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Finn’s application <3 - Printable Version

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Finn’s application <3 - Casphian - 01-17-2023

Ranks interested in: Anywhere you see fit!
Discord Username: WeepingConstellation#7111
Time Zone: CST
Any qualifications or previous experience?: I have modded on multiple discord servers as well as two rp sites. I was also the Captain of my beta testing team for a game.
Why would you like to be staff?: I have been around the site on and off since the beginning and I enjoy being able to help out where I can! I feel like I’m very knowledgeable on things with the site and I’m general just would like to help out more!
Got any fun facts about yourself?: Oh geez uh, I’ve been rping since I was roughly 14 or younger, I’ve been on many rp sites but FF and Xanje were my main ones. I also love art and gaming <3
Questions?: None at the moment but if I have any I will ask!