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boat race | open | run across the swamp - Printable Version

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boat race | open | run across the swamp - SHERBET - 01-03-2023

//Wait for Morrison to reply first <3

Sherbet, despite having grown into his role slightly more, still found himself drawn to asking Captain Morrison for help on occasion, or for advice. He considered the old seadog a mentor of sorts since the ice cream tabby never thought he'd end up as leader of a pirate crew. Swishing his tail, fur slightly on edge as he swung around one corner, he found Morrison waiting on him where he asked him too.

"Capt'n Morrison, thank you." A sigh of relief puffed into the cold air, billowing above the two animals, "I'm wanting to ask you to deliver the message, and possibly the boats, to Tanglewood that we agreed on. You're free to head back to the island to scout more, or make sure no other group has made base there, whatever you decide afterwards, just know I'll support your decision."

Flicking his tail anxiously, the Captain lowered his voice a bit, "But, I'm a bit worried Tangle, or rather Aesior, caught wind of the island's existence whether through a fault of our own, or from speculation, I don't think how matters. If you decide to go over, keep an eye out for Tangler's, or any other group's."
[member=18024]CAPTAIN MORRISON[/member]
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: boat race | open | run across the swamp - Morrison - 01-03-2023

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
The leader's request for a meeting came as a surprise to Morrison. He had never tried to see himself as a high being, maybe a mentor of a sorts, but never someone to look up to. He had his fair share of sins to spread around, but even so, his attitude lifted the spirits of others in The Typhoon and he knew that at least meant something. With that thought in mind, he cautiously approached the meeting spot with his orange gaze wide and fish ears perked, waiting for a familiar face to arrive. Thankfully, he was just on time.

Sherbet's voice led him to look over and offer a kind grin, showing off yellowed teeth as he went along. "Sir Sherbet," he cooed back in greeting. He continued to listen shortly after and ended up nodding along with the other's words in agreement. "You can count on me, mate, but be warned that if I see others on that island, things won't end to nicely." A paw came up to his neck, mimicking a throat slit. The pirate life had never left him... sort of. "Well, I mean, of course I'll talk it out first..." He had lightened up over the years. "'m sure we can smooth things out."

Standing tall, he managed to stiffen up at the captain's words. Maybe his first instinct would have to be leaned into. A hum left him as his eyes narrowed towards the leader in contemplation. "I see," he murmured. His paw that was once at his throat turned to tap at his chin, only to stop when an idea had formed. "I'll lead a troop there after I drop boats off at Tanglewood. Better to do things in one sweep, rather than waiting for them to strike. We can check things out while we're there, all slick and sneaky like."

Whether or not the leader agreed, the former captain took charge. Captain of his ship or captain of the Typhoon, he always held his head high and led with a loud personality, along with his voice. "FIRST MATES, SECOND MATES, AND WHATEVER MATE YOU ARE, GATHER HERE IF YE ARE READY TO DROP OF SOME BOATS AT TANGLEWOOD AND EXPLORE THE NEW LAND!"

// Dropping boats off at Tanglewood + exploring the island (with a Tanglewood surprise!)

Re: boat race | open | run across the swamp - SHERBET - 01-03-2023

A weary grin lit up his face, a small bark of laughter coming from him, "Do what you gotta do, Capt'n. Just don't end up murdering anyone, that'd be a bit hard to talk us out of. Just make sure you get everyone together before you head off."
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: boat race | open | run across the swamp - Morrison - 01-04-2023

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
A nod came from the captain. He had not planned to murder anyone, nor would he wish to, but he had taken a life before in his past and would not wish to do it again without provocation. On that note, he nodded in agreement. "I will try my best, cap'n. No life will taken on my part," he reassured. "I find that unnecessary over a bit of land." The groups had fought over less though. "I'll make sure everyone returns, safe and sound, capiche?"

As for the rest, he tapped his foot impatiently. Morrison was rearing to go.

Re: boat race | open | run across the swamp - Scyllios - 01-04-2023

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── Scyllios had little issue with delivering boats to Tanglewood. Vey were not wronged by the swamp, vey held no ill will toward them. The other island part, Scyllios was a little concerned about. Bloodshed over a territory.. it seemed obvious that it would happen, but dread settled in vis stomach like a rock. Still, expansion was expansion, and Scyllios wanted to see the island.

Wordless as always, vey approached Morrison with a gentle nod. Vey were as ready to go as he was.

Re: boat race | open | run across the swamp - Alexandre - 01-04-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
Following in the steps that Scyllios left behind, Alexandre grew close to the group and settled near the front. They were willing to go on the condition that they could somehow finagle their way out of labor, but that was on a rare chance with Morrison's pestering. Even so, they had to at least do something. The island was beginning to grow cold due to the weather and something had to be done to keep warm. That said, they offered a paw up to the leader and the former captain.

With their paw raised, whether they were called on or not, they began to speak. "Is maiming allowed?" Their tone was serious but their expression remained confident and cocky with a smile. After all, they said no murder. Not no harm in general.

Re: boat race | open | run across the swamp - SHERBET - 01-05-2023

"We are pirates, what's a little maiming on the side, eh?" The tabby snickered lightly before smoothing out, his paw raising to do a whatever movement, "Like I said, just don't kill, and engage per Capt'n Morri's command."
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: boat race | open | run across the swamp - Alexandre - 01-05-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
The feline offered a genuine smile in response. They were pleased by that answer, clearly. "I promise," they cooed back. Alexandre looked between the two momentarily, offering a crane of his head in response. For a moment, they wondered why the two suspected Tanglewood's involvement, especially after being tied together as allies for so long and having shared families. Perhaps he had spoken too much during his visit, but Aesior couldn't be so naïve, could he? The thought crossed their mind as they sat silent, waiting for a command.

Oh well. Another day, another drama. Just not as drastic.