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liquid frost ? January Meeting 1/3 ? - Printable Version

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liquid frost ? January Meeting 1/3 ? - SHERBET - 01-03-2023


Sherbet was already at attention, his head raised from his caterwaul as he took in the snowy ocean scape, "'Ello, 'Ello! First things first, Happy New Year to you all! I hope you lot had a good 1st of the year."

Mentally flipping through his points, he started with his next, "Reminder, once again, for we still have several HP and SHP's open still! We still are looking for some scallywags to be the Officer, Soothsayer, Sage, Reavers, and Privateers. Anyone can apply, activity isn't the most important aspect right now, we'll be looking more into ideas for the group and how to boost our activity of the island."

"Next, we will be finally handing off the boats that Tanglewood asked us to make for them soon. I'll pull one of you aside and ask to run the message to Aesior and his crew. Be sure to be behave if any of you go over there, things have been tense with how there's only just been a monthly meeting between leaders for the first time in a few months." Sherbet released a sigh from the thought, thinking about how they dodged Coalition anger due to Inferno walking straight to a meeting after a natural disaster, and eeked out some help from Tanglewood in exchange for labor.

Taking a deep breath, he started again, "If anyone is interested in setting up the weekly tasks, please speak up. You may also set up monthly tasks if you want. Make them winter themed, or help the group in anyway, be it large or small." Gazing among the crowd, he added, "Anyone who has event ideas, please ask Quatermaster Sorbet, Dealer Boots, or myself for approval, we would be happy to host any events so long as they're shared!"

"If anyone has any questions, please ask, and I'll answer to the best of my ability."
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: liquid frost ? January Meeting 1/3 ? - Morrison - 01-04-2023

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
A meeting, eh? Well, spit on his shoes and call him greased up, because Morrison was ready to see his successor's newest meeting. Rearing to go, the older canine jogged over and moved on over to the front, sitting down to listen. While the others gathered, he let his mind wander impatiently and his toepads tapped on the floor unconsciously. He had a feeling he knew what the meeting was about, but not sure enough to speak up, so he merely kept to his thoughts and kept his loud mouth shut.

Hushed into silence, the leader began to speak. Morrison was not exactly looking to become a high position again, but he would be open to it, as long as the duties suited his interests. After all, he was supposed to be retired. So much for that though. He was off his rocker every day, trying to find something to do rather than sitting around. Maybe he did need something to keep him busy. At the pestering thought, he audibly. Maybe. Just maybe. Even now, he couldn't keep his paw from tapping and tail from swaying anxiously as he listened. So much for elderly.

Finally! An opportunity to get off his ass. "If ye'd keep me in mind, I'd be honored," the accented voice piped up from the audience. Some time to flex his old bones while pirating a ship couldn't hurt, could it? Morrison merely craned his head. Maybe? No... for sure.

As for the rest, he felt that others would want to step up. He couldn't do everything.

Re: liquid frost ? January Meeting 1/3 ? - Casphian - 01-05-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Quatermaster of the Typhoon.
Sorbet would silent slip into the meeting with the rest of the group piling in. He stayed in the back, preferring to watch over everyone as the meeting began. An ear flicked as he listened to what his brother had to say, let out a soft hum at the mention of weekly tasks. It would be interesting to do but he figured he could let someone else take it up, if no one else was up to it then he could offer his assistance.


Juniper quickly made her way over to the group, slipping her way through the crowd to settle down beside Morrison. The lioness lower her body fully to the ground so those behind her would be able to see, along with the fact her joints were aching and reason to take a moment to rest she would. Her gaze flicked up to the Captain as he spoke, nodding her head along as she listened.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: liquid frost ? January Meeting 1/3 ? - LOKI FLÓKI - 01-09-2023

LOKI FLÓKI 1 year / cutie pie bio

she trotted a ways after her father as he made the call and halted in her steps as he mentioned open ranks. were there truly that many pirates missing from the typhoon? why were there so many open ranks? her brow furrowed and she looked concerned for a moment. "i'd like to apply, if i can.." she spoke up, still in thought. he also mentioned going to tanglewood to go bring news, and she voiced an offer for that, too. she remembered how inferno was treated by her crewmates and knew what she did was wrong - that was for sure an approach she wouldn'T have taken.

apparently finished and waiting for the pirates to speak up now her father waited and she padded up to him. maybe we could have a friendly fishing competetion? a way of gathering food that's also inclusive and fun for the kids. i know i liked it when you took us fishing, dad." her voice was quiet, meant just for the two of them.


Re: liquid frost ? January Meeting 1/3 ? - ROSEMARY - 01-13-2023


The ocelot’s paws floated three centimeters over the sands as she crossed the beach to attend the meeting. Her four eyes, crusted with sleep, blinked and squinted in the harsh sunlight; she held her tail up to create shade, but it helped little. If she’d known today would bring an abnormally bright winter sun, she would’ve stayed in her treehouse.

Her jaw opened wide as she yawned. She’d have to nudge Alexandre about the soothsayer opening up, unless he’d already heard about it. Likely, given her nephew didn’t share her asocial tendencies.

After Sorbet opened the floor to questions, she turned her head to shield her face from the sun and yawned once more. Her air buoyancy dipped, but her paws never once touched the sands. How annoying it was to have to deal with the sun’s glare and the possibility of sand getting between her toes.

Re: liquid frost ? January Meeting 1/3 ? - Cobra - 01-17-2023

dealer of the typhoon
"perfect disaster"
penned by cobra
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    paws trudging forward, he appeared and flopped to the earth. eyes on the gathered as he waited to see what ideas others had. loki offered a fishing event and he perked up quickly. that sounds lovely~ he purred as he looked to see sherbet's opinion.


code by teef