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INTO THE FIRE CONSUMED ☼ drinking & reminiscing - Printable Version

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INTO THE FIRE CONSUMED ☼ drinking & reminiscing - sabbath - 01-06-2023

[div style="max-width: 500px; letter-spacing: 5px; text-align: center; font-family: book antiqua; color: #000720; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: -15px;"] I'M JUST A PAWN
Sometimes, there were times that they wished they could return to. There were individuals they wanted to return to. A place they called home that they wanted to find their way back to. Loved ones that they had left behind however long ago.

Tonight, they were deep in their tankards. They were mindless of the sound of others, too distracted by various thoughts to be of much use to anyone. Deep was the weary breath that they took, sipping from their tankard, tail curled about their paws as they weighed the taste of the ale on their tongue. As bitter as ever, they caught their-self thinking as they stared into the amber depths. Swallowing the heart raising into their throat with a cough, ears laying flat as they thought to the most recent situation they'd found their-self in. They had recently caught news from someone at random that had heard of their plight, of their search for a friend from back home. For Roxanna, the woman that had stolen their heart all those many months ago when they'd grown up at one another's sides.

Closing their eyes, the Icarian shook their head and shook out their wings, reaching to pluck a feather that had been causing them grief for some time now. Putting it on the counter beside themself, the hybrid would heave a weary sigh before getting to their paws. Perhaps a flight would be better for clearing their head than drinking and drowning their sorrows. Putting some form of payment down, they would thank the bartender and head out from the pub, digging their paws into the sand as they walked down to the beach.

It felt nice, the way the sand fit between their toes. It was also a reminder of home, of the sparring pits of the Icarian Empire, of the times they'd sparred with her, with Roxanna and of the countless times that she had taken them to the ground but that was to be expected considering that well, they were ultimately different species. Exhaling, they strode along, gaze out on the rolling tide of the sea and the last of the sun's rays painting the sky in a beautiful colour. Ducking their head, the hybrid would continue to pace along the beach, heading for the tallest palm tree that they could espy. Sinking claws into ribbed bark, they began their ascension up the trunk with a wistful expression as they rustled among the leaves and came out on top of the tree. Staring out over the view that belonged to their home, they felt wetness on their fur.

Lifting a paw, they wiped at their face and stared in some half amazement at the tears glistening on the tips of their fur. They were crying? Sitting down as best as they could, they took a shuddering breath as they tried to stop the sudden clenching in their chest. It was lonely up in the tree, sure, but they didn't think it was the reason for it all. "Idiot. What are you crying for? You know .. you know she doesn't think about you in the same way. You also know that you're not alone so why ... why are you crying?", they spoke softly to themself as they sat there, whiskers trembling as soft sobs escaped the Icarian. This place still wasn't home, they didn't think they ever could make it home despite the way everyone was happy and blended together. They felt the outsider, though perhaps, that was their own fault. They liked the people here, it reminded them of those that were back home, home in the Empire. What a lonely fate the Knight had taken upon themself, to come here, to lead the exploring party.

Some part of them screamed to be nestled among the bodies of their family members, to be buried in fur and feathers and to hear the laughter of their siblings once again. They wanted to see everyone again, and it hurt, it hurt so much to know that that would be no easy feat. They'd agreed to explore the wide unknown because they were brave and because things would have to change back home. Their Empire was growing, and expansion was a necessity of growth and hearing of other lands had brought interest to the Empire and the courts. As a noble, they'd had to do something for their people and home, but as a family member they knew they had to look out for their family so that their siblings might continue to wear happy expressions. A sob welled up out of their lungs as they sat upon the tree, wings spread limply around them as they took from their side an ornate dagger in it's leather sheath, tracing their paws over the hilt and works. This too had been a gift, from one they'd left behind. From one they heard was close. Inhaling, they shook as they opened their mouth once again and began to sing, the lilt of their blackbird heritage coming to note as they sang without words, following a melody they couldn't place. Where was she? Would Roxanna come if she heard their song? They were so alone, that it hurt to not know.

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credit to teef

Re: INTO THE FIRE CONSUMED ☼ drinking & reminiscing - Casphian - 01-06-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
Play by the rules! -- Icarian. Typhoon.
The nights and days had long since blurred together for the Icarian. Her travels becoming meaningless in the grand scheme of things. She had only set out to exploration because her Empress had told her to. It felt like it had been so long since she had last seen her Empress and her oldest friend, she had honestly hoped to see Sabbath but she hadn’t found hide nor hair of the smaller Icarian.

And now she was in a group, very much unlike her home and filled with people she did not know. She was searching for someone here, hoping that Sabbath was her but every day she didn’t find them lead her to believe even more that they weren’t here.

But then she heard the faint whisper of a song. Her head perked up from where she laid, ears pressing forwards as she strained to catch the faint song once more. Eventually Roxanna pushed herself up onto her paws, red wings ruffling on her back as she took off in the direction of the song. Slowly it began to grow louder and more familiar, her heart pounded in her chest.

The lioness nearly stumbled as she came to a stop beneath a tree. Her head tilting up as her gaze locked onto a very familiar form, eyes widening as she took in their features. “Sabbath?”

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- but do it ferociously!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy