Beasts of Beyond
THE BLOOD TIDES || GUIDE (WIP) - Printable Version

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You stumble across the Canyons, lost in both direction and thought and so throat so parched you feel like you could pass out and die. You are an advanced and intelligent feline, but even you can't do anything about the summer's heat beating down on your pelt, causing you to sweat relentlessly, everything in your visual range to seeming blurry.

All of a sudden you catch a glimpse of a small pool of water near dying shrubs and you accelerate towards the pool eagerly and dive in, greedily gulping down masses of water and sighing in relief as the liquid washed over your pelt. You didn't mind the water. Feeling hydrated once more, you settle in the pool, closing your eyes in the slight bubbling to redeem your strength, when out of nowhere you hear a snarl, an ear piercing whine and another rumbling of growls, your head whips around instantly, to see a blurred out, muscular, black male lion, releasing his last fatal blow to a fat male coyote.
You duck back underwater immediately, terrified of being seen by the unfamiliar creature. As the need to breathe and curiosity drives you out of the pool towards the coyote that lays motionless on the ground, the male lion catches a such glimpse of you and maliciously bolts forwards, pinning you to the ground in a swift and sudden movement that leaves you slightly stunned.
"Who are you?" His voice comes out low, guttural, his claws inching towards your trachea, a sadistic smile on his face.
"I'm-, ah,"
Lying isn't an option in front of him, and a voice in your head reminds you cautiously. "I'm Raven and I'm in need of a clan. And I'm hungry."
The sick and twisted feline crouching on top of you grins and shrugs. "And that has something to do with me because...?" A small whimper bursts from your throat and you blurt out the only thing you can think of. "I'd like to know your name, please."
A chuckle slips from the male's maw, as if even the thought of someone questioning him was humorful. "Unholy. Blood Tides. Not a pleasure to meet you." A rapid firing of bullet words that makes you flatten your ears against your skull. "Great, now that we know each other, I'm going to kill you for trespassing on our territory." You shiver and try to think of an excuse but come up with none, then remember why you came here.
"I have heard of you guys actually," His optics darken and narrow at your informality, but he said nothing. "and I came here in hopes to find a Blood Tides feline to ask to join your, uh, clan." Your voice speedens up further as he begins cutting off your air circulation. After a long time of taunting consideration that causes sweat to bead down your forehead and spittle to land on your muzzle, he finally responds.
"I will bring you to the other two Carnages and see what fate you will meet there."

You nod gratefully and get up to follow behind him, simply grateful that you could breathe once again. He notices your reactions as you enter a deeper world, a larger cavern. Stops in front of two other beasts, glowing slightly with a mythical aura. One a really large crocodile, optics glowing bloodred, the other the most beautiful serval, lilac eyes looking at you in a curious yet friendly manner. You bow with a tremor running through your body, in respect and slight fear, not seeing the other dozen of black-pelted felines that sit in the darkness. As you watch Unholy join them, they sit, waiting, and a brief conversation ensues between the other two Carnages as they wait for Unholy to settle down. You hear a snarl from the beast before he goes quiet.
"Welcome to the Blood Tides. We are the three Carnages, aka the people who run this thing. Listen to us if you don't want to die."
An Italian voice speaks up, coming out a slow drawl. "You won't get into that much trouble, but please, do be careful around us." It seemed lazy enough, but the harsh gleam in the panther's cold optics warns you darkly. You nod quickly and cast your gaze to the ground. Then the softest tone reaches your ears. "Darling, would you kindly follow us? We'll give you a tour. I am Seraphic. The Italian is Tempest, and I am sure you and Unholy have already met." The angelic girl stands up with a small smile, her paws brushing the floor.

The Tides are near-nonexistent on the map, almost completely wiped off after the most brutal battle that had occured in centuries. Everything had gone and been ruined so the original founders of the Tides went underground and brought the entire thing with them. What remains of the battle is a searing hot desert that burns fur and has stone weapons sticking out of the ground. One visible landmark, however, is a very thin piece of stone that juts out of the ground as if a giant were trying to claw his way out.
Chamber of Meetings:
Outcrop Views:
Temple of Madness:
Healer's Hut:
Market Clearing:
The Path That Leads to Other Places:
Clearing of Tranquility:
Fallen Ruins:
Path to Inside:
Emerald Caverns:
Blue Fissures:
Blue Temple:


→ CARNAGE: leader
→ EMPEROR: second on  command
→ PURIFIER: assassins, sent to do dirty work
→ HEALER: heals shit
→ WAR-GENERAL: war arrgh
→ ADEPT: sometimes known as specialist
→ ASSISTANT: apprentice
→ MOTHER: knows best
→ CHILD: useless baby
- carnage, emperor, purifier, healer('s assistant), wargeneral, adept someimes known as specialist(each have specific skillset like art, warrior etc), assistant, mother, child

battle, they all went underground

THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pellentesque a diam ut dapibus. Ut a dolor ligula. Etiam a accumsan massa. Praesent sed lectus odio. Nullam ut ipsum non tellus feugiat aliquet a eu nulla.

→ RULE ONE: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pellentesque a diam ut dapibus. Ut a dolor ligula. Etiam a accumsan massa.
→ RULE TWO: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pellentesque a diam ut dapibus. Ut a dolor ligula. Etiam a accumsan massa.
→ RULE THREE: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pellentesque a diam ut dapibus. Ut a dolor ligula. Etiam a accumsan massa.

TRADITIONS: [INTRO HERE] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pellentesque a diam ut dapibus. Ut a dolor ligula. Etiam a accumsan massa. Praesent sed lectus odio. Nullam ut ipsum non tellus feugiat aliquet a eu nulla. Suspendisse vitae neque commodo, pellentesque ligula tristique, viverra diam. Aliquam a finibus erat, at elementum odio.

→ TRADITION: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pellentesque a diam ut dapibus. Ut a dolor ligula. Etiam a accumsan massa.
→ TRADITION: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pellentesque a diam ut dapibus. Ut a dolor ligula. Etiam a accumsan massa.
→ TRADITION: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pellentesque a diam ut dapibus. Ut a dolor ligula. Etiam a accumsan massa.
→ TRADITION: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pellentesque a diam ut dapibus. Ut a dolor ligula. Etiam a accumsan massa.

TRADITIONS: [OUTRO HERE] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pellentesque a diam ut dapibus. Ut a dolor ligula. Etiam a accumsan massa. Praesent sed lectus odio. Nullam ut ipsum non tellus feugiat aliquet a eu nulla. Suspendisse vitae neque commodo, pellentesque ligula tristique, viverra diam. Aliquam a finibus erat, at elementum odio.

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