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Beware beware- of me // joining - Printable Version

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Beware beware- of me // joining - Angelbeats - 01-13-2023

✯ — "speech" "thoughts" "actions"
What happened? Where was she? WHEN was she? Angel didn't know, nothing looked even remotely familiar. Her last memories consisted of sweet moments with her husband and girlfriend, then leaving the mansion. The blood, so much blood. The absolute agony of claws tearing her to shreds. Then sweet blackness. She remembered a fuzzy plane where she floated, no pain, no feeling at all just simply being. Then the world came into focus, the blinding searing pain in her mid section made her stomach turn and try to vomit however she couldn't remember the last time she ate so it was all just dry heaves into the dirt.

The catsune dragged herself along the ground, her white and pink fur matted with dirt and dried blood. Her middle was a jagged half healed scar, her wings were ripped to shreds, she was pretty sure she'd never fly with them again IF she got to keep them. Or if she kept this new chance at life, there was no guarantee infection wouldn't put her back into the ground before she had the chance to retake this opportunity for life. many other tears to her flesh were in various stages of healing, deep bruising and the lava on the lungs feeling in her chest gave her the good assumption that her ribs her broken. that little cub really took her for a spin.

angelbeats was also beginning to realize that she'd never get her revenge. she was no longer in her own world. her family...her friends...her children...her loves...they were all gone. she'd never be whole again even if she recovered. what else was left for her? to conquer a group in this world now? have new litters? would it even be the same? she had no clue, she didn't dare think that far ahead when her own mortality was very much so within her paws.

the sole remaining blood member of the Arcanium family continued on. Golden claws took hold into the ground beneath her, her resolve settled. She would live. She would find civilization. She would LIVE. There was simply no other option.
✯ — true hermaphrodite. totf and the pitt. extreme. —

Re: Beware beware- of me // joining - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 01-13-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

a beautiful stench of dried blood and nearly rotten flesh drew the male and jormungand followed it to see a female that had most definitely seen better days. he flicked his tail with a frown, not rushing to help but standing a ways from the struggling woman. "are you able to talk? if so, who are you? you're on pittian territory." it wasn't meant in a condescending way, he knew animals that looked as bad as she was and by the looks of it her ribs were for sure broken. they weren't able to speak, so he had to ask.

Re: Beware beware- of me // joining - Night of No Stars - 01-13-2023

penned by Cobra
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    much like angel, always had met a rather brutal end. she was drowned by the paws of someone she trusted. the female had lost much of her own memories. she could remember she had a past. she could remember flashes of faces but names just out of reach. she could not remember full details, but that did not trouble her much.

or, it would not have if things did not change all in one moment. the woman came upon jor and a face she had seen in her dreams. a face that triggered something in her. a pain shot through her head and she let out a choked gagging sound. as if she was about to cry out but couldn't. her eyes flashed with a sudden understanding and she limped past jor.

ignoring him as she drew herself closer and closer to what others might see as a stranger. then, without warning she lurched forward to touch her face to the catsune. eyes filled with love and anger. she would step back after a moment and toss her satchel to the earth. scrawling in the dirt between them.

let me help you. please don't let me lose you again.


code by teef

Re: Beware beware- of me // joining - Angelbeats - 01-13-2023

✯ — "speech" "thoughts" "actions"
the catsune raised her head from the dirt, having taken a short break to catch her breath and revaluate her trajectory, as the bleary figure of a black panther came into her view. she let out a quiet chuckle followed by a harsh cough that rattled her chest and sent lightning bolts of pain up her spine.

"y-yep, can still speak. i'm" the female managed to wheeze out on instinct, not even realizing that was her name as her own words rang in her ears. her memory was fuzzy at best, maybe she did know this place, there was no way at the moment for the catsune to be sure. angel winced as she tried to push herself up onto her forearms, her skin stretching and pulling open half healed wounds as fresh inky blood welled from them in eager beads.

as angel continued to try to pull herself to her paws, a very familiar smell would knock her right back onto her belly in sheer shock. clouds in her mind began to float away as her eyes focused on the female standing at the peripherals of the scene. it couldn't be...could it? her own questions were answered as the female ran up to her and pushed her muzzle against the catsune's and angel managed to crack a smile for the first time in gods know how long. the woman would blink down at always, pulling in a particularly ragged wheeze as angel read the scrawlings in the dirt.

"i'm not...going anywhere...just yet..."
✯ — true hermaphrodite. totf & the pitt. extreme. —

Re: Beware beware- of me // joining - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 01-13-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

"jormungand." the male responded curtly, icy optics boring into her and scanning her body, assessing just how bad she was. a familiar scent filled his nostrils and he ignored alwaysdead as she pushed past him to touch muzzles with angelbeats. "stop touching her, alwaysdead. you might open her wounds even more. and you," he turned to angelbeats. "stop moving. i will not have you bleed out on pittian territory. what do you have in your satchel, always? do you have anything that can wrap her up enough so we can drag her back to leon or olivier?"

Re: Beware beware- of me // joining - Night of No Stars - 01-16-2023

penned by Cobra
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    the voice of jor made her snap back. head turning to the male and eyes calm. she would nod and turn to her satchel. eyes flicking down as she opened the thing. shifting through and pulling out water in a clay jar, lid corked with a skull. she would pull out a rag and some bandages. turning to offer the items to jor. she would turn back to shift through her herbs. it had been ages sense she healed anyone. perhaps to long to try it in such a situation.


code by teef

Re: Beware beware- of me // joining - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 01-16-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

his knowledge of medicine was limited at best, but he had seen enough medics work to know what bandages and rags did. "give her some water. slowly. drip it into her mouth." he said, padding closer to the female. "we do not have time to get one of the medics to come here so we'll have to bring her back to campus. i am going to wrap her with the bandages to stop bleeding and make sure she does not fall apart, then we will build a makeshift pulley to drag her back - unless we can get her on our backs on a flat surface." he placed a paw on the injured female, pressing not too firmly to check her status. the water should give the others something to focus on, and the panther slowly began unraveling the bandage, standing over angel to get better access to wrap her wounds.

Re: Beware beware- of me // joining - Angelbeats - 01-17-2023

✯ — "speech" "thoughts" "actions"
angel knew the whole song and dance from being a healer herself, but also from spending countless hours with healers over her life. it didn't mean she'd be any less fussy about it. the catsune winced and made soft groaning sounds as she was poked and prodded by the pair, gratefully accepting the water being dripped into her maw. the shadow cast over her by jor's body probably would've made her blush if she'd had any blood to spare, instead she let out a small squeak of surprise and moved her legs out of the way to help the process along. whatever got her to safety faster.
"heh, usually i'd ask you to take me to dinner first before having such intimate access to my body...but i suppose i  can make an exception this time." the woman joked, lavender eyes looking up at the massive panther looming over her.
✯ — true hermaphrodite. totf & the pitt. extreme. —

Re: Beware beware- of me // joining - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 01-17-2023

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

the water seemed to be helping, which was good. it was supposed to soothe the woman and make her not panic, and as gentle as the panther was being he was still concerned from the pained noises she was making. as he stepped over her, prepared to make life difficult for him to maneuver the bandaid somehow around her body, she squeaked, causing him to pause briefly, and she moved her limbs out the way. he scowled. "i told you, do not move." he rasped, lithely wrapping up the larger part of the wound before tying it behind her neck and legs, making almost a makeshift harness.

her comment made him pause, then smirk, as he glanced up at alwaysdead. bent over so his maw nearly touched the injured woman's ear. murmured a soft, "let us keep things professional... for now." only so she could hear before straightening his back, voice stern now. "listen to what i am saying, do not move, no matter how much this hurts. do not bite anything either because you might strain yourself." he smirked down at her before stepping away to go locate a log, a plank, something he could use to put her body on so she wouldn't get viciously mauled by every plant known to pittians on the way back.

after repeated looks between various suitors and her to gauge her size he finally found one and dragged it back, jaws heavily clamping on the material and muscles working to drag it back to them. "always, we need to get her on this. can you push it under her when i say so, and i will carefully lay her on it." he wasn't sure if it would work, but they had to try, as slow the process would be. if the bandages he tied were tight enough he could drag her upper body onto the wood first and then wrap her haunches and pull them next.

Re: Beware beware- of me // joining - Night of No Stars - 01-18-2023

penned by Cobra
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #b67777; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
    she would do as told. dripping water calmly and slowly. eyes flicking over the injured form of her sister. the little demon vampire stopped once the wrapping was handled. ears flicking as she looked to jor. head nodding sharply as he asked is she could push it under angel when instructed. her eyes twinkling with amusement at angel's comment. frankly, she loved the way she acted at times.

she moved into position, ignoring her missing hind leg. she placed her paws on the makeshift sled. waiting until jor was ready and then pushing on cue. she just wanted to get her sister home. get her safe.


code by teef