Beasts of Beyond
SAVE ME FROM THIS NIGHTMARE || Nightmare + breakdown - Printable Version

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SAVE ME FROM THIS NIGHTMARE || Nightmare + breakdown - Casphian - 01-05-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
CW: Nightmare/flashback, mentions of death

Dark red paws thunder across the terrain, equally dark maw split apart as pants of air slipped out. A wild gaze was locked onto the path in front of the running creature, unable to look anywhere else but the path. Voices circled around Solsken, calling out to him and laughing at his misery. “Monster!” One would call out, causing the Hellhound to stumble a bit. “No! I’m not a monster!” He cried out. Cackling could be heard all around him as he shook out his head and continued to run along the winding path.

The Hellhound skidded to a stop, gaze wide as a creature stepped out in front of him. The billowing figure of his mother stood before him, her unseeing gaze staring right through his soul. “Momma?” He asked in such a soft voice, as if afraid she would shatter if he was loud. His ears flattened against his head which would lower as he went to step towards her.

“Murderer,” her voice whispered out, the sound floating through the wind and circling the Hellhound. Solsken stared wide eyed at his mother’s wispy form, as if daring her to say it once more. And she did. “Murder!” She screeched out, blank gaze glowing a bright red.

Solsken scrambled backwards, shaking his head vigorously as he did so. “No I’m not a murderer!” He cried out, choking on his own tears. “It was an accident I promise! I never meant to hurt you!” He pleaded. Images flashed in his mind, the dreaded night that he wished to forget resurfacing. He hadn’t been that old, just barely able to take care of himself. Tiny paws stood in the red stained snow, trembling as his gaze stared wide eyed down at his parents bodies. Whimpers slipped past his muzzle as he tried to figure out what had happened but his mind was drawing a blank as if the memories didn’t exist.

Solsken shook his head once more, a paw lifting to claw at his head. “No! No! I’m not a murderer!” He cried out, sobs raking through his body as he stumbled backwards.

Pink orbs snapped open, the red hues body sitting up with a loud snarl. Solsken pushed himself up from here he had been resting, stumbling towards part of his house and seeming to run into something if the sound of an object falling to the ground was any indicator. The Hellhound’s brain was still heavy with sleep and the nightmare, leaving Solsken not fully aware of his surroundings.

Re: SAVE ME FROM THIS NIGHTMARE || Nightmare + breakdown - SirDio - 01-06-2023

Liqueor wasn't a nocturnal creature, not by any means. He was having restlessness for personal reasons, which caused him to be at the right place at the right time. His massive paws led him all around town at that point, when he heard it. The sound of something happening within Solsken's house urged the lumbering animal forward, and he pushed the door open gently. "Solsken? Are you alright in here?" he called out, concern lacing his usual bass voice.
[glow=black,2,300][color=#32766a]— [/glow]

Re: SAVE ME FROM THIS NIGHTMARE || Nightmare + breakdown - Casphian - 01-06-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken’s head snapped towards the form that stood in his doorway. A low growl reverberated through his chest, his hackles raising as his head lowered. The skull he always wore was knocked askew, the normally humor filled orbs staring down Liqueor as black tears wept from them.

Re: SAVE ME FROM THIS NIGHTMARE || Nightmare + breakdown - Kiara Kokytos - 01-07-2023

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

she had been awake watching the stars and was about to depart after a particularly large cloud seemingly covered the sky, but the nosies from solsken's house drew her. hurrying over as things crashed to the floor she pushed past liqueur, squeezing her lithe form past his bulk. she observed solsken as black tears drip drip dripped from his soulless orbs and the fur on her back bristled.

Re: SAVE ME FROM THIS NIGHTMARE || Nightmare + breakdown - aesior - 01-16-2023

and they saw trouble in my eyes
"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
it seemed that the community of Tanglewood was plagued by restless nights and bad dreams. he had his own personal reasons for being awake long into the night, the Luminary dragging himself back from his forge set up off in the depths of the jungle, mind occupied by thoughts of bringing the forge into the village for easier access. he was pulled from his thoughts as he heard sound coming from solsken's house, whipping his head in the offending building's direction and already seeing a few forms rushing to gather outside the doors.

changing his own direction, the tabby tom approached the stairs and climbed up, weaving amongst the few other NPC members awake so late at night. he let out a raspy breath, tapping his paws upon the wooden boards of the patio to announce himself, slipping past Kiara and Liqueor, stepping over the thresh hold of Sol's home with a flick of his tail against the doorframe. his gaze found the form of Solsken within his home in the dark, the feline's eyes adjusting to the dark as he gave a slow breath and began to approach his adopted son, head lowered and tail drifting easily behind himself, in a position to show that he was no threat. he had a silent concern that shapeshifting could agitate the younger male even further. he would move as close as he was allowed by the other, gently reaching out a paw towards Solsken, a silent request to touch the youth to help him calm down.

they were quick to recognize the devil in me.
aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- luminary.
credit @/teef

Re: SAVE ME FROM THIS NIGHTMARE || Nightmare + breakdown - Casphian - 01-17-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Unseeing yet feral orbs snapped towards Aesior as the small feline stepped forwards. The Hellhound lowered himself to the ground a bit, low growls continuing to rumble out. He didn’t lash out at the paw that was extended, as if silently telling the other it was okay.

Some part of the feral beast seemed to of recognized the scent of his father. No matter what state the Hellhound was in he could never hurt Aesior, he would never lay paw on his adoptive father. The man had taken him in and had saved his life, all things he didn’t have to do yet he did. And Solsken would never be able to repay him for it. So the least he could do is swear to never harm him and to always be there.