Beasts of Beyond
Little Sympathy || o. Intro - Printable Version

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Little Sympathy || o. Intro - Nyria. - 01-18-2023

Lets play a game
Nyria's cool gaze landed on the fire before her, a small pit lit to keep members who do not fair well against the cold warm. Scrolls being dropped inside as fuel to keep it lit throughout the nice. Cold winds nipping at the sovereign as her ear twitched slightly. She had been staying within Tanglewood mostly, mapping the territory out as well as figure out how she could cause some trouble for the group while figuring whomst she should ally her small group with.

The Covenant was big, and could provide enough protection of course, but they would see her as an enemy at first if she were to come back covered in the scent of a group they are targeting. For now she would keep her options open trying to plot out everything to make sure it goes according to "plan." While lost in thoughts the leader almost did not hear the approaching footsteps from behind, and so she lifted her head in a silent greeting towards whoever had decide to join, accepting any sorts of company from her Dynastians.
"Speak", [color=#80A4ED]thoughts