Beasts of Beyond
CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - Printable Version

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[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher knew he should let it go. Let go of the foolish grief that striked his heart as he woke up to the sound of seagulls shrieking from outside his submarine home but not the sound of Bonnie's shrieking scolding. Instead of rising from his large bed, the male simply curled into a tight ball with his pepper black nose burying into the warm blanket. His half-lidded icy blue eyes were locked downwards to the ground where his armband laid, waiting for him to put on and get into the business of the day. Yet the heavy pain that burned in his skull blossomed even more as he decided to shift and roll off the bed, a small hiss of agony escaping his jaws as he felt more sparks of pain bounce off his skull. He was tired and he remembered doing something stupid after Bonnie's funeral. His felt like it was splitting open. Pincher's vision was blurry around the edges, sometimes turning into double vision as he tried to keep himself steady on his feet. Then he remembered. The fracture. His broad shoulders sagged and he glanced over towards the small dark blue bottle that contain the ivory white powder that he had used instead of actual medicine. He didn't want to go to Lilyspoise nor did he want to find aid in anyone. All the male wanted to was to be left alone in whatever this was. It wasn't peace that was for sure with this headache of his. After minutes ticking away, he stumbled lazily towards the entrance of the beached submarine, stepping out and being met with the pattering rain that currently showered the island.

Small flashes of lightning blossomed out of the stormy brewing gray clouds above with the heavy roar of thunder joining in. However, it was nothing to extreme and Pincher stepped onto the beach, his sepia brown tinted paws sinking into the ground. Pincher usually made Bonnie go around and call out to the others about there being a meeting but for now, he simply decided to glance up at the crow's nest of the Tempest and nod towards an npc located there, giving the notion for them to blow the conch that meant there was a meeting. Usually he would've made the seagulls go out to pester his crewmates but he was not in the mood to cause any mischief as he slowly made his way to the glass tunnel that lead to the Deep Sea Dome. His figure was soaked with rainwater yet he ignored it as he went to slump on the long throne that was at the center of the underwater dome, his hooded pale blue eyes fluttering to the ground as he waited. As he heard enough footsteps and voices mingle and echo, he decided to begin as he gradually raised his onyx head to focus on his crew.

"Meetings...are a pain in the ass, aren't they?" Pincher scoffed in his low rumbling voice, a grogginess to it making it not as sharp as he usually sounded. He didn't appear focused or even trying to. The muscular canine's right ghostly blue eye twitched as he felt a wave of pounding ache envelop his head, causing him to lay his head on his paws as he continued "First off....j-joiners. Vanessa and Wade came together looking for rum and here they are, welcome them. Roxanne is new here and h-has a creepy ass stuffed animal named Tony, greet the two freshies. Cronas is a half-pint t-that some of us found on the island so be nice to the kid, will ya? And finally Olivier...she's quite the woman and isn't afraid to show it. There are also returners...Georgie in a n-new body cause why not and Iosef, our Russian comrade. Welcome back, bitches. Now for promotions..." Pincher trailed off as he felt his nose begin to run but not with snot but blood. He ignored it though as it dripped on the marble floor of the dome, his gaze clearly showing a glint of "don't ask" as he went on to promotions. "Caesar and Beatrice are promoted to Privateers, u-under the wing of Argus. Well done. Krataa is promoted to Striker as well as Keona. You t-two have shown your potential so there's your reward, keep it up. No warnings since I-I've got all the notices and no demotions since y'all have been doing your jobs like you should be."

He briefly closed his eyes, raising a slightly trembling paw to rub the side of his temple, trying to suppress the growing pain of the skull fracture. "Snowbound has come to temporarily stay with us w-while we help them get those bastard humans out of their crib. Be civil or I'll fucking use your guts as chum for the sharks. There are dealer tryouts as well as nurse tryouts so go check them out. R-Roxanne is holding weekly tasks for this week so go get one and actually do them for fuck's sake. The Ascendants have invited us to go to Starry's funeral. I personally no longer give a rat's ass s-so I won't be going nor will anyone else that can't defend themselves. Go if you really want to but I find it no use to go. There is a current meet and greet happening in the Tempest as well as there being a choice award categories for this month so i-if you have any good ones, go spit it out. Other than that, m...meeting is dismissed unless anyone's got questions or personal announcements."

welcome joiners!! > [member=914]Vanessa,[/member] / [member=939]Wade Wilson[/member] / [member=901]ROXANNE C.[/member] / [member=885]cronas[/member] / [member=940]OLIVIER M. ARMSTRONG[/member]
Welcome back returners!! > [member=151]georgie[/member] / [member=169]IOSEF[/member]
Congratulations to [member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] & [member=495]Beatrice[/member] for being promoted to Privateers
Congratulations to [member=290]THE EMPEROR.[/member] & [member=265]Keona.[/member] for being promoted to Strikers!
No demotions / No warnings
Dealer Tryouts
Nurse Tryouts
MASS M&G on the Tempest!
Greet Snowbound to the Typhoon!
Lookout for Weekly Tasks by Roxanne !!
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]


Oh, fuck, another meeting? Caesar definitely wasn't expecting one so soon, and had been alerted to the meeting by his Crewmates and followed after them. The rain pouring down made him slightly nervous, and the demon looked out the window with his ears folded back at the outside. God, he hated the rain. Shaking off the thought and trying to drown out the noise of thunder as much as he could, the demon took a seat at the meeting area.

Pincher started off with the normal announcements, starting with the joiners (which Caesar blocked out), and moved onto the promotions. Caesar grinned when he heard his name being called and nodded a thanks at Pincher. He did take note of the blood that came from the Captain's nose, though he wasn't entirely bothered by it. After all, his body did the same thing whenever it was stressed. It was just a thing that dream demons had to deal with. It was hella painful, but a normal thing nonetheless. He also took note of the other promotions, though didn't comment on them. Pincher announced the usual events after that, and Caesar smirked a bit knowing that the Captain didn't give a shit about The Ascendant's funeral, either. Good. Because he certainly wouldn't be going.

Snowbound was staying here, huh? Now that was an interesting thing to hear. Caesar tilted his head at that, raising an invisible eyebrow. He didn't entirely like how Pincher told them all to be civil, but he supposed it was needed. They were visitors, after all. The demon's tail tip twitched at the Captain's orders, clearly not happy about having to be 'civil' to the Snowbounders.

//Congrats you guys!

Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - Character Graveyard. - 06-03-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Her first meeting it seemed. The obsidian-female had approached, at Pincher's announcement of a meeting. As he began speaking, her ears pricked up high, to show she could hear him. "Congrats to those promoted and noted for the rest!" The female said.
© madi

Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - ROXANNE R. - 06-03-2018

Hmm, Pincher looked down in the dumps. She wondered why but she decided not to poke any fun at him at the moment as she walked over spreading her wings a bit so they didn't get so stiff. She would nod slowly with a small smile on her maw as she said "Noted Cap'tn," She would host the weekly tasks soon enough once she had a snack since she was feeling a bit snackish, the winged Siamese would soon mew out with a light shrug "Congrats to those promoted,"
© madi

Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - ARGUS - 06-03-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Now Argus was probably the most defiant of the entire group. that is saying that she was cheeky, rebelling against pincher's rule in subtle ways to keep the roux in check on his own powers as leader. It was a common way that she showed affection at least, respecting the leader did little for her so she showed the opposite. Now, she respected Pincher- he was a good leader and Argus respected him more than she has any other leader of her time. It was why she showed up a little before the meeting started, just to get rid of the hassle of bonnie's screeching at her.

But what happened instead was that the bird was missing, Pincher seemingly hungover and even depressed. She was alarmed. The meeting went by normally, Welcoming newer people to the group with a slight warble in the leader's voice. Dark red eyes watching him the entire meting. She nodded to the promotions of Caesar and Beatrice, but blinked at Krataa's promotion. He was a suspicious person and argus did not approve of that. The leopard should at least be given more time to prove himself loyal to the group before he received a promotion. Her eyes narrowed.

Finally she looked back up to watch blood slowly trickle out of the leader's nose. Brain damage? She stepped forward of the group. Her eyes narrowed and pupils constricted. She did not like this. What the hell happened to pincher? Where was bonnie? " Yeah, I've got an issue Pincher" Because it would be Argus who would bring this up, though she normally wouldn't at a meeting she wasn't going to let go of him having an injury and trying to preform his duties. "You need to go see lilypoise. I don't like what I'm seeing from you capt'n."

Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - The Tombs - 06-03-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Ugh. Two things he hated: storms and that fucking bird Pincher had. At least one of them was missing...for now.

Iosef was slow to lumber out from his dwelling at the sound of a ringing conch call accompanied by frantic pawsteps outside, slamming the door shut behind him with one muscular hind paw as he followed them to the Deep Sea Dome. The rumble of thunder forced himself to flatten his round ears upon his white cranium in sheer annoyance, and he picked up the pace so to evade the dance of lightning. He was never one to enjoy storms or lighting or anything of the sort—and yet he took the time to master his electric elementals. He was, in simplest form, a walking contradiction, which was why he usually preferred to engage in hand-to-hand combat. His capabilities, however, were great for sinister, very painful and often effective torture methods or getting him out of the corners he was often forced into.

Sitting next to the familiar figure of a winged wolf, the Siberian tiger's icy gaze rested upon the Doberman Pinscher as the vital announcements of the Typhoon were addressed. Huh. New body for the Cap. As the dominant canine droned on and on—hrmph, Russian comrade—Iosef was quick to realize the alarming change in Pincher's demeanor. He was so much slower; depressed, even. Blood trickled from his corpse, and there was little electricity in his electric blue hues. What the hell happened when Iosef was gone? Who the fuck died? And why would Pincher even care? Jesus Christ, they ought to get the guy a doc. He was in awful shape.

Iosef nodded at the end of the tiring speech that listed off the promotions and introductions of a bunch of people he didn't meet or care about. "Yeah, noted and congratulations to those promoted. Look, капитан, I'm with Argus on this one. With all respect and no offense intended, you look like you've died and crawled out of your own fucking grave. For God's sake, check with a damn doctor," the tiger drawled, his voice deadly firm and almost demanding of the captain. He really wasn't intending to sound rude or bitter or anything of the sort. If anything, he was voicing his genuine concern on the matter, especially now that Argus brought it up.
[glow=#0097a3,2,300]LOSERS WEEPERS[/glow] —

Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - georgie - 06-04-2018

"[color=white]Sure is a new body! Isn't it darling? I just love her spots, so chic! She was so nice to lend it to me." Georgie gushed happily, giving her new spotted posterior a cheeky wiggle because that's how her good mood had gotten her. It was a nice body. Certainly much easier for her to control than the serval, with those big ears and long stilt-legs. Cute, but functionally dreadful. The leopard sidled near, humming something under her breath and pricking at the ground with new claws she was dying to try out as she looked up at Pincher, and then down at the rest of the crowd.

"[color=white]Hm. Miss Argus, I love you with all my heart! And I'm sure Pretty Stripes has only the best in mind. But I think Pincher looks fine. Just as handsome as ever." Georgie pursed her lips into a coy little smile as if nothing was really wrong right now. "[color=white]A little bitty bit messy but we like our boys rough and tumble around here, right?" She couldn't care less, but it was something to comment on, and Georgie liked the sound of her new voice. Nowhere near as mosquito-like as the old one. Anyway, if Pincher felt it was alright to muscle through a meeting in his condition, then Georgie was happy for the entertainment and more than content to encourage it. Let the man run himself ragged if he wanted - it was funny.

"[color=white]Congratsies to those promoted! I'm so proud of you all, you're doing so great! Gosh, I should start to put together goodie bags for this sort of thing..." She chattered on idly, warm brown eyes scanning over those who had climbed in the ranks.

Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - purgatory - 06-04-2018

Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - Beatrice - 06-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Beatrice took a seat towards the back of the group, eyes lazily moving about the area as Pincher spoke. She had been quiet the past couple of days, keeping to herself. She chose to only interact with others on a minimal basis, and even then, it was barely interaction. It was almost as if something had shifted inside of her - or maybe she was just sinking further into herself. She couldn't be sure.

The red heeler was hardly paying attention, though she did catch her name. Privateer, huh? She smiled. Maybe she truly was good at fighting. The girl only nodded her head, however, choosing to remain silent. She did let concern flash over her features as she noted the blood dripping from Pincher's nose, but even so, she was quick to dismiss the emotion.

Re: CRUCIFIED HANDS — MEETING 6.3.18 - Wade Wilson - 06-04-2018

actions "speech"
Wade hadn't been super interested in the meeting until he heard his name and decided to wander over, spying Vanessa and taking a seat beside the pretty female. The announcements didn't mean too much to him, though he would congratulate those promoted alongside the rest. If he could be totally honest, he was more interested in Pinch and how out of it the leader looked. "Hey bud, you got a little-" he motioned to his nose. "-something something."
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]