Beasts of Beyond
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not today | joining - august basil - 06-03-2018

august fancied being alone sometimes, but it wasn't something that he could deal with for long. he might not seem like it, but august was someone who needed to actually talk to someone other than himself every once in a while. i bet anyone could go stir-crazy from being alone for too long, he thought; even nadir wasn't good enough company for august. the crow was currently perched atop his head, beady eyes studying the area surrounding him. august adjusted the black mask currently covering his maw, then the strap of his black satchel. inside it were various items of his, including his glasses.

a cry from nadir made his eyes jerk up. "shush," he scolded the crow, shaking his head so the bird would get off. "there's no one around, there's no need to be loud." he told nadir, who'd settled on the ground, practically glaring at august. august gave him a hard stare in return before passing the crow, twitching his tail in a gesture for nadir to follow him. with another caw, nadir flapped his wings, hurrying after august and flying in circles above his head.

after a couple of minutes, august stopped walking. they were in about the right area, right? august glanced around, his eyes narrowed, and nadir floated down to rest on his head again. august sighed with exasperation at this action, but made to move to make nadir move; as much as he sometimes wanted to, he couldn't dump this bird, nadir would always find his way back to august at some point. nadir had been there when august had been kicked to the curb, no one being particularly happy at the prank he'd decided to pull. being an angel didn't mix particularly well with being a troublemaker, he'd found out.

pulling down his mask, august called out, "hello?" nadir let out a loud call, also hoping to attract attention to them.

Re: not today | joining - Character Graveyard. - 06-03-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Upon hearing August call out, Luna had headed to his location, as she had happened to be nearby. Her blue-eyes studied the male before they had landed on his bird.

"You're on The Ascendants' territory." Luna told the male, before pausing for a brief moment. "Name and business." The white-serval paused, before introducing herself. "Lunafreya, but Luna is fine."
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: not today | joining - august basil - 06-03-2018

amber eyes warily watched luna as she approached, stating that august had wandered onto the territory of the ascendants. yes, he had turned up in the right place; one of the groups he'd known and that was the closest. he could see her eyes flicker to nadir for a second, and nadir let out a little caw at the attention. august frowned at the formal way she was speaking; although she wasn't being unpleasant, this was a bit too refined for august's taste. hopefully not everyone was like this, he needed some excitement in his life.

"august," he introduced himself, "and just august, mind you." august blinked his eyes, narrowing them slightly as he looked at luna. he wasn't one for nicknames, unless he was very close with someone. he didn't wish to get stuck with a stupid nickname for the time he stayed here, that'd be absolute torture. "i want to join. it's getting a bit boring, all by my lonesome." he told her, in response to her question about his 'business'. august snorted- that was a really stupid way to ask someone what they wanted.

nadir let out a caw and flapped his wings, talons digging into august's head and making him wince. "ow," he huffed, reaching up to bat at the crow, sending him flapping to the ground. august fixed nadir with a glare, looking back at luna when the crow let out another caw. "this is nadir. he's a little asshole with wings." august said to luna.

Re: not today | joining - BASTILLEPAW - 06-03-2018

Bastille was a few paces behind the others, bored stare sliding over the stranger with very little actual interest. He was quick to remember names and faces, and while he probably should try to show some more enthusiasm, there was none. Starry would be so disappointed, and yet, here he was: incapable of giving a fuck. He was confident that Starry had been forgiving enough to accept that Bast didn't have the best social graces. At the very least, he was there, and that was something.

"August," he repeated, testing it out with an arched brow. It went against Bastille's nature to use someone's full name instead of shortening it in someway, but evidently this guy was opposed to nicknames. Seemed uptight. "I'm Bast. We can show you around or you can use the map to explore on your own." A brief glance towards the "winged asshole" in amusement.

Re: not today | joining - galexiux - 06-03-2018

  I was a fairly quiet creature. I never was one for talking. It was drilled into me, much like the screws and wires keeping this accursed electric box on my head. One of my ears flicked as I heard a bird's caw. A... a bird? I really like birds. They liked to sit outside my cell window. I watched them flick and fly from the one source of sun I had in the factory. It was nice. I missed them.

  E-excuse me. I spoke up, raising a paw. Is he sentient? I asked. It was normally a mixed bag with birds and reptiles. They were both the smartest Ive ever met and commonly pets to mammals. I only had to wonder how the birds thought about it.


Re: not today | joining - Suiteheart - 06-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]So, August wasn't a fan of nicknames? Pity. Suiteheart loved nicknames more than anything else. In fact, she often only called people by their nicknames, and she just used their full names in times of anger - or when she was actually attempting to be professional.

She slid in beside Whitenoise, offering a nod of greeting to everyone present before focusing her baby blues on August. "Nice to meet you, August. Welcome to the Ascendants. I'm Suiteheart, but Suite works just as well." She said nothing more, but offered the newly made member a friendly greeting.

Re: not today | joining - august basil - 06-04-2018

well, wasn't he just so popular now. three more had arrived, eyes studying him and introducing themselves. august generally regarded them quite stonily; however he did reply to them all politely. he knew it'd be horrible if he didn't, they'd all see him as just an asshole. which, sure, maybe he was a bit of an asshole, but not a huge one. somewhere in the middle.

"hello, bast," he greeted the first out of the three who'd approached, a metaphorical brow arching up at bastille's words. a tour or exploring on his own? the former would be much easier, letting someone else do all the work, but the latter seemed to appeal to august more. besides, he had nadir, he could just get the crow to fly upwards and help guide him places if he ever got lost. "i'd prefer to look around on my own," august told bast, giving the leader a small nod.

the next one was mighty odd- why the hell was there a cat with a television on its head? august found himself staring at white in confusion for a second, before registering the fact that they wawre asking him a question, their eyes on nadir, who regarded them curiously. "sentient?" august repeated, frowning. he guessed that he could say yes, nadir seemed to be able to perceive feelings and had some of his own. nadir could think for himself, augusf thought. "yeah, i guess he is. why?" he asked, giving them a bit of a strange look.

the final was another female, this one bearing the name of suiteheart. that's an awkward name, august thought, thinking of it as 'sweetheart'. imagine everyone calling you 'sweetheart' or 'sweet' all the time. wouldn't it get weird at some point? maybe suiteheart was just used to that. august didn't know if he could've ever gotten over something like that, he would've probably changed his name quicker than you could say "suiteheart".

"yeah," he said dumbly. he'd been craving interaction, but he was going to reach his limit. he couldn't deal with all of these introductions. "it's nice to meet you, too." what a charmer, eh?

Re: not today | joining - ★ HAZEL - 06-04-2018

Hazel wandered up a bit late, usual. Wow. For a Starstruck Guardian, she kind of sucked at being a welcoming committee. Deus. Nevertheless, she caught the boy's name this time. He seemed around Bastille's age, which was strange; all the ages of the Ascendants seemed a little spread out to her, so...having two of similar age would be interesting. She wondered if they were of similar mindset, too.

The poor guy looked a little overwhelmed with all the new faces. Hazel smiled sheepishly as she joined them, nodding in greeting to the newcomer. "Ave, August. I'm Hazel." She almost had to bite her tongue from saying how much she liked his name, and ask if he knew that the month was named after Augustus Caesar, first emperor of Rome. (There was way more to that story, but.) Maybe the happy glow in her aura and golden optics made up for it. "You must be...weary, from your travels. The observatory is in that direction - it's pretty hard to miss." The cocoa feline pointed with her tail.

Her attention was drawn to the crow atop him. The bird seemed to have a mind of its own, and the interaction between the two made her smile a little more genuine. It reminded her of Arion. She leaned forward ever so slightly, a twinkle in her eye. "I know how that is." She said, nodding to Nadir. "I've got a colt that thinks he owns the place. Doesn't seem to know what peace and quiet means, right?" After all, Arion had also been the one that lead the Ascendants to discover her on the border.

Anyway, she had probably overstayed her welcome, and the poor guy looked like he wanted some rest. "Well, I won't bug you anymore. If you have a question about a place on the map, let me know." Hazel rose to her paws, giving him a sort of friendly 'see you later' nod. "See you around, August. Hope you like it here!" She added before turning back the way she had come.
★ — hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]