Beasts of Beyond
the sweetest tongue has the sharpest tooth // intro - Printable Version

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the sweetest tongue has the sharpest tooth // intro - natasha - 01-21-2023

On her one month anniversary of joining the CotC, Natasha settled into the main camp with her crafting tools. She did this once a week, always on a sunny morning so she could see her hands without the sun’s midday glare, but for this occasion she brought out several odds and ends she’d collected. Things like elk horns, shiny rocks, and rolled up pelts.

So far, nobody had come up to speak with her during her crafting sessions, but she didn’t mind. Groups were defined by their leadership, and Romulus seemed the introverted type—hell, even the gurus seemed the introverted type. She’d never had 10 minutes of crafting time alone to her thoughts back home without a relative picking up something from her pile and either trying to barter or suggest improvements. Frankly, that was too much for Natasha, but she missed dashes of chaos.

For now, though, she hummed a lullaby to herself as she threaded a needle. Her favorite elk cloak–so red it looked like a fox’s from a distance–needed a quick fix. And a quick fix was the perfect way to start crafting, because just looking at those antlers she wanted to carve gave her anxiety.

So she kept her silver eyes trained on her needlework.
macaque - she/her - wears red elk cloak
template by orion

Re: the sweetest tongue has the sharpest tooth // intro - Agrimony - 01-22-2023

zuriela hoshi
thane of cotc
"cinnamon roll"
penned by cobra
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    the teen aged fox was not an outgoing creature, but she was kind enough to speak to strangers. though, most of said strangers were new members to her home. it was no different today as the thane moved from her home. she had planned on going to plexus' place, but spotted someone she was not sure she knew. so, she made her way over to see who they were and what they were up to.

the girl stopped short of the stranger and offered a soft smile. ears perked slightly as she watched the woman before her working. not sure what they were doing, she would decide to speak. hello.. her voice was soft in nature. then again, it always was. she was not a very loud creature unless in danger.

i'm zuriela.. it is nice to meet you.. she adds as she slowly takes a seat to keep watching. hopefully she was not bothering the other to much by being here.


code by teef

Re: the sweetest tongue has the sharpest tooth // intro - Romulus - 01-23-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
Despite the female's weekly routine, Romulus had yet to notice Natasha off to the side with her tools. Today just seemed different though. For once, periwinkle hues shifted off to the side as he walked through the main areas of their camp and noticed a new face among the crowd. She was right nevertheless. The leader was introverted. He found himself continuing to walk along, only to stop abruptly with a sigh. He had to say something, didn't he? As their kingpin, it was his duty.

Coming out of his shell, the leader slid on over next to the teenage fox and watched as the other worked through their items momentarily before clearing his throat. "Impressive work you have there," he offered lightly in regards to their cloak. Eyes looked the item up and down, surveying it's smaller details, such as the ripped seam she was repairing carefully. He continued to let his eyes wander. Too much so that he grew quiet as he watched her work, enticed in what she was doing. From the red-tinted pelt to the careful needle-threating, Romulus was pleased by the intricacies.

Managing to snap out of his thoughts, the leader looked over towards Zuriela and passed along a nod of greeting. "Now- I'm afraid I don't know your name, ma'am-" He looked over at Natasha, momentarily craning his head in hopes she would speak up. "-but did you see that threading of the needle, Zuriela?" came his humble question. "I couldn't imagine doing it with these." He raised a paw. They large and in charge for sure. There was no way could he work on such a small level.

Re: the sweetest tongue has the sharpest tooth // intro - natasha - 01-29-2023

“Hello, it’s nice to meet you both.” The macaque glanced up from her needlework once, then her gaze returned to the tricky dexterity task. “You’re Zuriela, right? I’m Natasha.”

She punctuated her introduction with a smile of satisfaction. She held up the red elk cloak and checked it over; the repaired seam was obvious from within, but the fluffy outside looked unblemished. It was practically good as new.

Natasha bit her lip as she returned the cloak to the ground and finished tying off the thread, then snipped the extra off. Perfect. She picked up the cloak and, with a flourish, drew it around her shoulders. Instantly, it warmed her back as it guarded her against the chilly wind, and her relaxed expression reflected the cozy comfort.

Once the mater of the cloak was dealt with, the weight of Romulus’s compliment settled on her. Her golden eyes widened. She hadn’t expected the kingpin himself to notice her needlework.

“Thank you, sir.” The tip of her head and shoulders was automatic. In the community she grew up in, the differences between ranks was rigid and absolute; her body wouldn’t forget these necessary rituals.

“My name’s Natasha,” she said, then realized she was repeating herself. He’d been there with Zuriela while she ignored them both to finish the minor repair, hadn’t he? “Hmm, well, your paws—” She bit her lip; macaque hierarchy was absolute, and even unintentional slights were dealt with accordingly. “—I’m sure your talents and time would be wasted on such mundane matters like sewing. It’s quite boring, really, the same repetitive motion over and over done with the utmost concentration… it’s a task only the lowest-ranked macaques would master.”
macaque - she/her - wears red elk cloak
template by orion

Re: the sweetest tongue has the sharpest tooth // intro - Romulus - 01-29-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
Natasha. Got it. The lion smiled at her kind appreciation, only to continue as she redirected her attention at his paws. His paws fumbled on top of each other at the thought of being stared at, but he continued to grin anyways. Guess it was his fault for bringing attention upon them. Even so, he appreciated the compliments otherwise. "I'm sure I could find my time wasted with the task, but it would be calming," he joked back. "I suppose I am jealous of your... thumbs." His gaze pointed down at the macaque's hands. If only lions had thumbs, then they'd be superior.

Though he had gotten her name, he had yet to give out his own. The kingpin did not like to assume that others knew his. It was just rude. After all, he had not held a meeting for awhile now. There had to be some that did not know him. Proceeding with the thought, the lion offered an apologetic dip of his head. "I don't think I introduced myself properly," Romulus commented. "My name is Romulus Malus, kingpin of the Coalition of the Condemned. It's a pleasure to meet you, Natasha."

"You know, I'm about to go searching through pelts for others." Maybe with Byriath. He had not exactly thought out the situation in full yet. Even so, he curiously offered a raised brow towards the other. "Perhaps I could use your help making them into robes or other pieces? Hopefully she would be interested. The big brutes surely couldn't sew...

Re: the sweetest tongue has the sharpest tooth // intro - natasha - 01-31-2023

The grey primate looked down at her hands and wiggled her thumbs. In her birthplace, everyone had the same fur color and basic anatomy, but, here, she was unique for her hands—even envied. Her fur prickled in unease at how different she was from these felines and canines, but, all the same, it was nice for her talents to be appreciated. So she smiled.

“It’s great to meet you, Romulus.” She caught herself before she tripped over herself. He didn’t meet her expectations, but he didn’t need to know her lifted assumptions. “As jealous as you are of my thumbs, I’m quite jealous of your claws. But I’d bet our tails are equally useless compared to, say, a spider monkey’s.”

At his invitation to help with the pelts, she blinked. “Oh, of course I’ll help.” She couldn’t imagine the havoc four pairs of paws would do to perfectly good furs. Besides, as far as leader’s requests went, this was certainly reasonable and fit with her skillset. “Just tell me where to put my sewing kit and I’ll be there.” 
macaque - she/her - wears red elk cloak
template by orion

Re: the sweetest tongue has the sharpest tooth // intro - Agrimony - 02-03-2023

zuriela hoshi
thane of cotc
"cinnamon roll"
penned by cobra
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #cccccc; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
    the girl had been so focused on what work the older female was doing, that she had not heard rom coming up. the sudden clearing of a throat and the voice of the kingpin made her jump. head snapping to look at rom a moment as she relaxed again. softly exhaling a breath she did not know she was holding. her head turned back to watch as he spoke to her next. her work is beautiful and skilled. a talent not many possess, but it very much a wonderful asset.

the voice of nat reached her and she looked up at the female. yes ma'am. she wondered how many voices spoke her name for it to get around. she had no idea she was popular in any form. the woman set back to work and zuri watched silent. she looked to rom as he admits to being jealous.

perhaps she was herself. the gilr took note of the conversation and swished her tail. taking in everything, the younder fox shifted her weight and looked to nat again. my paws are good for digging and thats about it. so, i guess i am jealous of both of you. her soft voice was teasing. a playful tone that was just her way of blending in.


code by teef

Re: the sweetest tongue has the sharpest tooth // intro - Romulus - 02-05-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
His head craned in thought. Yes, he supposed they weren't equal all around. The lion's tail was quite useless, despite the firm claw (fun fact: look it up!) and it's puff atop of it. Romulus merely offered a paw out to Natasha and waved his claws in front of her in a rare show of confidence. "We all have our strengths, don't we?" he stated with a grin. "Although, I'd argue mine doesn't like here, but here." He moved his paw up to his head. A claw lightly tapped at his temple.

At her acceptance, he could only be pleased. "We could use your strengths. Thank you," he remarked with a thankful dip of his head. "I should have those pelts ready soon. I'll call upon you before I bring them into the camp if that's alright." His gaze shifted to Zuriela, a cheeky smirk playing across his lips. "I'm sure we could use your digging skills to fluff and brush out those pelts, right?"