Beasts of Beyond
let me say it ;; cleaning - Printable Version

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let me say it ;; cleaning - Agrimony - 01-16-2023

zuriela hoshi
thane of cotc
"cinnamon roll"
penned by cobra
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    she knew it was important to keep places clean. so, she was cleaning her porch. the storm had broken a lot of her pots and destroyed her little shell art. so, she was slowly collecting the pieces. a sad look in her eyes as she worked. she would have to start over, but it would work out. or, she hoped it one day would.


code by teef

Re: let me say it ;; cleaning - Romulus - 01-23-2023

The tropical storm had devastated a lot of the Coalition of the Condemned's shores, bringing up trash and polluting their border plants. Romulus, over time, had been working on cleaning the area before working on his own home. Thankfully, it was barely touched. Even so, he mourned the books that were dampened by the dirty ocean waters. He tried to work with a smile for the others, just as he did as he walked along currently, but found himself frustrated by the tragedies as of late.

A kingpin's duties were simple. To help his group (although his parents would interpret that differently). Today was no different and found himself wandering the territory with his eyes open for something to do. The introvert found himself slowly meandering back towards his home, picking up the pieces of his group along the way, and happened to find another piece to maneuver back into place in no time: Zuriela. Noting the broken shells on her porch and the potted plants scattered across, a frown pulled down onto his maw. There had to be something he could do.

With no hesitation, he stepped forward. Paws reached out towards the smashed pieces on the porch and started brushing them into a pile. "I see you're having fun," he lightly joked.

Re: let me say it ;; cleaning - Agrimony - 01-24-2023

zuriela hoshi
thane of cotc
"cinnamon roll"
penned by cobra
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    zuriela looked up as rom came over and let her eyes scan him. a faint smile crossed her maw as she looked back down. perhaps it could be fun with good company. she replied in a soft, but warm voice. she would dust away some broken shells and then look back up. the sadness in her eyes still there, but she ignored.

besides, change can be good. maybe this storm will bring good things in the end? she offered with a tilt of her head. hoping rom would see it that way and she would not feel as bad about all this.


code by teef

Re: let me say it ;; cleaning - Romulus - 01-28-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
A warm hum left Romulus at her response. 'Good company,' he assumed, was him. The lion continued swiping away at the ground, forming a pile of debris below his paws, and offered a genuine smile in response. His eyes attempted to lock with hers. "Thank you," he replied. "You, my friend, are simply the best." He could feel his mood improving already, even if he was doing the littlelest of chores while talking to the other.

His smile turned down at her next words. He tried to stay positive, but his unsure attitude kept him from thinking there could be anything good from the storm. "I don't quite know," Romulus admitted. Paws stopped in their tracks. A slow exhale left him as he thought for a moment. Before continuing, he shook his head. "Perhaps in the near future, but for now, we work." It was clear he wasn't exactly happy with that. Romulus preferred to rejoice with others and then slip away to his private quarters, but lately everything was so laborious.

Dark paws started up again, shifting and sliding the broken pieces. "I will try to find some hope in these times though." The leader paused again. Maybe she could enlighten him. "What keeps you going?"

Re: let me say it ;; cleaning - Agrimony - 01-29-2023

zuriela hoshi
thane of cotc
"cinnamon roll"
penned by cobra
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    the warm huff made her bushy tail swish in a half wag for a second. she was glad to see his mood improve. she knew these times were trying for everyone. everything was turned upside down. after his words, she offered a soft smile. her eyes locked with his still. no need to thank me for speaking a simple truth.

her voice was still that soft tone as it almost always was. though it was very friendly in nature. the teenager would move her pile of dirt to the larger pile and stop. her eyes flicking back to rom as he spoke with uncertanty. ears perking slightly as his words washed over her. she turned to face him and offered a soft frown.

it seemed that he needed her support as much as she had wanted his. tail swishing as she thought it over. for us to have any future, we will always need to work. that doesn't mean there is not some good in the bad. look.. she motioned with a nodd to the ground off the side of her porch.

there was old plants there before the storm. they were dieing and the storm finished them. she paused and moved down her steps to the spot. moving a dead bit of the plant to reveal worms wiggling in the rotting plant. the rot brings the worms up in the cool hours, which feeds the birds in turn.

she turned back to rom and smiled softly. we just have to find our plant or our worm. it may not be obvious now, but it will be later. the soft voice drifting on the breeze as she moved back up to sit beside him. hoping that helped his doubt fade. and then he asked her something she was not ready for.

what keeps you going?

she looked at her paws in thought before speaking again. you. byr. saturn. plexus. my home. everyone has their place here and if i give up now, it could make another give up. i couldn't live knowing that my failure to hang on let someone else let go to.


code by teef