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FIRST BURN / o, injuries & development/oneshot - Printable Version

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FIRST BURN / o, injuries & development/oneshot - COSMIIX - 06-03-2018

Amunet had been planning on something nice for her clan, a type of celebration of sorts. Her golden talons sweeping over a few things that she had retrieved from her cave. She closed her eyes for a brief moment releasing a soft sigh from her slightly parted jaws, the jaguaress would flick her curved ear to the side trying to figure out what else she needed yet she found herself being distracted by her own thoughts. Her heart thumping within her chest, she would press her paws to her chest reopening her eyes. She stared off into the distance not uttering a single word as she sat there and going over her life decisions, she was much happier here than some kind of palace with servants coming from one end to another. It was less crowded and she felt more at peace here, she needn't be scared of anyone here. She was home. She always believed that home was where the heart was, it had been that way when she first married her first husband but soon, it had crumbled up between her paws and slipped between her paws like sand. He had not been the man she had dreamt of nor had loved especially after what he had done to her and her son.

These thoughts of the man she once loved made her breath grow shaky and her golden pools would sting slightly with a soft pain. Her curved ears would flick back as she heard the movement of someone through the marshland "Fen?" She uttered quietly and she held back a gasp when she saw that it was him, she could feel her heart stop and her body went cold. Kaatachi. It was him. She thought he had stayed to rule the palace all by himself but she was wrong, Kaatachi had this almost calm aura radiating off of him. He would stare at her through his own pupilless gaze and would incline his head in a courteous manner "My love." He finally spoke approaching her slowly, he was as large as she remembered. Four feet taller than her and covered by scales, which made a good way of protection. She was frozen in place unsure of how to feel, the way he called her that, she hadn't been called that in a long time.

"I am not yours. I am no love of yours."

She breathed out into a mutter with her ears pinned against her cranium. His whiskers twitched almost not moved by her words and Kaatachi would say with a soft 'tsk' "I do not blame you for being so sour towards me but, you will find that you are mine. Only mine and no one elses. Our marriage has brought us together and only death will do us part, my dearest Queen." His eyes would fill with mock-worry as he continued slowly starting to circle Amunet "I missed you truly I did. I have searched everywhere for you and now that I have found you, we will return to our lands not this infested wasteland that you decided to live within. Come love," He said finally with a flick of his slender tail, his gaze steady watching her.

Her unsteady gaze watched him and her breathing had grown quick, she shook her head her mouth moving but words didn't come out. "No. N-no. You didn't miss me. You don't love me. Just go back to the snake den you came out of, Kaatachi." If she had pupils then they would have narrowed into dangerous slits, her soft voice began to grow louder "L-leave! Leave, Kaatachi! I don't love you," There was a pause as she finally blurted out finally "Not anymore." She watched him with caution to see a reaction but much like her own child, Kaatachi didn't seem to show much facial emotions to give away how he felt. The fur on her spine would rise as her body grew tense "L-leave Kaatachi." She finally said in a louder voice, it finished off with a screech as her lips would peel back to reveal sharp ivory fangs.

But it went silent mid-screech, Kaatachi was upon her already with his front paws over her mouth and a growl making his throat vibrate. "Listen here, beyfu." His voice said shaking with obvious anger, his eyes locked onto hers watching as tears started pooling up in her golden gaze "I am taking you back. With or without you wanting to do so." He examined her face for a bit only to rumble quietly with a ghastly smirk "You actually look like a Goddess unlike that atrocious appearance you had before," He still had a paw over her mouth but with his other paw, he would wrap it underneath her chest and slowly spread his dragon-like wings. "Well, let's go." He finally muttered into her ear causing a shiver to make her whole body press against his own, she was stiff.


He could smell it wafting off of her as he lifted both of them into the air, he finally removed his paw from her mouth trailing his talon from her lips to her chin lifting it up so Kaatachi could get another look at her. "A perfect Queen for a perfect King," He hummed with smug content as he stared at her some more, his whiskers twitched "Too bad, our own son was horrid." That seemed to make something snap inside of Amunet as she suddenly stared at Kaatachi with a powerful hatred, that's when she would squirm until her own forearms were free "He isn't your son, he's mine." She snarled starting to claw at his head and muzzle, she used her hind paws to start clawing at his belly. This made him recoil back with a hiss of pain and he released her when her claws met with one of his eyes. She fell and for a moment, she thought she was going to die until her golden wings would spread out letting her glide down to the ground safely. Her talons made a soft click sound when she landed onto smooth rock, a soft breath escaped her and she took a moment to see that her golden talons were coated with a silver blood.

She didn't have much time to even say anything when a large body bowled her over and talons would sink into the back of her cranium "Beyfu!" Screeched Kaatachi, his eye filled with a sudden malice and anger. An eye. She had tore one of them had and scattered on his face were several clawmarks from the damage her talons had dealt, she held in her breath not knowing what he would do to her next. She could feel his other free paw moving the plumage on her wings and ruffling it up briefly before she felt his grip tighten on her wing "B-beyfu. . ." He growled quietly and a cry of agony would escape her lips as her wing was broken and it lay limply on her side as she let out a choked sob. Kaatachi flicked his tattered ears back until they brushed against the back of his head, his talons dug into the skin of her back until it penetrated her flesh causing golden blood to lap at his fur and splatter across his talons. He would watch her struggle to get free but he held her down well enough that she wouldn't be able to escape.

He decided to finally say something about how she had been happy when he had first spotted her "You seemed so happy, the first time I found you. Surrounded by the mongrels of this marshland," He said in a monotone voice as his slender tail lashed behind him, his gaze fixed on her slightly shivering body "Making scarves for everyone, weren't you? How sweet of you." His voice dripped like venom recalling how she had gotten close to this one draconic looking beast, it made him a bit envious but he truly hated Amunet. If he couldn't have her then obviously some spiked, oversized dog wouldn't be able to either or any of the bastards that resided here. "Who is he? Why do you look at him in such a way? Tell me." He finished sourly digging his talons further into her flesh causing a gasp to escape her.

"I'm not going to tell you anything. It is none of your business, it was never your business. Why are y-you even here?" She hissed painfully with her face pressed into the mud underneath them, her eyes staring off towards the swamp for a brief moment before she would watch him through the corner of her eye. She watched as the blood would drip from the injuries he had gained from her and it had felt so good, she could only imagine what Kunta had gone through and knowing she finally stood some type of chance against Kaatachi gave her some kind of sliver of hope. She felt a bit with blood escaping her mouth and nose, she still couldn't believe that her wing was broken. She was sure that she would still be able to get away and get to camp with Zimavich, Nayru, Morgan, Beck, and Fenrisulfr. For a moment, she thought she was safe and it seemed that her former spouse was only growing angrier as he made a swift movement that caused the bones in her forelimb to break as well. She coughed out blood and would yowl in pain, she tried moving away but she was unable to with the weight of him on top of her.

Her former spouse stared at her with a cold gaze "I should've killed the child. During training, he was just as imperfect as you. I should have killed him and finished you off." He finally said breaking the silence and continuing his voice cold as an unforgiving tundra "I already killed your other brother and mother. Your mother was an easy kill, your brother tried playing the role of a heroine and died an idiot." His tail lashed menacingly to the sides letting that sink in, Amunet would feel tears dripping down her cheeks feeling anger pulsating through her "Where's Kunta? Where is he?" He demanded putting pressure onto her skull "Tell me where he is. . ." Amunet could feel her body shaking with fear and anger before she spat at him bitterly "I'll never tell you where he is. Never. You'll have to kill me before I ever tell you where our - where my son is."

"It's your fault that he's what he is right now. You turned him soft. Reading, writing, and all that other shit you showed him, worthless beyfu. He would've been a proper king. . . Not what he is today. I could have taught him but you always had to intervene saying I was too rough on him and to let him play with the other children. Didn't you understand that learning to be a sovereign is more important than making friends and whatnot?" He hissed with his tattered ears angled forward to watch for any other reactions "I'll hurt you. I'll find him and kill him. I'll kill those you cherish and love. . ." He muttered bitterly looking away from her and into the marshland's territory trying to locate any possible clanmates that had heard Amunet's screeching. A crooked grin spread across his scarred lips, the Maltese tiger twitched his whiskers briefly only to lower his head enough until he was just inches from her ear "Look. They aren't here." His voice had hints of content.


Arranged marriages. She never quite understood them at all and she had always been known as the hopeless romantic in her family. She would have preferred to meet Prince Charming on the battlefield than just being made to marry someone that she didn't even know. She snorted at the idea as her heterochromatic gaze turned towards her mother, who was preparing her veil with careful, precise movements, and that's when Amunet spoke "Mother." She watched as the large jaguaress would look up from her work and nodded slowly "Yes darling?" She said in a silky voice with her eyes still plastered onto the lovely veil, Amunet would shuffle her paws briefly before she would finally say "Why must I marry a man who I don't even know? I know it's for familial connections and continuing the bloodline. . . But why is it a must?" She finished hesitantly with a small shake of her head, she watched for her mother's reaction and response.

"Oh darling. You'll meet him soon enough, it has happened to me and I wondered the same thing. When I met your father-" Her mouth continued moving as she told the story of her own marriage but, the words had completely flew across Amunet's head already having heard about this story. Amunet was not convinced whatsoever and did not want to marry some man from a different royal family, she didn't even see her father often and she wondered if the man who had sired her even cared. She didn't even think her mother loved him anymore and it made her have doubts that she would even love her spouse-to-be. "Amunet," Her mother's voice interrupted her thoughts and would look at her with that usually soft gaze filled with understanding "I know it might not be the most appealing but it is tradition and you might like him. He is a very handsome man," She touched the veil one last time and with a dark wing wrapped around Amunet, she would lead her outside with a slow nod of her cranium "Here, it would be best if you met him now. I've spoken to him personally and he's heard quite a bit from me about you. He seemed very interested."

The both of them stood outside with the peach kissed skies dotted nicely with fluffy clouds, Amunet resisted the urge to roll her eyes and hid under her mother's wing especially when she suddenly heard the sound of flapping wings. She would peek from underneath her mother's wing to see a Maltese tiger landing onto the platform where they stood, she could feel her heart skip a beat within her chest causing her to stare at him. The tiger had scaly forelegs, broad shoulders, horns that curved upwards and separated into a large and small set of horns, and a pair of bat-like wings that folded into his side. He would approach slowly watching with a calm gaze and slowly inclined his head, lowered his body into a bow "Your Highness," His gaze would lock onto Amunet's and she could feel her face beginning to flush with a sudden heat, she flicked her curved ears back with a soft chuckle greeting him with a simple "Greetings." The both of them shared a smile and Amunet's mother would let out a soft rumble quite pleased.

"Amunet," She said getting her daughter's attention would she add with a curt nod "This is Kaatachi, your spouse to-be." Kaatachi's smile only seemed to grow as he spoke "You are very lovely, Amunet. I have had the pleasure of meeting you and getting to be engaged to you." He uttered these words causing her halved face to grow warmer, the jaguaress would flick her ear a bit unable to stop her own smile from growing. She glanced at her mother and would get a nod from her before she would slowly approach Kaatachi, the both of smiled at each other once more and before she could turn around to say anything to her mother, arms had wrapped around her carrying her into the sky. She would release a surprised gasp and pressed her paws as well as face into his chest, she would peek from her paw to see they were up near the clouds. Kaatachi looked at her with this soft affection in his eyes and he said apologetically "I'm sorry, my love. I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to share the skies with you. Kiss and hold you above all. You are my everything." He finished pressing his nose against hers.


Now her mother was dead, both her brothers were dead, and her father well, she assumed that he was dead as well. He only had ever been seen at special occasions like her wedding, her brother's ceremony, and those were the rare times she had seen him. It made her feel bad for her mother but then she felt bad for herself. For marrying Kaatachi, for having an arranged marriage. One that was completely unwanted to begin with. Why had she ever fallen in love with this horrid monster? The monster that was her ex-husband. She hated him. She hated him so much. She wanted him dead, she wanted to sink her talons into his throat and rip out his vocal chords. She hated his voice. She hated everything about him.

Just to think, Kaatachi had been so sweet and loving yet when Kunta had been born. It seemed to make things worse or maybe it was the fact that it was all fake all along. Kaatachi was a fake all along and just because of it, she had doubted Vladimir now he was dead then there was Fenrisulfr someone that had caught her attention the day he joined. There was something about him that interested her and well, she had been so comfortable around the draconic wolf and he always made her feel whole. The way the both of them would smile at one another and make small talk but enjoy themselves through it all. How her heart would race whenever she was around him and how her paws would move across his warm scales, oh, how the comforting warmth would pulsate off of him. Just thinking about him made her relaxed now with her new injuries inflicted onto her.

"I love him."

She finally whispered under her breath and it made Kaatachi tense for a moment, he growled under his breath unsure of what to say or do. He was well aware that Amunet had moved on from him but he hadn't came here to return empty-handed. It made him angry as his claws dug into her skin again causing her to let out a hiss of pain and with a hefty swipe, she was thrown into a near tree and she would let out a faint screech of agony. She was unable to move and blood blossomed from her wounds, some of the blood caked onto her golden coat. She managed to say in a somewhat steady voice.

"I hate you."

She felt something sharp near her side and took a steady breath recalling the beautiful gift Fenrisulfr had gotten her. Victory. One of her eyes were closed as she watched through a somewhat blurry gaze as Kaatachi slowly slithered forward like the damned serpent he was. The nightmare she had was vivid and instead of her ex-husband standing there all she could see was the large black mamba from her night terror, she sucked in a breath as he drew near with a dark chuckle "Now stop messing around your Highness. It's time to go home." He growled in a venomous tone, her eyes watched him and then in a swift movement would she take hold of the sword plunging it through his scaly chest. Her eyes seemed to darken briefly "Regards from my beloved," She muttered bitterly watching as he stumbled back in shock, she was unable to hide the pained smile that formed onto her battered face.

She stumbled a bit trying to somewhat stand as she watched as he reached towards the sword seeing the writing of ascendants did he growl. His gaze darkened as he took a grip of the sword and removed it from his chest, blood would splatter onto the ground without much of a sound. He lowered his head for a moment and spat out blood, he lifted his head staring at her with a shake of his head "Who do you think you are, crazy bitch?" He finally snarled with his lips peeled back and his saber teeth shining in the sunlight, Amunet pressed her back into the bark of the tree and wiped away blood from her chin with her only good arm saying in a heavy voice.

"I am Amunet Ghana, the Goddess of Victory."

/summary; basically amunet has felt like she's been watched for these past weeks and was originally planning a small battle for tanglewood but before she could she heard something thinking it was fen but eventually saw that it was actually her ex-husband, kaatachi. he starts talking about how he missed her and has been searching for her in hopes to drag her back to where they had both come from, eventually amunet refused and he tried taking her by force but she put up a fight. he began to attack her and threaten to kill those she loved, amunet remembered she had her sword eventually stabbing her ex-husband with it once he got close enough. he's still here so feel free to give him a life of hell?? if you read this all then thank you and if ya didn't sorry it was too long ack.
© madi

Re: FIRST BURN / o, injuries & development/oneshot - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 06-03-2018

Well, Zimavich hopes this enemy didn’t expect an alligator to be thrown at him. Because that’s exactly what he did. It wasn’t a huge gator, a juvenile about five feet long. It was still a fucking alligator.

The polar bear rose out the nearby swamp water, his violet, violent eye glowing in rage. He was smelly, green, and sopping wet. The bear moved, standing between the two big cats. His head turned briefly to look at the female, his alligator friend slipping back into the water. While the enemy was preoccupied with the reptile, Zimavich prodded Amunet with his nose and gave her a reassuring lick.
He’d protect her.

He turned back around, releasing a roar at the male, and charging, aiming to clamp his teeth down on the jaguar’s torso and crush his rib cage with his jaws.

Re: FIRST BURN / o, injuries & development/oneshot - ARGUS - 06-04-2018

There's really just one thing that we have in common

Whisper was not blind to love. She has always watched the affairs of creatures on the throws of affection aching for each other. Watching prisoner's clutch each other between the bars, clan mates violently stake a claim on one another in means of it. Whisper was, admittedly not a good judge of love, she had watched others in love but, has she ever felt it? Not in her lifetime before this one. Before there was only a bare acknowledgement. A ping of the radar as she listed her classmates and enemies weakness. A tinge of jealousy, a festering rage. Whisper knew that love made someone crazy, it made people clueless and creatures savage, and that could be exploited. It could be used.

Rather in her old life she was the one to end love. Not hate, but dispassionate slaughter. She would separate lovers and family alike. Pulling them apart before each other's eyes. With clanmates she had always made it seem like the other was cheating. Paranoid jealous lovers. Dark twisted victims of her deceit crying out it dismay as whisper claimed to be a lost children of an affair. She would watch in glee as they fell apart. As things become unwoven in her careful schemes. A cruel heart under the calm fluffy persona she now carried. Without a family, without love- whisper had grown up cruel, and she had died alone.

So when she spotted the other calling amunet love, she knew it instantly for a lie. She saw Funrisulfur and Amunet and called that love. The careless affection, unconscious reminders that were public. Possessive but calming, reminding each other. Soft warm love. Gentle, not desperate. Kind and not cruel. Whisper was not made of love. She was made of terrible things. Wrapped in fur and given claws, teeth. Reminders. That she was not made of love. Unloved.

When she saw Kaatatchi move to hurt her. Whisper felt it all come out into the open. Lightening raced up her fur. Crackling through her fur. Her vision swam in the color of ice. She felt monstrous again, dangerous. Once bright blue eyes were now a void. 'Welcome to the family" Amunet had told her, welcomed her. She had made whisper feel loved ad by gods whoever dared take away that love from whisper better learn to run.

The young pupy did not grow suddenly, or grew more eyes or anything like that. It was minuscule changes. Jumping from behind the six foot panther aiming to use Amunet as a shield until she barreled into Kaatatchi. Her small hooked clawed like feet  aiming to sink deep into the larger feline.The puppy aiming to claw up his flank.❝Who are you stranger.❞ The puppy whispered, her voice carrying by the silence alone. The void that is filled by the quiet trempleing puppy. The monster under Whisper's skin calling for blood.❝ Let me see. Let me see.❞

Dark red eyes swirlled, four oculars blinking into the open intruder's gaze and aimed to she dig her claws in deeper with the intent of telepathy. Sending him horrible images, Screaming children burning cities. Aiming to force him to watch in a hallucination his own torture by a big black wolf with blue eyes and a smile not unlike whisper's own. Referred to as Famori's touch- a demon had given her the ability, though she was unsure of it's power now- to send others deep into insanity with just a touch.

Whisper was new, she was unsure of her footing in this clan. Unsure fo the people here and the kind of monsters that lurked in this swamp. But one thing was certain. In her old life, she had died a loveless beast. In her old life she killed herself because of her own isolation. Now- here. The pup has felt more love in this life- in this place from Amunet that she ever had from her true honest [i]family
. One thing was certain and that was that whisper was Protective.

//Whisper coming in for the rescue
*Shakes fist* One day i will match muse. But that day is not today

Re: FIRST BURN / o, injuries & development/oneshot - beck. - 06-04-2018

    If only Beck had noticed the second pair of eyes on Amunet from the get go. When his inky nose picked up and sneezed at a wafting foreign scent lingering on the stagnant air, he should have acted upon his paranoia ringing the alarm bells instead of brushing it aside as the native wildlife -- he needed to stop expecting everyone was a threat anyways, right? He forced himself to ignore it, to calm down for once. Yet another mistake in his long line of fatal blunders.

      He hated thinking back on his mistakes. He hated being reminded of all the things that could no longer be, of every single regretted action that left him and the other hurt. He mostly hated when his mind allowed her to slip through the repressing barriers, her concerned face corroded with old age, her unruly auburn hair, and that stupid tear-soaked cloth. It left the boy with his face buried in his hands, or paws now, teeth gritted as unwanted memories flooded his senses. The girl was his first foolish love, a childish infatuation that ended in jealousy and abandonment. He didn't let himself fall for anyone else after she was settled with a family of her own and inevitably six-feet-under. They always grew up and moved on anyways while he was left stuck in his self-inflicted limbo. But Tanglewood, the band of idiots he dragged together, they were different, right? They couldn't leave him, they just couldn't. They'll leave us, they always leave us, and we'll be alone again.

      Amunet had been there from the start, the only member besides Beck himself who was witness to Tanglewood's founding. And yet he rarely worked up the gall to have a conversation with her, much less speak at all. That didn't mean she wasn't a stranger to him, observing and admiring from the shadows. From her actions, the commander slowly began to learn what a mother should be, a substitute for the faceless woman evading his memories. Did his mother used to coddle him like Amunet? He could take care of himself -- not that he would mind knowing at least someone out there was protective of him. Beck wasn't sure what to think, but when he caught wind of the honeyed presence of Amunet, gushing copper, and the same invading scent from before mingling together not too far off, instinct kicked in; he couldn't lose a mother again.

      Stalking alongside creeping vines and under brambles raking their thorns down his bristling spine, he failed to make out much of the conversation but from his view beneath the foliage, he saw two sets of bloody paws tensely facing each other. Pressing his mangled cheek to the ground and army-crawling forwards yielded more of the picture; as much as Beck wanted to rip out every single scale and tendon from the tiger's body right then and there, he restrained himself, curling pearly little claws into the mud out of frustration. Knowing that blindly charging was suicide against larger opponents, the scrawny feline took the long, more successful route of backing away.

    Only to circle back around to approach from the other side, noiselessly climbing up the same tree Amunet was cornered against. He wasn't the only one with the same idea of defending the beloved goddess, wincing as he scrambled onto a branch only to see a full-on alligator sailing from the side into the stranger. "Way to make an entrance, Zima," Beck mumbled beneath his ragged breath, recognizing the rotten stench of the polar bear with a twinge of disgust wrinkling freckled features. Daring to stray from the tree's trunk and out further on the decaying branch until he was nearly above Kaatachi's head, a black blur's sudden lunge onto the scene caused the boy to wobble, his claws sinking into the bark to prevent an early fall right in front of the threat's face. He needed to wait for an opening, lantern-like eyes watching for Kaatachi to be properly distracted. Once Whisper appeared to inject something into him, hopefully halting any attacks from the towering tiger, Beck was quick to strike. Claws securely hooked around the branch, he flipped himself over so he was hanging by his paws, using the resulting momentum to swing forward and deliver an electrified kick to the back of Kaatachi's head. The kick itself had a target, determined to send Kaatachi's face straight back onto the tip of Amunet's pointed sword, and impale the blade through the roof of his mouth and out the top of his snout. Beck was left suspended by the branch like a cat on a hang-in-there poster, a crazed snarl escaping damaged lungs and peeling back ashen lips to reveal teeth dripping with chemical cleaner. After a moment or two of kicking at the air, he nimbly pulled himself back onto the branch with surprising ease, retreating to assumed safety until another opening was cleared for him.

Re: FIRST BURN / o, injuries & development/oneshot - Luciferr - 06-07-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

Of course if all this might be considered op now here came true overkill as a storm of furious black and orange emerged from the treeline faintly smoking as fire crackled along spines of pure obsidian colour livewire writhing like a livid living thing - fur bristling as the magma glowing vents and cracks shined against dark fur.

it could be said that for a war god, the wolf beast was unusually cool and level headed - like the calm surface ocean concealing the dangerous undertow, not so much now - no, this was fury and fire singing for blood.

Fenris had barely time to register anything more than 'AMUNET, HURT' before he'd been on the scene, a roar tearing out of him like a thousand battle cries of ten thousand unknowable horrors and atrocities - building from a rattling chill to an outright crescendo rivaling that of his own sire's furious capability.

the other may rival him in size, but fenris had fought the thing that was his 'grandfather' before - this didn't even register compared to that.

that furious energy translated to a sudden upheaval in the earth as several spikes of rock suddenly jutted upwards aiming to entrap and perhaps even outright pierce this useless waste of flesh before him BUT careful, even as the rage descended, he would not hurt what he protected here in this swamp as Zima aimed his own strikes alongside beck and even whisper (a flicker of affection for his step sibling even through the haze here) - it was amazing how quick the fury descended down upon the normally even tempered creature.

one eye had already coloured black, like the carved hole in the skull where an eye should be - the pupil burned malignant red.

if it had worked, then - then fenris would see it suffer

"You would dare" War hissed, if his own attack had worked, he'd aim to shove and twist those spires of stone further inwards - with careful manipulation and slowly, slowly if this worked begin disintegrating bits of the structure inside the stain on their landscape - the one who DARED touch Amunet - he wanted this to hurt, to make him suffer

make him bleed, it's what your line is good for - it's what you want isn't it? why not, do it.

ignore it

Fenris' eyes narrowed, one familiar pale silver-blue the other black as pitch save the single red pupil - he aimed to attempt to disintigrate those tiny particles of rock into the body and bloodstream, make life something of a huge sufferance for this spiteful cretin - and perhaps he'd laced small particles of iron, who was to know?

hm, was he done? you know you can go further

he could,

he knew very well how far he could go,

and this was a capital offence, this man, this worm had hurt what Fenrisulfr considered most precious to him - and as all who knew a Grimm well, when what was precious to them was hurt,


then there was really no where you could hide,

his eyes narrowed to thin slits, the air around the usually warm canid creature felt colder almost - as fenris' aimed with a click of his claws to burn a single eye from this worm's skull with pinpoint aim - that or a rather large third degree burn alongside that 'pretty' face of his.

Ideally he'd like to tear the still beating heart from this filth's chest - but then it would all be over to quickly for adequate vengeance, that could come later and he could present it as the gore ridden trophy it was to a healing Amunet.

//fenrisulfr is vindictive when he wants to be whooboooiii

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: FIRST BURN / o, injuries & development/oneshot - COSMIIX - 06-09-2018

Amunet flicked her ears back flinching as she saw an alligator get thrown at her ex-husband, if she wasn't in so much pain then she would have burst out laughing but instead she hissed quietly "And this is Tanglewood." She didn't know who would even think about throwing an alligator only to feel someone touch her, well, it was no one other than Zimavich. She felt relieved that she was no longer left alone to face a ten foot Maltese tiger, her ears flicked back once more with a soft breath escaping her slightly parted jaws, she held her limp arm with her other trying to take a breather and well process all of which just went down. She was surprised that she wasn't dead already.

Kaatachi hadn't been expecting that but he was certainly angry at whoever had just thrown that fucking alligator at him, a snarled erupted from his jaws watching the reptile slip into the waters and being faced with a polar bear, a disgusting, mangy one at that. If this was a joke well, he wasn't amused at all. The large Maltese tiger felt the polar bear approach his side and start biting down, he growled aiming to claw at the bears back and get a grip of some sort, if he had succeeded he would attempt to push off the bear. He could already feel the pain surging through him yet what Kaatachi hadn't known was a mistake but he would find out. He shouldn't have been holding that damn sword that had went through his chest. What a huge mistake on his part.

He could feel someone clawing up his flank and growled angrily as he tried shaking them off but it was much too late. Much too late. He could hear screaming of children and see burning civilizations then he could see the cause of it all; a large black wolf with a bonechilling smile. He didn't like it, he didn't like it. It made him feel uncomfortable and he hated the sudden feeling of vulnerability. He wasn't anywhere near children or cities for that matter yet he wasn't able to tear his gaze off the large wolf in his hallucinations "N-no. . ." His muzzle scrunched up into a snarl but no sound came out of his slightly parted jaws, he started shaking his head unsure if what he was even seeing anymore was real or just someone fucking around with him mentally.

It probably would have been best to have kept an eye on the rest of Tanglewood but his main target was to drag back Amunet. He never thought that these small assholes would actually get attached to Amunet but he should have known better, he had seen how the servants had always liked her more than him. Something about being kinder. Pathetic. If only he were able to stop this hallucination, he could end it all. He did have Amunet's sword so what had came to mind despite Whisper messing around with what he saw, he could stab any of these bastards if he pleased. It didn't matter on which one, just one of them and he'd be satisfied. The ones that were already scrambling on top of him were much too risky, he could miss and end up stabbing himself. But he was suddenly out of the hallucination, which he was grateful for, but a sword had gone through his snout. He opened his eyes just in time to see a stupid little cat with a crazed snarl looking at him. 'Son of a bitch. . .' He thought feeling his rage growing.

He was about to lash out before his head turned hearing a roar in the distance, he could see Amunet from the corner of his eye seeing she had perked up too. He could see the movement of her mouth but he couldn't figure out the words as he took the blade out of his mouth feeling blood starting to pool from the wound quite graciously. The Maltese tiger let out a shaky breath his body starting to light up with a few sparks of electricity before he aimed to shock those on top of him. He hoped that got that wolf off of him and if he hadn't already tore off the bear, well, that certainly would have gotten him. It was a short lived victory, he felt a bit of earth just barely priecing his skin as he had managed to move a bit out of the way. So, there he was. Amunet's new "beloved" or whatever she had called that damn thing, he was a bit unearthly and looked like something that had crawled out from Hell.

Even if he hadn't been completed pierced by the jutted piece of earth, he could feel the other manipulating it and it was quite painful to say the least. He watched the other through his only eye what he hadn't realized was that the other was going to take his last bit of vision, he finally managed to step back from all of this. He hated this place, he hated all of them. He growled a bit in pain and would spread his wings feeling electricity crackling at his talons but he had already dropped the sword, he could have died here or flee with what was left of him. He hated to admit it but, he was vulnerable. He flapped his wings once in an attempt to gather up enough dust in the air to conceal himself briefly. Just as the dust settled down, he had teleported away a bleeding mess.

Amunet felt like she was able to breathe again as she stayed there leaning against the tree hoping that no one was severely injured, she turned her gaze to all of those there murmuring in an exhausted voice "Is everyone alright? Is anyone hurt?" She felt her eyes starting to sting a bit feeling tears beginning to well up in her pupilless eyes, she didn't know why she was crying but she supposed that she appreciated all of those that were there for her today. She could have died for all she cared or they could have but it seemed everything was all under control and well, she felt more at peace knowing she stood up against her ex-husband and having all these wonderful people defending her. She would try walking over to pick up her sword with her limp wing dragging on the floor, a few golden feathers falling off. She picked up the gift Fenrisulfr had given her only to say with a hoarse giggle "Good thing, I didn't put it on display."

"Thank you. . . Thank you all."
© madi

Re: FIRST BURN / o, injuries & development/oneshot - Morgan - 06-09-2018

Morgan lied prone on the ground a short distance from the scuffle. He had watched the brief fight unfold, remaining concealed and silent the whole time. He knew his fellow Tanglers had everything covered, and saw no reason to attack and mess things up. Fenrisulfr in particular was downright frightening; the samoyed stared at him in awe even after it was over. In that moment, his magnificent form had changed into one of pure unadulterated power.

It was not the first time the dog had seen his comrades attack a stranger, but this time was beyond vicious. He crawled backward for a full minute before standing up and running. He would have to inform Nayru later about any potential injuries the others may have sustained.