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give me a sign ;; reading - Printable Version

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give me a sign ;; reading - Agrimony - 01-13-2023

caspian nesraa nightshade
wanderer of cotc
"little poet"
penned by cobra
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    was it odd to see the kid with a book? not at all. she always seemed to have a book of poems to read, if not her own journal of poems she was trying to write. she was always up to something with books. so, was it any surprise she was outside her parents home in a patch of sun with a book?

not if you knew her. all snuggled in her book studying the pages with bright teal optics. holding the book with love and care.


code by teef

Re: give me a sign ;; reading - Romulus - 01-23-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
One of his favorite activities was indulging in a fantasy land. Whether that was shifting into the deeper parts of his mind, lucid dreaming, or indulging in a book, Romulus always found himself clinging to the false realities of the beyond. He figured, at least, that it helped him cope. That somewhere out there was a better reality where his father was not greedy or his mother remained alive, perhaps even one where Sojourn loved him. It helped him explore his options, logically and unrealistically at the same time. If he could play out all the scenarios in his head, then what could go wrong?

And yet there was always a twist. Like any good story, there was always something that the protagonist never expected. Romulus was never humbled by that fact, always wanting to find a permanent solution to a problem. Something, somewhere, had to be in paw's reach. There was always a means to an end. If there was not, he would go insane.

In order to divert that thought though, he read.... and read... and read. It appeared, as he walked along the main areas of the group, that someone had also indulged in one of his favorite hobbies. His eyes surveyed the other as they were caught up in their reading, very much contemplating leaving them be to enjoy their text, but found himself curious to know what they were looking at. With that in mind, he took it upon himself to saunter forward.

Poking his head downwards, he peeked over at the other's reading for a moment before speaking. "I can't tell what this is," he mumbled. "Is it an original work? or something I have yet to come across?"

Re: give me a sign ;; reading - Agrimony - 01-24-2023

caspian nesraa nightshade
wanderer of cotc
"little poet"
penned by cobra
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    the child heard a voice and let her head lift up to gaze at rom. she had no idea that rom, much like her, enjoyed fantasy worlds. she was thrilled to hear someone was curious about her book though. so, she closed it to show the cover and offered an excited smile. a book is not my own. i read it to help my mind grow.

the girl spoke weird, sure. the book was 'sea of scars'. the poems were fun for nesraa and she wondered if rom would want to read it sometime. are you like me? do you read to feel free? she offered in hopes the other would get what she meant.


code by teef

Re: give me a sign ;; reading - Romulus - 01-28-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
The kingpin's head craned. So, not an original? A new novel for him to look into, it appeared. Romulus continued to peek over the child's side as they spoke, nodding along with their words. "Good for you," came his genuine response. "Keep your brain sharp, kiddo. It'll help in the long run." A paw attempted to come up and place itself on Caspian's noggin, trying to encouraging rub their head.

Whether or not he was successful, he pulled back and away from their shoulder. He couldn't be nosy for long. Instead, the lion rounded out towards their front and sat down in front of them. "I read to feel..." His words drifted off, yet he felt he could end his response there. Romulus read to feel... different. To feel alive. To feel 'free,' as they said. There was something about it that he couldn't describe in words. He merely let himself trail off, only to realign his mindset in favor of being kid-friendly. He couldn't exactly get philosophically deep with them. That would be depressing. "To feel 'free,' I suppose."

The kingpin tried to shift away from the subject before he let his mind wander and mouth spatter something ridiculous. "Tell me," he muttered. "What's that about?" A paw raised and a singular claw pointed at the book cover.

Re: give me a sign ;; reading - Agrimony - 01-29-2023

caspian nesraa nightshade
wanderer of cotc
"little poet"
penned by cobra
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #e9da94; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
    the words made nesraa smile in return. eyes sparkling as she moved slightly. feeling a paw rub her head and letting her eyes fall back to the book. if she could purr, she would. alas, it was not something she could do. or, if she could, she did not know how to. eyes flicking up to the larger being, she took in his words calmly.

like her, rom read to feel things. it was when the lion asked about the book that the kid perked up and her tiny tail twitched. poems! she chirped with excitement.


code by teef