Beasts of Beyond
icey waters - [BOAT DELIVERY] - Printable Version

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icey waters - [BOAT DELIVERY] - Morrison - 01-03-2023

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
A few months back Tanglewood had requested boats after a tropical storm wrecked the mainland's resources. This was prompted by an unfortunate tip being provided to them. Nevertheless, this allowed The Typhoon to replenish lost resources by requesting fresh, undamaged lumber in return. In truth, both sides benefitted. Even so, the island before them was contested. Unfortunately for Morrison, The Typhoon had no clue that Tanglewood had set their sights on the island that they had grown attached to.

Nevertheless, the adventure awaits. While planning their next visit to the island, Sherbet and the crew had finished building ships for Tanglewood, leaving Morrison to deliver them. So, he thought, why not do it all in one fell swoop? With his crew in tow, they set out on the waters with several captains leading ships of their own and few of Tanglewood's sturdy ones in tow.

The sound of a skittering halt upon the shore rang out as wood collided against rough, wet sand. The boats had arrived as promised. All there was left to do was confirm their existence with Aesior, show them the ropes, and then head off to the island. Easy as that. With that in mind, Morrison pulled himself over to the boat's side and looked over the edge. Swamp water. Fun... With a sigh, he mustered up the courage and jumped over the side, gills prepping for the swamp sludge to come.

His tail led him against the current and onto the shore where the older canine gasped for air, transitioning between land and sea. After catching his breath, he let out an exasperated sigh. "Nasty stuff, ain't it?" he quipped back at the crew that followed. He shook off the remainder of the swamp's greenery and then turned back to the horizon, looking into Tanglewood's land in hope of finding any sign of life. No one yet.

In an attempt to gather attention, as if the boats and chatter of The Typhoon's crew haven't done that already, a howl for attention left him. "ANYONE THERE? WE BROUGHT YOU PRESENTS, SWAMP MONSTERS!" His nickname for them was light hearted and meant no harm, clearly implied by the snicker and snort he let out afterwards.

Re: icey waters - [BOAT DELIVERY] - aesior - 01-04-2023

and they saw trouble in my eyes
"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
For a non aquatic creature himself, the latest Luminary had a strange interest in water, perhaps a bit too morbid of an interest. For reasons of his own, he was down near the beaches, buried in his own thoughts and actions as he walked along the beach. Lifting his head at the sound of voices and the approaching sight of the boats he'd commissioned from The Typhoon, he would retreat back to the cover of trees to allow the landing party to come ashore. He couldn't help the silent laugh to himself at Morrison's comment on swamp sludge before he stepped forward. It was easier to communicate with a different body than the one he was born into and those choices were slim. Shedding his tabby form for that of a large lion, he stepped from the cover of trees with a rumble of greeting, "Welcome to the Swamp, Typhooners. Nice to see you, Morrison.", he would speak as he shook muck from wide paws, semi-transparent veil fluttering in the slight breeze. He would offer a smile under the veil and the mask that he wore to hide the scarring that he bore upon his maw and face.

Casting his silver-eyed glance over the boats the Typhoon had wrangled for them, a look of pleasure was in his eyes. The last few months had been hard enough to get through, let alone for the ship-makers of the Typhoon who had created these boats for them. It was half-satisfying to know that Tanglewood's own lumber was used in this project, even if the Typhoon didn't know the exact reason why he wanted these hunks of wood. Though, he couldn't say that they probably didn't have an idea. Low was the growl as he cleared his throat, a nasty sounding cough escaping the brute. Shaking his head to clear the pain, he would fix Morrison and his crews with a curious look. Quite a large amount of boats and hands to work them. It seemed to him that the Typhoon might be making another trip out to the island they had discovered, one that Tanglewood would soon be taking if he had any say in it. He had yet to address this to his people, and he hoped that they would take interest in this land that belonged to their portion. He intended to claim it for their own uses, he had a great many plans for the swamp.

they were quick to recognize the devil in me.
aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- luminary.
credit @/teef

Re: icey waters - [BOAT DELIVERY] - Morrison - 01-04-2023

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
As the larger lion appeared out from the underbrush, the canine offered a polite dip of his head and a smile to follow. Aesior had always been polite to Morrison and he could only reciprocate that kindness back. Tanglewood was an ally to The Typhoon, weren't they? Even so, Sherbet's words rung in his head. Continuing to smile, the former captain offered a reciprocated greeting. "Quite the murky land ye've got here, mate," he commented. His smile turned into a slightly cheeky smirk. "It's a pleasure to see you, Aesior."

The canine did not have much else to add, but he could speak for days if someone allowed him to. "Any plans with these ships?" he questioned curiously. "We're about to take the rest for a spin." A paw gestured out at the extra ships with The Typhoon's crew aboard. "Crash into some waves, fight the Kraken, maybe be hypnotized by a hot siren lady if we're lucky, my friend." A wink was offered the leader's way. He attempted to grow closer and offer a joking, light punch on the shoulder. He'd then try to put his tail over their back, as if to wrap around his shoulder, and lean into the leader with a smirk. "Maybe I'll bring back a pretty one for ye, eh?" A furry brow rose, cockily questioning the other's interest.

Re: icey waters - [BOAT DELIVERY] - aesior - 01-05-2023

and they saw trouble in my eyes
"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
Soft was the amused laugh at his ally's comment, "We like the murk. Makes it harder for certain things to reach us. Harder for our prey to escape as well.", he shrugged with a warm grin, "Part of the unique ecosystem here. The pleasure is all mine, 'specially with the beauty of a gift you've brought us."

Tipping his head with a quirk of a smile on his maw, allowing the other to come closer and touch him though a long buried memory screamed at him to put distance between them, sending a thrill down his spine as he kept himself tempered and still. There was no reason to freak out about the other old brute, no reason at all. Taking a breath as he forced his muscles that had tightened to relax, "Plans? Chasing out an infestation of rats that moved into our waterways, and exploring those same waterways. The storm cleared up blocked paths." he would murmur with a thoughtful scratch to his chin. "Ever had muskrat? It tastes good.", he hummed before grinning, "I'll take myself a pirate over a siren any day, my friend. Feel so kind as to show me the ropes? Pfft. Bring me back a handsome lad and you'll be in my good books." he returned in a jovial mood, blowing past the momentary freezing up.

they were quick to recognize the devil in me.
aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- luminary.
credit @/teef