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PULL ME OUT ☼ spa day - Printable Version

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PULL ME OUT ☼ spa day - sabbath - 01-15-2023

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honestly, not even they were sure just what a salon day was but they'd heard from others that it usually had to do grooming one's physical appearance and relaxing. they supposed that perhaps on a nice day with good weather like the current day would be a good choice for an event such as this. they had put quite the effort into gathering empty shells and bowls that weren't too chipped or broken, bringing them out to the beach and a blanket that they'd found gods know where. some of the shells held coconut oil, while small jars held soft smelling liquid fragrances, a few of the smaller shells were filled with a small assortment of beads, dried flowers and small pieces of jewelry like earrings or rings and necklaces.

standing back, the Icarian stared down at the rather mismatched mess of supplies and gave a soft huff. even to them, this didn't feel quite right. back home, in the Empire, they had more things to decorate themselves with and their nestmates. jostling their messy wings against their back, they gave a few soft chirps without knowing they had, talons gently scratching at the sands they kneaded beneath their paws, doing their best to recall what else they had at home. sitting down, they tapped their chin with one talon, gazing up into the blue sky with a frown as they watched sea birds wheeling above. "Not right. Mhh, what else, what else? Dyes ... paints? Balms, feathers, bones, furs and tails?", they huffed as they stared off into the sky, tail thumping against the ground. Those were only some of the things that they could think of, perhaps somebody else would have a better idea? Looking around now, they called out to the first individual they saw, "Hey, hey. What do you think makes a salon? A spa? I want to hold a sal- no. A spa day for everyone. What do I need?"

[align=center]credit @ teef

Re: PULL ME OUT ☼ spa day - Casphian - 01-15-2023

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You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Quatermaster of the Typhoon.
Sorbet just so happened to be the individual who had been passing by when Sabbath called out. The feline's head turned towards the other, eyes widening for a moment as if he had been startled out of his thoughts. Which honestly he probably had been. "Uh..." he trailed off as his thoughts tried to catch up to him. "Well for one you need to have something warm, it helps to relax the muscles and ease your body," he said as he drew closer.

The Quartermaster sat down next to Sabbath, inspecting everything the other had in front of them. "You have a good collection here of things," he mused. He lifted up a paw, tongue stretching out to smooth down the fur before moving to rub his paw against the top of his head, doing that a few more times. "As much as I hate to admit it, I'm not quite sure what else you would need," he huffed out.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: PULL ME OUT ☼ spa day - Cobra - 01-17-2023

dealer of the typhoon
"perfect disaster"
penned by cobra
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    the idea of a spa day was a fun one. though he was not to sure he could help. after all, he was more of a groom in the dark and hope he looked good type of tom. as he came upon the duo, he offered a soft smile. the blanket held all sorts of items. he let his eyes flick over the sceene as he thought. he could not relax without a drink or two, personally.

perhaps that was a good idea? perhaps some drinks? he offered as he tilted his head. i know drinks help me relax~ he spoke in that sing song voice.


code by teef