbs

Exterior Type: Fur
  — Color/Markings: Faded red. Dried blood swirls. Dried blood tail tip. Dried blood ears. Dried blood maw.

Eye Color: Jade Green

Scars/Marks/Tattoos: Bite mark under her choker.
  — Mutations: Blood red bat wings on back. Black feathered tiny wings behind ears.
  — Artificial Enhancements: None

Accent: Southern
  — Manner of Speech: Soft and shy [normally], Honey laced with venom [true voice, only used when she is with those that know her true nature]

Disorders: None
  — Permanent Injuries: None
  — Disabilities: None

Possessions and Accessories: Crown made of bones. Leather choker with teeth for spikes. Leather bracelets, with teeth spikes, on each of her legs. White skull ring on an onyx band, hangs on a string.

Description: Elvira. A thing of beauty marred with death. A slender beauty of faded red fur and long legs. Delicate and fragile figure hiding tone muscle and true strength underneath. While shorter than her husband, she still holds a mysterious air of power about herself. Swirls of dried blood esk color litter a medium pelt and tip bushy tail. Her ears and maws hold this same dried blood appearance.

Eyes of jade, beautiful and piercing in their way. Elvira can stair right through your very soul and past the fibers of your being. A stair that has cause fear and desire in many. Behind those delicate ears rests a tiny set of black feathered wings, like a decoration though they are very real. Upon her back is a set of blood red wings, bat like in form. These wings are used for more than looks. Nails, sharp and deadly, are painted red with blood.

Being as extra as she can, the beautiful monster decks herself out in jewelry. Her most valued being her white skull ring on onyx band. This she wears about her neck on a string as it is her wedding ring. About each ankle are tight black leather bracelets with spikes made from teeth. About her neck is a matching choker.  Upon her head is a crown made of bones. She is truly a sight to behold. Just so long as you stay on her good side.


history and relations.
Parents: npc x npc, vampire blood parents unknown
  — Generation: 1
  — Siblings: None
  — Place of Origin: Noctis Imperium

Children: None yet

Notable Relatives: None

Loyalty to Individuals vs. Groups: Loyal only to Julius

Friends: None
  — Best Friend: None

Apprentice(s): None
  — Mentor: None

Rivals: Evelynn

Feared Individuals: None

History: Not much is known about her. She grew up in a small village in the deep south. Learning Romanian and English from her parents. She went to lots of parties, shooting down men she found boring. Eventually, she was asked to become a vampire and marry into the family Wolfsbane. So, she did and upon realizing Julius found her dull, despite her beauty, she became obsessed with winning his heart.

When he told her how he was jealous of not being the next Lord, she did the unthinkable. She killed his family to put him in power. This, in turn, won him over and they became closer than anything else.


Physical Level: Extreme

Mental Level: Extreme

Battle Dynamics: Tends to play more defensive, toying with others while conserving her energy. Then she goes for the kill when they are weak.

Powers (mastery level 0/5): None yet

Overall Skill Rating (8/10):
  — Strength: Moderate
  — Speed: Extreme
  — Agility: Extreme
  — Intelligence: Extreme
  — Endurance: Extreme
  — Perception: Moderate
  — Magical Ability: None

Rules for maim/kill/capture: Ask permission
  — Rules for nonviolent/peaceful interactions: At one's own risk

Social Difficulty: Extreme
  — Platonic Relationships: Hard to reach with her
  — Romantic/Sexual Relationships: Impossible
  — Rivalries: These are the most common


❝ that bitch can eat her heart out ❞

Re: MY HEART IS ON FIRE ;; ELVIRA - Elvira - 01-31-2023



Re: MY HEART IS ON FIRE ;; ELVIRA - Elvira - 01-31-2023

Other Bodies

1. Wolf Eel - A beast with no fur, pale red skin, and jade green eyes. When they open their maw, a second mouth like that of an eels can pop out.

2. Snake Centipede - snakes body and head with the face pincers and legs of a Centipede.  Eyes are still jade green, body is faded red.
