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Sound of Madness ;; Alex - Printable Version

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Sound of Madness ;; Alex - Elvira - 01-29-2023

was it mad of her to wander so far from home? Perhaps it was. Then again, she was not known for her fear of risks. She was fragile in appearance, sure. That did not make her weak in any form. Though, most would not know that. Most just noted a fragile pale red jackal. They noted the wings and the jewelry. The fact she was alone. All trivial in the eyes of strangers.

So, she wanders to neutral lands. Needing to feed and hunting for any lost soul. Wanting one no one would ever miss. The silent steps of a dark woman would not go unnoticed. Not that she took not of anything strange. She was in her own world. Besides, no one would dare attack Lady Wolfsbane, right?


Re: Sound of Madness ;; Alex - Alexandre - 01-29-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
Was it mad of them to wander so far from home? Not quite. Madness was a scale and Alexandre just happened to be near the edge of the top. At any given moment, they rode the edge, teetering back and forth between logic and impulse. What drove them forward today was, unfortunately, something to impulsive. The vampiric succubus needed to feed. With Sorbet unable to contribute, Rosemary busy, and their usual meal selection set aside, Alexandre was growing hungry. So, with brown paws set in front of them, they walked with purpose.

To fulfill their desires, they had to find a victim. ‘Prey’ in a lighter sense. Orange eyes surveyed the scene of the neutral lands many times before, but there had yet to be a soul crossing the land… That was until a silhouette sauntered by. As Alexandre was crouched in the shadows, a red jackal appeared. The stranger flaunted her wings and showed off their jewelry, similarly to they did. For awhile, they watched in silence while a plan concocted in the silence. Fascination and hunger eventually drove them forward.

Haunches pushed up off the ground and sent the vampiric being into the air. Wings extended in their full glory, Alexandre cascaded over to the taller canine and attempted to land on their back. If successful, unsheathed claws would latch onto their target. Canines like daggers would shine in the sun and ‘mon soleil’ would try to grab onto the target’s throat, lapping up what blood came out.

Re: Sound of Madness ;; Alex - Elvira - 01-29-2023

Before she could react to the presence of another, she felt the paws landing between her wings. Instinct made her lower her wings to the ground to stop herself from stumbling with this sudden shift in weight. A grunt escaping her before claws sank in. The pain made a giggle bubble up in her throat. It was not everyday she got to misbehave in some fashion.

Today was a chance to fight and not be frowned upon. Until fangs met her neck and the anger at being attack dissipated. A full laugh, soft and yet cruel in sound, bubbled up. Perhaps she was a mad woman. This was amusing to her as she knew what this creature was. They were like her. Soon they would realize just what she had.

Yet, she did not wish to allow them to feed off her long. After all, her blood was only for Julius. So, she jerked her wings in, wrapping them tight to her sides. She would then attempt to roll as best she could. Wanting to simply dislodge her attacker.


Re: Sound of Madness ;; Alex - Alexandre - 01-29-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
As laughed bubbled up in front of them and bounced off their ear drums, blood started to flow into Alexandre's mouth. A sour taste doused their taste buds. Euphoria told the vampire to keep going, but the taste was something they could not stomach for long. In response, canines retreated from the other's neck. There had been victims Alex had not enjoyed, but this... was something different.

Before they could hiss out their disdain, wings of the other caused Alexandre to dislodge. The feline tumbled to the floor with a thump and a huff. Once caught up in the moment, the succubus spat out the remaining of the sickening liquid. orange eyes looked up at the other. A disgusted expression crawled onto their facial features, obviously displeased by their attack.

Heavy breathing, the feline carefully pulled themselves off the floor and back onto hazelnut colored paws. "And who are you?" came their curious, yet mocking, coo.

Re: Sound of Madness ;; Alex - Elvira - 01-30-2023

As soon as she was free of her attacker, the woman would tuck her wings back in and let her eyes find the vampire. Taking in the feline before her, the fragile looking jackal offered a coy smile. A sickening, almost taunting, look in those jade optics. She took a step closer, but stopped herself after one paw moved.

A little annoyed that the fight was over, but the other spoke rather than attack. So, she took a page from the book of Julius and refrained from attacking back. Lady Elvira Wolfsbane. She responded simply to his question as she watched the tom.

She took a moment to collect her thoughts and offered a soft click of her tongue. Her voice switching from that honey laced with venom tone back to her softer tone. The tone everyone got, despite it not being her real tone at all. A voice she played so well for so long. She would slowly step back to let the other see she was not planning to fight, yet.

And who are you? she asked with morbid curiosity. After all, she did not run into vampires all that often. At least, not outside her home land.


Re: Sound of Madness ;; Alex - Alexandre - 01-30-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
Softening to a casual stance, Alexandre's ears perked upwards and listened as the sly lady spoke her truth. 'Lady.' Was she from a kingdom? No group around here used such a term. A sensitive nose had taken a nonchalant whiff of her scent earlier, not minding it's different aroma, but now it made sense. Alexandre knew there were other groups out there besides the big four, but xe had yet to account for them on such a personal level. Perhaps xe could start now.

And, finally, xis time to shine. The feline straightened out and stood tall. Xir wings flexed outwards a bit, showing off xir glorious details. "Alexandre," came xir sly response, mimicking the other's short tone. Note the use of no last time. Xe had dropped xir attachment long ago when xir parents left, leaving their children behind to fend for themselves while they fucked around in happy ever after land. 

Alexandre's tail twitched curiously and xir orange eyes narrowed. "You are something I have yet to encounter," xe mentioned. "An outsider, but also another one of... me." Besides xir family, of course. There was no other blood quite like xis. The taste was something xe had tried during xir imprisonment by drinking xir own blood. Yet here was Elvira with a similar tinge of sourness to their blood and a sly, yet strangely calm, attitude.

The fur on the back of his nape remained slicked back, cool, and calm. Even so, xe was fighting for words to say. The golden sun child was no longer alone in this world. No longer a beast by xirself. The monster xe had grown confident in had a friend? An enemy? An acquaintance? Competition? Unsure, the feline's claws discreetly sunk into the soft ground of the neutral land between them.

"Where are you from, dear? I find your aroma peculiar." Not a bad thing though. Alexandre dealt with many, from allies to enemies. As long as something was in it for xir, then so be it.

Re: Sound of Madness ;; Alex - Elvira - 01-31-2023

Now the feline was standing casual, And it was this that made her certain the fight was over. To her, this was a drag as she enjoyed a good fight far from home. Yet, she was meeting one of these 'rogue' vampires her husband mentioned. Though this one had a groups scent upon it. Not a group she knew, as she did not go close to other groups. Mainly because she was prone to violence and did not want to ruin all her beloved husband's hard work.

The name floated towards her and she almost missed it. Her mind dancing with thoughts about this very situation. Her ears perked a bit before she offered a soft bow of her head. Charmed I am sure. She cooed in a slightly friendly way. Her voice still that soft and shy esk tone.

She watched the others movements. Her eyes taking slow and calculated mental notes. Every detail etched into jer mind for later use. The lack of a last name was missed to her. Though she could care less about last names herself. She only used hers as she was pleased to hold such a powerful name and title in her realm. Ears flicking slightly as she slowly lowered her rump to the earth.

She did not know this one well, but she was sure that she was safe to sit. Eyes flicking over the feline to watch for any movement that could be threatening. She was clearly not afraid, despite her fragile appearance. She was not one to feel fear, outside of one thing. That thing was not here. The words she had thought left this vampires maw and she hummed.

Indeed I am. I have not met many of our kind outside my realm. She replied before pausing a moment. She knew the vampire knew just from her blood. She knew from the very bite that still dripped slowly down her already faded red neck. The woman let out another soft laugh. Another vampire to watch out for. To be wary of. She would have to let her home know that there were others out there.

You will have to forgive me. I am not the diplomatic type. That was never my strong point. A toothy grin crossed her maw. Fading as quick as it appeared. The woman offered a soft click of her tongue before speaking again. You see, I am from the Noctis Imperium. We are a realm made mostly of vampires. I do not often meet others as i do not travel outside the realm.

This was her truth. She stayed home and crushed the rebels. She kept the masses fearful. She never had time to explore. She had to keep fear alive, even if they did not know it was her. They all fears Julius, but it was always her. Tell me. Where is it you reside? I am not privy to the other groups or their scents.

Another true statement.
