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life sucks ?️ open joiner ?️ so let's dance - Printable Version

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life sucks ?️ open joiner ?️ so let's dance - EVERETT - 01-13-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
I've been here in your world! -- icarian. coalition of the condemned.
Wings spread as he glided over the ocean. His short tail offering no help as he expertly made adjustments to fly higher. Head held high as the cypress cat took a deep breath of the ocean spray beneath him, his claws kneading in joy in the air. Different colored eyes zeroed on his destination before briefly frowning, the winds were different. The male soothed himself by saying he was from a taiga way up north, way different wind currents. At least, that was his excuse as he started hurtling to the earth, his paws barely skimming the ocean as he fought to keep themself out of the icy water (he has to make a good impression, dammit!). Frantically flapping his wings higher the Icarian made it above a snowy forest before plummeting due to the wind knocking him off his proverbial paws.


"OW, DAMMIT!" An incredibly loud screech came as he came to a stop, branches and leaves snarled in his fur and wings as he tried struggling to get free. But, alas, Everett Winther was once again checkmated by a tree. The Icarian was upside down stuck in the tree, and he couldn't get good enough leverage to get himself out. Chittering nervously, Everett yelled, "HELLO? I NEED HELP!"

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #468599 -- waiting for
you to join me!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: life sucks ?️ open joiner ?️ so let's dance - Casphian - 01-13-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
play me a memory! -- Icarian. CoTC.
Xayah had been traveling by land for the last little bit, giving her wings a break from a long trek of flight. As much as she adored flying the Icarian sometimes enjoyed the peace of being grounded and able to see things from a much different perspective. It allowed the feline to hear the different birds as they sung their little hearts out, spreading their melodies across the land. Whereas in the sky she normally couldn’t hear them as well, usually too high up.

The Icarian managed to stumble across what smelt like a group, drawing the curious female over to the edge of the territory. She had been tasked with finding more places for her kind so maybe she should stop here for a bit and check it out. While Xayah had been lost in thought the sound of twigs snapping and breaking above caused her ears to perk forward and her head to snap in the direction of the sound. She padded over towards the tree Everett seemed to be stuck in, peering up at the other with a snort. “Aye birdbrain, trees are meant for resting in now crashing into,” she called out in a teasing tone. Her lavender wings spread out and lifted her up into the air, coming level with the other. “Honestly you’re gonna ruin your wings if ya aren’t careful.”

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #592337. -- be silent like deep water!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: life sucks ?️ open joiner ?️ so let's dance - EVERETT - 01-13-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
I've been here in your world! -- icarian. coalition of the condemned.
A down hearted sound left his throat as he glared up at the sky (he really made a shit first impression, but, hey, it could've been worse) before moving his chromatic gaze to the other Icarian, his gaze more curious than actually sad. He made a series of trills before remembering with a jolt to speak, "You'd think that being stuck in a tree before would've prepared me for this, eh, Syrin." An awkward chuckle left him as he tried moving again before sending his gaze to the hovering female, "Think you can help?"

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #468599 -- waiting for
you to join me!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: life sucks ?️ open joiner ?️ so let's dance - Casphian - 01-13-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
play me a memory! -- Icarian. CoTC.
Xayah let out a few chirps at the sound of the trolls, an ear flicking in surprise at the noise. It was almost as if she didn’t expect to hear either one. The woman tried to ignore the nickname at the way it made her feel, squirming a bit in the air while looking away. “I dunno maybe I should just leave ya there,” she said, mirth lacing her words. Xayah moved to settle into one of the thicker branches, her head tilting to the side once she landed. “Seeing you like this is quite entertaining.” 

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #592337. -- be silent like deep water!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: life sucks ?️ open joiner ?️ so let's dance - EVERETT - 01-13-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
I've been here in your world! -- icarian. coalition of the condemned.
Cutting off another chirp, the short tailed male started, his words more stilted as the blood flowed to his head the more he was upside down, "I would appreciate help, very much, please?" He teasingly started back up, his words slurring slightly, "Syrin, I'm more than entertaining. I mean, if this is entertaining, obviously I can handle being like this for as long as need by, as you can see I am very fine, as fine as can be, I am so fi-"

The male blinked, his pupils rounded and blown, before his entire body stalled and he promptly passed out.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #468599 -- waiting for
you to join me!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: life sucks ?️ open joiner ?️ so let's dance - Plexus - 01-13-2023

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Plexus was built for the snow, yes. Does that mean he likes travelling in it? Hell no. The male was trudging along the unseen paths to a little garden he sequestered away to grow herbs when the greenhouse was being fixed due to the flood. His paws were stinging cold, but the medkit that sat on his hip was warm at least. Then, his ears pricked. He heard a crash, and a call for help. Sighing, he inwardly patted himself on the back for rotating out his medkits, and for wearing his mask. Taking a moment to sort out which direction he needed to go, Plexus started at a trot, his paws trying to freeze to the ground with every step.

Reaching, he hoped, the place he seen two winged cats. One lynx, and one domestic cat. His masked gaze quickly scanned the lynx high in the tree, and deemed her safe for now. Shifting to the hanging bicolor though, Plexus Kingsford let out a sigh as he looked up higher into the tree at the lynx again, "could you bring him down for me, I need to make sure he doesn't have any major injuries."

words still felt so sticky and acidic on his tongue, that stuck to the roof of his mouth and made it hard to speak correctly. he curses not visiting Aesior more to refresh his paw speak/sign language (and cuddles).

Re: life sucks ?️ open joiner ?️ so let's dance - Casphian - 01-13-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
play me a memory! -- Icarian. CoTC.
Xayah let out a small giggle at Everett’s words. A grin spread across her maw as her Wings shuffled a bit against her back. She had been about to respond to the other when Everett promptly passed out. The lynx stared in shock, not fully processing what had just happened.

It took her a second to realized someone was speaking below her. When she finally heard the words she set to work der angling Everett from the limbs before shuffling him onto her back. Her Wings spread out and allowed her to glide back down to the ground where she would lower herself down and gently slide Everett off her back.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #592337. -- be silent like deep water!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: life sucks ?️ open joiner ?️ so let's dance - Casphian - 01-13-2023

Saturn Nightshade
Wanderer of CoTC
penned by Finnick
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #3D82AB; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
I used to hear a simple song
that was until you came along- ꧂
    Saturn had been out resting in their meadow when they heard the commotion. The snow leopard lifted their head up from the paws, ears swiveling as they tried to locate the sound, finally they pushed themself up onto their paws and headed in the direction of the noise.

As they traveled unfamiliar scents mixed with Plexus’s scent crossed their path, alerting them that they were heading in the right direction. “Plexus?” They called out as they drew closer to the scents. “Are you over here?”

꧁ - Now in its place is something new
I hear it when I look at you
code by teef

Re: life sucks ?️ open joiner ?️ so let's dance - Plexus - 01-16-2023

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Eyes sharp behind his mask, Plexus watched as the winged male was laid on the ground. In less than a second, the Guru was already checking the bicolor cat's ears, nose, and pried open his closed eyes. Satisfied with no signs of concussion, or damaged ear drums, the Norwegian forest started firmly patting and feeling along the muscles and bones, checking for any swelling, twitches due to pressure, and anything irregular.

Twitching his ear, Plexus heard their beloved friend, Saturn. Not moving from his task, he raised his voice as best he could, voice starting to warble and crack more easily, "Over here, Sat. Can't speak much." Casting a look at the winged lynx, the Guru finally sat up on his haunches before dragging a paw across an ear, "He's fine."

Plexus opened his mouth to introduce himself, but the words were stuck like glass in his throat. Clearing his throat, he tried to ignore the acidic feel, ignore how sticky his tongue felt, ignore that he could hardly speak as much since he screamed for Byriath to take care of Zuriela during the flood. ignore ignore ignore, he knows his vocal cords won't ever be the same, but he will never regret his choice that day.

Re: life sucks ?️ open joiner ?️ so let's dance - SKÁDI ANGELICA TSUNE - 01-16-2023

"Let the monsters all run wild"

ic text: she trailed after plexus, watching the event unfold. orbs lingering on the movements the guru did she sat to the side, watching intently, tail curled around her paws in concentration. if she wanted to become a guru later she'd need to memorise everything that plexus did, learn everything he knew. after confirming the male was okay plexus' maw hung open, as if needing to finish a sentence. "i'm skádi, and this gentleman is plexus." she addressed the few newcomers present, voice firm yet soft. hesitance slightly - should she hadve spoken his name for him? she was there at the flood,  she knew what he had done during that time to hurt his already delicate vocal chords.

tags - penned by windowmemer
template by orion