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In the Ice, or In the Sun, It's all the same // Elvira - Printable Version

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In the Ice, or In the Sun, It's all the same // Elvira - JULIUS WOLFSBANE - 01-29-2023

Gentle paws moved around the large entrance hall of the cathedral. The Jackal, clad in his usual attire of dark robes and golden crown, strode along the west wall, humming gently to himself. In some distant room upstairs he heard a piano get tested, then fall silent as the cords refused to work. He watched for a moment for movement, then continued to walk. When the piano started up again, this time bringing upon a soft tune, he started to hum along with it. Very few times was he this much at peace. Such times made him think of when it was not has peaceful. His old life, before he became a Wolfsbane. And then, his acceptance into the vampiric family. And his marriage to Elvira.

Elvira. What a woman. The thought made him chuckle to himself, a gentle, light tone. His wife was quite the woman. At first, when he first met her, he didn't think much of Elvira. Julius liked the scary side of women, and Elvira hardly showed that at first. And even when they were married, he really didn't see what she hid. But when he found that his entire family was slain, leaving him and Elvira to become Lord and Lady, he had grown more respectful and affectionate toward her. Truly, a scary woman behind such a weak facade.

The lord turned to walk down the east wall, stopping when he heard the music stop. He turned to look up, hearing his little rat, nestled in between his shoulder blades, squeak. Whispering an apology, he shifted slightly. And he started to walk along the wall again, humming as he went.


Re: In the Ice, or In the Sun, It's all the same // Elvira - Elvira - 01-30-2023

Now, Elvira was not known for being much of anything. All others could see was her beauty and her fragile exterior. Of course, that is all she wanted them to see of her. The only one she cared enough to show the truth to was Julius. She knew he did not love her at first and she desired his love. She desired his affection and to be his one and only.

It did not take long for her to earn that love. Even if it was through the murder of his family to push him into power. Though, she would never admit it to anyone but him. If others asked, she fakes sorrow in the loss of the former lord and his family. Though, in reality, the monster hidden in fragile body was thrilled with it. Hell, she rather enjoyed the looks in their eyes.

Like the others, they had no idea what she truly was deep down. Just a wife to give to their son to keep up appearances. She savored every drop of blood and every feeble attempt to break free of her. The thought made her giddy even now and she let out a soft laugh. The sound dancing on air like bells in the wind. The lady almost floated down the halls to the empty ballroom.

Empty and boring. She remembered the days before her wedding. The days before her being a vampire with the power to kill. The parties she went to and the suitors that came calling. All of them dull men compared to her husband. Men that she knew would never understand her. She shot them all down until that night.

The night the former lord came and took her away from this life. An offer she could not refuse. A vampire offering to turn her and whisk her away to Wed one of the sons? How could anyone say no? She had not said no, and sure it was not the lord that turned her, but another not in the family. She was brought before her future husband and her life changed.


Oh how she loved him. Anything he ever asked of her would be given. He wanted power, she gave him this. She would do it all again and again. Until she died in her turn, she would keep doing for him. The music that had drawn her from her solitude and into her thoughts stopped suddenly.

A soft sigh escaped her as she realized it was not the plans of a ball, but just some practicing musician. The silence was broken by a humming sound and she knew right then who it was. Her annoyance at the lack of a party was forgotten now as she turned on her heal. The jackal leaving the room to follow the noise until she was falling in line beside him.

Good evening, beloved. She spoke in a voice only he ever got to hear. Not that soft and shy tone others got, but a voice of honey laced with venom. A voice filled with love and acceptance. Her true self.


Re: In the Ice, or In the Sun, It's all the same // Elvira - JULIUS WOLFSBANE - 01-30-2023

His steps slowed as he smelled her. A familiar aroma, not too far from blood. A sweet, delicate scent. With a smile he turned to face her, pearly eyes glinting. "Good evening, my Bloody Rose." He crooned, Tilting his head. "Care to join me in this empty hall?" He fluttered a wing, incurring the squeaking wrath of his pet yet again.

His gaze reached up into the dying sunlight filtering through the glass windows, thoughts churning in his head. His father had wanted a masquerade ball for the first festival under his rule. And, even though the old man was gone, Julius still loved him for what he was and vowed he would keep it up. Already he was thinking of how to go about it. Who to invite, the themes. "So much to do.."

Re: In the Ice, or In the Sun, It's all the same // Elvira - Elvira - 01-31-2023

The offer for her to join him was one she would always accept. Of course, love. I could use the company of someone I love. She almost purred the words as she hugged her own wings to her sides. It did not take her long to catch his words. This new Lordship was filled with tasks and she knew he would find it a bit much at first. Who wouldn't? A moment of silence before the little monster spoke.

Tell me what troubles you? She could not kill a ball, but she could help him.  She was far from a social butterfly. Yet, she was eager to help take a load off of his shoulders where ever she could. Perhaps I can help in some way, my love. The words came out calmly as she looked up to where his gaze fell.


The time where she cause the most harm. A twinge of hunger in her stomach was ignored as she let her eyes fall back to Julius. Unless its diplomatic. You know I am not great at that thing. After all, she killed to get power for them. She would kill to keep it. Simple as that.
