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ashes to ashes // JORMUNGAND - Printable Version

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ashes to ashes // JORMUNGAND - Angelbeats - 01-17-2023

✯ — "speech" "thoughts" "actions"
angel couldn't take it anymore. she couldn't stand being cooped up any longer with her thoughts. the catsune couldn't bear another thought of what she'd lost and trying to recollect what little she had left. the collar around her neck, the wedding ring she wore under it. she'd never see him again. angel would always wonder what became of him, but it had been years since they had been together before her death, she wasn't even sure he was still alive. and if he was, he was still in her old world, not here with her.
shaking off her thoughts, the female would exit the facilities that she'd temporarily called home, the healers room. she was mostly all healed anyways save for her wings but...she didn't want to think about that. she didn't want to confront the likelihood that she may never fly again. she worked her paws into the soil, eyes darting this way and that. last time she'd tried to abscond she'd been gently guided back into the building like a kit wandering from the nursery a little too early.
no sign of anyone yet. angel's tails wagged eagerly behind her and she took a running start and bolted. she grinned as she cleared large jumps, the adrenaline pumping in her body as she reached the edge of the massive kingdom panting heavily.
✯ — true hermaphrodite. totf & the pitt. extreme. —

Re: ashes to ashes // JORMUNGAND - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 01-17-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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nobody appointed him to take care of her but he was the one who found her half dead on the border so he felt some sort  of connection to her state. he had just been walking across campus when he watched her form almost sprint out of the healer's den. he rolled his eyes and followed her on soft, quiet pawsteps, halting a distance from her. ah, so she stopped at the border. "any reason that you chose to stop at the border, out of all places?" he was unamused. if she wanted to take their medicine and just run she need not make such a commotion to begin with, nor did she have to collapse on pittian territory at the start. why not just keep running, away from their territory? the panther sat down, curling his tail around his large paws, and watched her silently.

Re: ashes to ashes // JORMUNGAND - Angelbeats - 01-17-2023

✯ — "speech" "thoughts" "actions"
angel plopped down on her backside, settling down as she peered over her shoulder at jormungand. out of all the people to follow her, she certainly hadn't expected him although maybe she should've. he was the one who dragged her half dead ass all the way back to the pitt. she threw him a small smile and shrugged.
"i just needed to get out, i didn't even realize i'd made it all the way out here. thought for sure i'd be stopped and corralled back to the healers den like a kitten." she replied, puffing her cheeks out in indignance. she stood and shook out her fur, trotting over to the panther and settling back down a couple of feet in front of him. "what're you doing following me? that interested in me?" she hummed waving her tails lazily behind her.
✯ — true hermaphrodite. totf & the pitt. extreme. —

Re: ashes to ashes // JORMUNGAND - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 01-17-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


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she reminded him of his children, with some sort of excited energy, always twitching or moving around. some sorts, never able to stay still. "like a kitten?" he chuckled. "no, angel. kittens get carried by the scruff of their necks. adults like yourself get told to go back and heal up like a good little girl." he tilted his head, lifting a brow. gaze lingering on her wounds as she shook herself and padded over to him, sitting down. she questioned why he was following her, if he was interested in her, and he smiled with dead blue optics. "i followed you because i did not drag you from pittian borders like the one we are sitting at right now all the way back to camp just for you to be stupid and run off like a silly child. you will tear the stitches, it is an amazement how you were able to run so far." he ran his tongue over rubbery lips. "but now, unfortunately for you, i have to escort you back to camp. unless you wish to die out here alone, just let me know."

Re: ashes to ashes // JORMUNGAND - Angelbeats - 01-17-2023

✯ — "speech" "thoughts" "actions"
angel whined and tapped her front paws on the ground like an anxious teen. "n-noooo! don't send me back! walk with me! i'm pretty much all healed up, some of the stitches have already come out on their own anyways." she pleaded, lifting a leg to show a line of scarring left behind by the stitches to prove that she really was almost all healed up and ready to go. thank the gods for her blood or she would've been out of commission for weeks if not months from the beating she took. "it's just the ones by my wings that are taking the longest cause they were so deep...not like i could fly with them anymore anyways..." angel mumbled, standing up to her paws again.
she tried to stretch her wings out but winced and tucked them back in when the pain became too much. the catsune had barely gotten them half way to full span. it was not a good sign and it made her heart pound with anxiety.
✯ — true hermaphrodite. totf & the pitt. extreme. —

Re: ashes to ashes // JORMUNGAND - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 01-24-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


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childish indeed. he frowned as she trotted in place - how old was she exactly? and still acting like this? she pleaded for him not to send her back to the medic's den and he sighed. she lifted her limbs to show that indeed, some of the stitches were gone, and then tried to spread her wings. he winced for her as she did, too. it was a shame. he doubted she'd be able to fly again. then he tilted his head. he had a pair of wings in his house, mounted nicely. smaller than hers, but equally as pretty. an ear flicked, tailtip twitching in return. flight would definitely be the most difficult, if at all possible, for her to achieve again. "fine. let us walk. but the second you feel wrong or i smell blood i am wrapping you up and bringing you back to camp." he lifted a figurative brow and set off, pace slow. "what exactly happened to you, if you do not mind me asking?"

Re: ashes to ashes // JORMUNGAND - Angelbeats - 01-24-2023

✯ — "speech" "thoughts" "actions"
angel grinned and hopped to her paws, demeaner instantly rising as she trotted to catch up then easily kept pace with the larger panther. her face twisted into a thoughtful expression, wondering how she should explain then deciding to just explain everything, at least there was someone in the world that could back up her seemingly very bogus story.
"well, first off, i'm not from this world, quite literally. i'm not sure where this is in reference to where i came from, but my old world wasn't much different in terms that our groups were structured in a similar fashion to here, although cat pelts made of food is a new experience. anyways i was the deputy or co-leader of a very large group called the Cartel. we were doing well, just on the other side of a plague when i was attacked. i had given birth not long before and had gotten the plague myself so i was rather weak. i fought with all i had but i was killed, they even carved their name into my stomach as a spectacle for my family to find along with my body. after that...i'm not sure. surely i was buried and given a funeral and for i assume a few years i just kinda floated in nothingness, then i opened my eyes and was on the edge of pittian territory. i recognized the scent markers as, well scent markers and knew i was at least around some group and they'd probably give me refuge...or kill me but i was banking on the former. and well here i am! it sounds crazy but i'm sure alwaysdead has a similar story, we were from the same area of our old world and were adoptive siblings for years." angel finished, trying to sound a bit more upbeat despite the gruesome story that brought her to this moment.
✯ — true hermaphrodite. totf & the pitt. extreme. —

Re: ashes to ashes // JORMUNGAND - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 01-24-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


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he was silent as she spoke, listening with a concentrated expression on his face. so her and alwaysdead had come from the same place? how interesting, he didn't know many pittians- or anyone for that matter, who had a similar backstory. how cruel, the ones who had slain her. leaving a mark on her stomach for her family to find before they buried her? he felt his blood boil. if anyone did that to baby, he would no rest until he found them and made them pay in front of her corpse. "hm." was the only thing he said after she finished, and he mused a bit. "i find it rather interesting that you woke up with your wounds open instead of healed, and that there was still blood in your body when i found you." it was interesting, she should've either bled out aeons ago, or something supernatural was holding her together. "do you miss your family?"

Re: ashes to ashes // JORMUNGAND - Angelbeats - 01-24-2023

✯ — "speech" "thoughts" "actions"
angel blinked up at jor, tails waving behind her as she hopped over a tree root. "i thought that was strange too. some were closed, others were still bleeding..." she commented, remembering how her belly had been evicerated before but was healed when she arrived at the pitt yet the thick raking over claws down her shoulders wasn't healed.
the catsune nearly tripped over her own paws as jor inquired about her family, her heart squeezing painfully in her chest. "of course. my husband, my girlfriend, all my children, my siblings. gone. i can only hope some of them made it here like i did...but i don't hold out much hope. i was surprised even always was here, and i'm grateful she is...not sure i could do this whole living thing again alone." angel chuckled, fluffing out her fur and plastering a smile on her maw while her eyes swirled with the pain and agony of six years being alive and having her soul beaten over and over again.
"anyways! what about you? any family? friends? girlfriends?" angel would swear to helios himself her voice did not totally crack on 'girlfriends'.
✯ — true hermaphrodite. totf & the pitt. extreme. —

Re: ashes to ashes // JORMUNGAND - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 01-25-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


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he couldn't imagine losing his family and not knowing of their status. at least baby was dead - dead and avenged for, as she should be. it seemed like angel had quite active of a love life, he presumed. girlfriend and a husband? he wasn't too bothered. "i am happy for you that you have somebody here." her and always would for sure have a fun time bonding again, he guessed, a small smile forming on his maw. noticing the smile on hers not reaching her optics he sat down, turning to look at her. "i had a little sister but she was slain in combat, many years ago. since then i had made some friends, but they too have left. i am sad that she is gone, but i am happy that i know she is safe and in a better place. i do miss her sometimes, and it is tough to live alone, especially when you do not know the status of your other family." he agreed with a nod. "so i am ever thankful that i have my son, my figlio. asmodeus. i do not know where my other two children are, but i miss them dearly."

his tone softened and a faraway look entered his eyes as he looked into the distance. "angelembrace and hydroestatic. and of course, my adopted daughter, kold. i see her often." a sad chuckle slipped from his maw as memories assaulted his head. he wasn't finished with answering, however. "to sire my children i had to have a partner, but her name is one i have not heard murmured in a long time, too. she was from a different group and took my other two children with her. but asmodeus stayed." his optics narrowed briefly. aphra. bittersweet memories, now. oh how the trouble he had caused back then. "but after from her i have not looked around much." his voice turned teasing. "are you perhaps volunteering?"