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WELL I HOPE I WAS YOUR FAVORITE CRIME ~> Alexandre - Printable Version

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WELL I HOPE I WAS YOUR FAVORITE CRIME ~> Alexandre - Casphian - 01-29-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Quatermaster of the Typhoon.
It had been many months since that fateful night with Alexandre. And every day since then the feline had been on Sorbet’s mind. Wether he had run across them or they plagued his thoughts when he was alone. Even while he was being promoted to Quartermaster and tension rising in the group the vampiric feline just couldn’t leave Sorbet alone.

But Sorbet didn’t seem to care, or at least to himself he didn’t. On the outside he would continue to be disgruntled whenever Alex was around, pretending as if his heart didn’t race and his cheeks didn’t flush a bright red under his fur. Honestly who was he trying to fool? He could pretend all he wanted but he doubt he could lie much longer.

During this time a hunger had seem to set in, one that he could never seem to satisfy no matter how much he ate. His canines seemed to be growing but he shook the thought off every time he noticed, chalking it up to an overactive imagination.

But then one night the hunger was becoming too much, his body aches with desire and a craving. For what? He honestly wasn’t sure. He had started feeling this way some time after that night with Alex, so maybe they knew. They had to know…right?

Sorbet stumbled out of his house, dragging you self towards Alex’s home. He hoped and prayed to whatever God was above that the other would be home. He knocked rather harshly against the door, wincing slightly at the sound as he waited in hopes that Alex would answer. 

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: WELL I HOPE I WAS YOUR FAVORITE CRIME ~> Alexandre - Alexandre - 01-30-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
That night was a special one for Alexandre. Not often did xe find a subject that would reciprocate their feelings, nor care about the interactions they had together. Xe felt at home with Sorbet as they crossed paths a multitude of times, often finding one disgruntled or too coy to speak, while xe held an arrogant superiority between them. While many could satisfy xirs physical being, not many took a liking or fiddled with xirs feelings. The relationship, at times, was... and xe used this term lightly... 'quintessential.'

From there, the two had met quite often. For both of their needs. When the sensitive ears of the vampiric succubus heard footsteps away from xirs hut, xe found themselves not minding it and continuing to curl up in a ball. Thin blankets kept xem covered and warm from the cold weather, but not away from the outside's noise, sadly. Alexandre, in contemplation, considered earplugs. Xir head continued to lay on top of the many ball of blankets, only to shoot up at the sound of thundering knocks. With a groan, the feline stumbled tiredly to xir feet.

The hut's door creaked open. Dark features poked out through the crack carefully in suspicion. Oranges eyes narrowed at the silhouette in the sun's light and then widened in realization. Sorbet. Xir cracked the door open fully. With a smile, they leaned through the doorway and attempted to press xir nose against the other's. With squinted eyes, Alexandre challenged them. "Come back for round two?" the feline asked with a slightly exhausted purr. Not for long though. Some exercise would wake xir up.

Re: WELL I HOPE I WAS YOUR FAVORITE CRIME ~> Alexandre - Casphian - 01-31-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Quatermaster of the Typhoon.
Sorbet shuffled where he stood as he waited for Alex to open the door. He could hear the movement on the other side and let out a soft sigh at knowing the other was home. The feline watched as the door opened and Alex peeked past it.

Sorbet would've responded to the teasing, honest to gods he would have. But Alexandre just had to go and press their nose against his, causing his brain to stutter and his eyes to widen a bit out of shock. Sorbet should've expected the gesture but he still got startled any time the other showed him an ounce of affection. After his past relationship it was no surprise that the cat struggled with showing and receiving any sort of affection.

He finally let out a soft huff and stepped into the home, glancing around the area for a moment. "As much as I would love to say yes I am not here for that," he mused. He turned around to face the other, his tail flicking lazily behind him. "You seem exhausted, have you slept well lately?"

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: WELL I HOPE I WAS YOUR FAVORITE CRIME ~> Alexandre - Alexandre - 01-31-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
At the other's flustered expression, Alexandre's confident smile grew. The shock was pleasurable. Even so, xe understood that Sorbet was here for a reason. The other feline stepped past xem, causing the vampire's head to turn and a paw to shut the door in surprise. What happened to 'hi' or 'hello' for gods sake? Just strolling on in casually without reciprocating xyrs body language was strange.

At the other's inquiry for something other than comfort, there was no surprise to it when Alexandre's expression of satisfaction fell. Turning to face the other, the feline's head craned. Xe had no clue why Sorbet was here then, genuinely. Stepping forward, xe attempted to press their nose underneath Sorbet's chin and push it upwards to impose confidence on them. "That's unusual of you, Sorbet," xe murmured.

As a question was redirected at xem, Alexandre pulled away. "As well as a hibernating bear till you came through," xe grumbled with a sigh. Xe shook xyr head in disappointment. "Now, let's not redirect though." Orange eyes attempted to lock with Sorbet's own, a glint of concern peeking through them. A soft gaze tried to pressure the other to speak up. "Why are you here today then, darling?"

[Changed 'xir' to 'xyr.']

Re: WELL I HOPE I WAS YOUR FAVORITE CRIME ~> Alexandre - Casphian - 02-04-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Quatermaster of the Typhoon.
Sorbet hadn’t realized he was supposed to return the gesture. Honestly he had been too flustered to properly think and on top of that wasn’t one to generally receive affection so he wasn’t quite sure how to return it most of the time.

He let out a soft sigh when Alex nosed under his chin to push it up. He would in turn move to slide his chin and cheek over the top of xyr’s head before pulling away. “I think it’s quite usual of me,” he mused with a slight huff and a pout.

Sorbet turned his head away when the attention was shifted back to him. He shuffled his front paws, ears flattening against his head. “Do you ever get cravings for something that you know you shouldn’t have?”
[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy