Beasts of Beyond
Woof's Application - Printable Version

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Woof's Application - wifewoof - 01-18-2023

Ranks interested in: Junior Moderator
Discord Username: quietlysilent#8746
Time Zone: EST
Any qualifications or previous experience?:
qualifications & experience
▪︎I used to help run a Final Fantasy 14 free company discord when I was younger, we'd organize raids and groups to help others when needed. I also offer assistance to several other discord servers when asked; including BoB and a science centered discord. I try my best to be friendly and helpful when I can be, even without official power backing me. I just enjoy being helpful to others! I only really modded the old old FF14 server, everything else is just private server friend groups or just help when asked.
▪︎I enjoy organization, and brainstorming new ideas for things. I have spreadsheets, google documents, and entire discords set up for my ideas and projects.
▪︎I am not afraid to ask for help, and I always seek second, third, or even fourth opinions on decisions. I don't rush into things without cautiously thinking them through.
▪︎I'm consistently on site even if I do not post. I check at least 2 to 4 times an hour.
▪︎I've also upkept two High Positions in the site RP. I have Plexus, Guru of the Coalition of the Condemned, and Sherbet, Captain of the Typhoon. I post with them more than my other characters, and I tend to prioritize their threads over others.
Why would you like to be staff?: I like helping the community, and being helpful where I can be. I want to help make BoB even better, and see where it goes it in the future. I love this place, and hope for all the world it'll stick around for a long long while.
Got any fun facts about yourself?:
fun facts
▪︎I have 5 (6 technically) cats named after food: Sushi, Toasty, Rocky, Sunflower, Licorice, and Tamago.
▪︎I work on worldbuilding on the side! I like building worlds and designing species, designing new things. It is something I never expected to make me happy, but I have indulged in it a lot and it has given me many amazing ideas I can't wait to share one day.
▪︎I have 1000+ warrior cat names (traditional and untraditional) from spreadsheets I've made myself, and I keep fine tuning it on my own time.
▪︎I still am working on that cat genetics guide!!! I have been doing deeper research on harder subjects, and ways to explain how it all works better. I hope it make a detailed guide on top of the basic one I made! I currently have been refreshing myself on genotype and how silver & gold passes. New subjects include pawpad & nose color, eye color, and how specific breed characteristics pass (like color points, burmese, etc).
Questions?: Is there a detailed explanation on all junior mod responsibilities/obligations? I get what they do, but I like having an actual full list cause my brain dislikes uncertainty lol